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Posts posted by TromBull12

  1. I really believe USF is built for the long haul. Watching UCiF they have our Achilles heel from last year. They score fast but can't stop a team from dinking and dunking/ eating up clock. 

    The announcers when bashing the Pac 12, talked about the high octane offenses but zero defense. Then they talked about what the truly great teams have in common. Strong defense, strong running game, and quarterbacks that can manage the game. We are shaping up to be like that. Only difference is our quarter back is dynamic. 

    This run heavy offense is growing on me. We can pass when we need to, and eat up clock like a winning team, built to last, should. We don't need to gun sling, SMU is showing the blueprint to beat the knights now. 

    Get A stop and eat up clock before you score. 

  2. 44 minutes ago, El_Toro_86 said:

    Transitive property thing could go the other way as well.  They beat the snot out of Memphis who beat Houston who beat us.  Just sayin...

    Very true, I still think that Memphis game was a trap for them. I don't think they ever mentally got off of the plane. But I agree with your logic in highlighting the dangers of the transitive property. Plus I had to get past my 666 post lol

  3. On 10/30/2017 at 6:49 PM, snarling Bull said:

    unless our OC and HC give up the idea of QF as a pocket passer and all of the runs up the middle, UCF may be a massacre.  

     I'm not going to go crazy with this transitive property thing but, Navy got beat down by Temple. The one team that gave UCiF fits. 

    I whole heartedly don't believe they've been tested this year. With us facing our evil doppelganger in Huston and luck being clearly on their side, we've been reminded of what it feels like to be knocked down and now we're hungrier than ever. 

    UCiF is still riding high after giving up 30+ to Peay... Dont be surprised if they lose to SMU either. The only team they've played with a defense was NAVY and low and behold they didn't look like world beaters. We'll be more than fine. We're going to bounce the bounce house and ride their tears to the conference championship game. 

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  4. 22 minutes ago, PCBull14 said:

    We wouldn't beat either of those teams right now...so lets not go crazy.

    😂😂😂 have you watched them play?!?! The majority of The American can wipe the floor with them.  So the top 3 or 4 teams would run a clinic, us included. They don't have enough defense to keep up with anyone with a pulse. They're offenses are anemic... We didn't lose because we sucked, we lost because of bad luck, poor execution, and lack luster coaching. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, MMW said:


    Then we have ****** fans. 


    Pretty much. So our team dominated for 3 quarters in all phases of the game but you know we could've  lost so I'm not going to support them. 

    You know we're to 25 in like all these important stats but I'm not up for supporting an actual game. I only watch linemen clubbing baby seals. Anything short of Alabama isn't worth my money. 

    What type of logic is that. The game was never really in jeopardy. QF interception was a fluke. That missed and blocked field goals haven't happened in ages. And our defense hasn't had an outing like the 4th quarter all season. 

    Just a fluke quarter where the athletes assumed they had the game wrapped up and didn't. Better they lessen that against lesser competition than later against an actual defensively dangerous team. 

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  6. The level of defeatism on the bulls pen floors me at times. This is the first time a team has been able to play keep away successfully,  mixed with our offense taking the foot off of the gas, equaled a tired defense, which lead to easy scores by a talented/inspired football team.

    I don't know if you all forgot what we looked like as we put up 33 points or what,  but we looked **** good when we weren't starting in our own endzone. The offense was less conservative, QF legs and arms were used effectively, and the run game was punishing. 

    We had a nightmare quarter BUT we could've scored again easy. It honestly felt like Coach Charlie Strong was simply happy keeping the streak alive. That mixed with some poor execution and boom our offense stalls.

    Lucky for us and these moving standards... We don't play a semi legit threat until the end of the season. Every week we "face a real test" until we beat them and then we suck for not beating them enough. We're 7-0 and I don't see a team in this conference that can beat us. 

    I'll happily take the stressful and joyous ride to an undefeated season, conference championship, and NY6 day bowl win  (assuming our NFL caliber players still play in that game.) That game simply had a momentum swing towards the very end. If needed, we could've scored more and kept fighting. Lesson learned by the coaches and team 🤞🏿🤞🏿🤞🏿.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Bull94 said:

    yes it does help you win those games. you honestly don't think practicing plays help you improve? it's why teams play 1-aa cupcakes to start the season. to iron out the kinks.

    how many teams had tape on our offense last year? were they able to stop it?

    it's baffling to me that people think we are holding back so teams have nothing on tape. I guess running outside the tackles would be to much info on tape? maybe a RB screen? or a TE slant? just too much to put on tape??

    this is our offense.

    sure maybe he hasn't felt desperation mode where we have to chuck it 45 times but this is essentially our offense.

    let's just hope we can execute a bunch of plays we haven't run all year when the time comes.

    In QF we trust!!!

  8. I look at it like this,  this year's team is a hold over from last season beating an SEC team,  ranked navy,  and beating the snot out of several decent fbs teams. All this years team knows how to do is win. If we played the 2007 team around now,  this is the time when they folded. 

    Our teams used to do great the beginning of the year and fold late. Shoot you play them on a Thursday and you were almost guaranteed a win. Now people smarter than me chimed in in the article. I believe when tallied up the edge went to the 2017 with a tally of 5-3.

    QF's is a monster. I don't think they could contain him AND all the other offensive weapons. This team is deeper at every position. I think they could make 2007 team one dimensional then force Grothe into cowboy mode. We know what happens when you have to throw too much on this defense. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Capital H said:

    Why does he want to **** USF so bad? is he good in bed??? May not be a bad thing and it'll boost our reputation. Lmbo

    First he publicly endorsed Tagart for another gig,  (Timing was perfect to get a potential upgrade with Strong) now he is publicly telling Nebraska to get bent over Scott Frost? (So UCIF can suck again asap)  Did we do something to him in the past I don't know about? (We are obviously his favorite Scholl by far) 

    It's all about perspective!!!

