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Posts posted by TromBull12

  1. The simple fact that UCiF could lose to a Navy team that is not on past with last year's Navy team is telling. All of those qualifiers... We don't have competition in the AAC this year. Plain and simple. 

    Only way we lose is if we literally do not show up. This team is hungry, aggressive, and talented. No one is taking this from us. Even if we have to defy the football Gods themselves,  we will not be denied!!!

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  2. 3 hours ago, ambienknights said:

    Or you could give credit that maybe it was the defensive line and home field advantage that rattled him? A beatdown like that is not luck.


    As a USF fan I've seen plenty high scores put up on both teams with a broken spirit AND teams that had fight but no personnel to back it up. I believe Memphis fell into that first category. 

    I just don't think they came ready to play and lost heart. If the knights beat Navy like that in their house they'll earn my attention. I'll definitely watch their game. Admittedly I've watched more of their games this year than I ever had before. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Mama_Bull said:

    Navy only has only made TWO sacks this year.

    I don't see Navy putting much pressure on either the Memphis or UCF QB. Both Memphis and UCF will score a lot on NAVY.

    I think with that in mind Navy can pull a Temple and play a game of possession. Not sure about Memphis but glancing at the knights numbers, they didn't look balanced at all. Shoot that triple option is mean...

  4. 26 minutes ago, Mama_Bull said:

    I think Navy has a much better chance to win @Memphis than they do at home against UCF.

    Look at what UCF did to Memphis: 70-31.

    The UCF QB has only been sacked once this season. He might put up more points on Navy than Memphis. Plus, UCF has a much better defense than Memphis.

    Remember, Navy still has to play @ND and @Houston and they wont be favored in either game.




    That Memphis game was highly uncharacteristic of Memphis and it was in the bounce house. As for the sack numbers,  have they played any defenses known for getting after the quarterback?

    Houston is not the team we knew and respected from years prior. Now Notre Dame is legit this year, but I believe Navy plays the knights before Navy and ND meet. So ND vs NAVY could be a top 25 showdown. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, USFBulls727 said:

    This may or may not mean anything, but this year's UCF team, so far anyway, looks to be clearly better on both sides of the ball than 2016 Temple, our only conference loss last year. Has me comparing last year's Bulls team to this year. I think with the defensive improvements, and the offense (running game particularly) getting in gear, this year's team is actually better....but I could see us possibly being as much as 8-10 underdogs in that game. UCF is looking really good. A lot can change between now and then though...

     Maybe it's my green and gold goggles but I just don't see it. They haven't faced any adversity on the field. I'll save my acknowledgment pic their prowess for when I see them go up against an opponent with some fight in them.

    Now that they're top 25, they'll have a target on their back. Let's see how they do. Looking at their schedule,  their only real challenge before us is Navy. So I'll reserve true judgment until then. Away game plus a team with a pulse. 

  6. I personally like Navy over Memphis. I don't think the knights can take Navy. So if Navy losses to Memphis then beats the knights, they will mess all of this ranked future opponent stuff up. 

    If on the other hand they beat Memphis and stay ranked, both teams might be able to survive the top 25 showdown and we'll get a ranked opponent either way.

  7.  I'm doing yard work and watching college football. Never truly realised how much of a different tax bracket I'm in, in comparison to some of you. Mountains and flying to other football games just to get away really quick sounds amazing. 

    One day this teacher will do the same. 🤞🏿🤞🏿🤞🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿 until then, we'll link arms at USF home games!

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  8. 9 minutes ago, usfbullrider said:

    Gonna be tough to run up the middle against them.

    Anyone have their run stats readily available? Both offense and defense.  If they can't give push or penetrate,  their size is irrelevant. You can be big and sloppy,  size matters,  but not if you don't know how to use it. 

  9. 6 hours ago, USFBulls727 said:

    10-18 for 160 yards. Absolutely astounding numbers for sure, especially against a Steel-Curtain type defense like ECU. If that doesn't get him back into the Heisman conversation, nothing will..

    So that's a bad game? We aren't in a pass heavy offense. Was he efficient? Was he influential and did he single handily impact the outcome of the game? Is he the most important/ valuable player on the field?

    He did what he was asked to do and he looked darn good doing it. I remember when we had to attempt to win without a leader on the field. Q looked confident and dynamic. That's all I'm really saying. If it was so easy to do, we would look around the country and see many other mobile quarterbacks putting up his career numbers.

    I started this thread so we can have some light hearted Q praise. We're quick to fuss when he's off and those same people are even quicker to qualify his good games. 

    Competition, or lack there of,  doesn't make anyone successful. If it did, our down years wouldn't have been so down. If anyone could eat up a porous defense,  most in this conference would have 30+ point streaks. They don't, and it's not. Appreciate the man, the myth, and the legend while he's still wearing our school colors. 

  10. 6 hours ago, TromBull12 said:

    This👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿 forget the knights. We'll get there without their help. CCG will be meaningful and so will the Bowl game. 

    What about this deserved a down vote??? We really have that strong of a knight alliance here? 

    Maybe things changed after I graduated. We never wanted a rivalry with them because it was pointless. All they ever did was whine and lose. 

    They were rude to us, overly aggressive, and flat out tools. Now I'm supposed to wrap my arms around them and talk up their program... nawh I'm good. 

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  11. 48 minutes ago, Apis Bull said:

    Looking at the teams ranked higher than us, we could feasibly be a top 10 team by time we play them.  Without any major upsets, attrition will help, as all the teams ahead of us will play another team(s) ahead of us.

    This👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿 forget the knights. We'll get there without their help. CCG will be meaningful and so will the Bowl game. 

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  12. I often wonder if the Gators are sad because the Seminoles aren't ranked. I wonder if Miami is hurt that they'll get a beat up Seminoles team. 

    I highly doubt either/ both situations above. I don't care about the conference or looks. I want what's best for my team. Having watched both teams as most of you have, I don't get this UCIF love fest. 

    They play aggressive sure... But the teams I've watched them play didn't have enough heart/ fight. They fell behind and just crumbled. Their offenses weren't as balanced or as potent as ours. Their defenses weren't as opportunistic or punishing as ours. 

    Do they have a pulse, sure. When our game is over, that may be in question. They are hungry but we are starving. They went through the pain of one bad season while we strung together several... Barring serious injury, this match up won't even be close. You can quote me on that at the end.

    People obviously slept on them before their match-ups. Let's see how they fare with a target on their back like we've had all season. End of rant. 

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  13. 15 minutes ago, JTrue said:

    I spend a fair amount of time on this board and I haven't seen anyone even jokingly hint at looking at the backups in place of QF. Through 5 games: 2 were excellent, 2 were mediocre against mediocre competition, and 1 was far below what we've come to expect from him. He's earned both criticism and praise so far this season, but no one is calling for Kean/Oladokun. And if announcers/fans pointing out that the best way to beat QF is by making him pass offends you, it's going to be a long rest of the season. There's a reason he's Florida's all-time leading rusher and isn't even in the footnotes for passing.

     Ditto, it wasn't a direct quote. It was an implication after the temple game. It was the way they started to lean and level of excitement when comparing USF big plays against ECUs.

    For comparison,  watching the UCIF game,  the announcers were heaping praise on them. I'm not saying they have to be homers, and criticism is fine, I would simply like equal amounts of enthusiasm all around. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Triple B said:

    I don't recall the announcers ever saying he couldn't beat ECU with his arm. They were saying that Montgomery, like almost every other coach we've faced, said that they wanted to try and make Q beat them with his arm ..... but they acknowledged that at that point in the game, he was still doing it with his legs.

    2nd quarter 12:18 after the 3rd and 13 miscommunication in the red zone. "Little bit of mission accomplished. You stop the run on a couple of plays, (though granted a couple of times with their cooperation), you get into a 3rd and long and you tell Flowers 'beat us with your arm ' and he couldn't do it. "

    It stick out to me originally because that was the drive after a huge completion to #11 (don't want to misspell his name or look it up)  over the middle. In my head I was celebrating because I celebrate Quinton's success for two reasons; I get tired of the criticisms on TBP (some warranted but not starting to suggest Flowers lost it or hinting at looking at the backups) and I love his story having a happier ending so far (his success is our success). 

  15. 4 hours ago, Triple B said:

    I don't recall the announcers ever saying he couldn't beat ECU with his arm. They were saying that Montgomery, like almost every other coach we've faced, said that they wanted to try and make Q beat them with his arm ..... but they acknowledged that at that point in the game, he was still doing it with his legs.

    I'll have to happily re-watch the game. But there was a stalled drive late in the first quarter in the red zone where one of the announcers said, "ECU forced him to beat them with his arm and he can't/ couldn't do it." Roughly. I remember because it bugged me. I'll find it though. 

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