  10. 1 hour ago, mjadams said:

    Look up Mike White's stats from 2016. Seems like it was nt him but the scheme while he was here. I'LL take 37 TDS  to 7ints with over 4k passing yds any yr.

    That's partially my point. I've seen plenty of Schools not named USF have success with pocket passers. I'm not sure what the hang up has been with us,  but it hasn't worked out well when they can't create with their legs. 

    I'll admit I've only followed USF from the Grothe era. So I have working knowledge of Grothe, Daniels, Evyld, White, Flowers. I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple,  but out of my 5 only 3 were successful. 

    Maybe that was because of scheme, personnel,  or both,  I don't know. I just know I feel more at ease when the defense has to work double time mentally accounting for receivers and the quarterback. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Gatorbull325 said:

    In Kean we Trust :)  i'm happy with our two current quarterbacks and the two freshman quarterbacks coming in 2018. I think we have great receivers, TEs and running backs who have been waiting a long time to shine. QF was cool, but we wasted a lot of receiving talent under him. 

     Are they hidden somewhere behind the receivers who drop passes or behind the ones not getting separation??? 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, JTrue said:

    I can't really be the only person who thinks what CJL did from 1997-2009 is more impressive than what CWT did from 2013-2016.

    I think this falls along the lines of your first love. They always get the boost of being the first. May not be great for you or even good to you, but that initial rush of new love always gets associated with them. 

    2nd, 3rd, 4th love not so much. Even if they were getting closer to your ideal mate, they'll never compare to the first. Same goes for CWT... through no fault of his own,  he can never live up to the legend of Jim Leavitt. 

    He doesn't get the trailer story or the Big East upsets. He doesn't get the love for changing the losing mentality here or getting us back in the national spotlight simply because we didn't haphazardly rise to number 2 in the nation under his watch. 

    CWT didn't get to build here with the hopes of playing for a national championship like CJL did. That was a real shot back then. Shoot we were in a smaller conference with seasoned names and couldn't win. But the fact that we were on the same stage as them gives CJL a boost. 

    You love CJL for a lot of reasons that don't really have much to do with him, and you don't honor CWT nearly as much as you should for the same thing. He'll never be the first and the college atmosphere has changed dramatically since the Leavitt days. 

    Bar some miracle or change in conference... We can't play for a national championship. We aren't playing the storied programs on a regular basis/ at all because we don't get the invite. And with that in mind I don't believe the 10+ year coach exists anymore for us. 

    So no one is going to live up to your elevated memories of the past. CJL  was your first,  but nothing he did is worth more than what CWT did for this program. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, The Great 8 said:

    Auggie saved our 30-point streak. Gilbert's offense couldn't get us there.


    I believe if ANYTHING including the streak were in jeopardy, he would've called something different. I believe they're doing stuff like that to prove to our guys that we're not there yet. 

    Plus I did call a pick 6 before it happened. I could envision karma kicking them in the butt for trying to score off of a penalty,  when they should've been happy going in the locker room trailing by so little. 

  14. I am rooting for his success. He did a great job for USF and I can only imagine him leaving was hard but necessary. Last I checked,  his starting quarterback is injured...

    Imagine where we'd be without QF...

    With that in mind Oregon is still 4-3 and their starter should at the latest be back in two weeks. I'll happily root for Oregon until we face one another. CJL AND CWT both did great things for this university and no bad blood should linger. 

    They'll go bowling this year and ideally we'll see them in a playoff spot a couple years from now. In the battle of the old vs the new. 

    Plus his catch phrases are fun. His energy and workman mindset obviously work because we're still riding off of the mentality change over here. He was lighting up the recruiting trail with limited time and he inspired them. 

    Look at the numbers and results prior to injury. Some of y'all blow my mind with the level of hate you've harbored for this man. He made a career move, and as much as I don't like it,  both parties are better for it. 

    When he succeeds so does USF in a way. We saw his potential and gave him time to work. Usf will forever be a positive part of his legacy. 

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  15. 2 minutes ago, BDYZR said:


    Real talk!!! I don't know what I'm missing here. I'm a pretty optimistic person but even I don't see how we crack the top 10.

    We seemed to be  punished on our bye week,  by not moving up, even when teams ahead of us loss. Even this past weekend of chaos only moved us 2 spots. 

    Miami has looked like hot garbage and they're already just outside the top 10. I just feel like there's some love lost when it comes to USF and the press. With that being said I just can't see us rising to top 4, even with an overrated knights squad. 

    I'm looking forward to ruining their season either way. They're overly confident and untested. (Same can be said of us IF you negate our history) UCiF hasn't been challenged/ punched in the mouth this season. So let them get their Icarus on, we'll happily be the sun. 

    But I'll be damned if I root for them even for a hot second so that the power structure that's already stacked against us can magically put us in the top 4. With the SEC bias and P5 bias being so strong,  I can't imagine the scenario that would have to take place for us to make the 4 team playoff. 

    What I do know is it's A LOT bigger than a knights Cinderella story and me rooting for their success. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, footnfan1 said:

    MM, makes team defend against the pass. LIke the 80's Niners philosophy, pass to set up the run.

    Yards per completion, KZ #4


    Yards per game #14


    Completion % #4


    And the best one, passing efficiency #2



    How is he going to continue this trend when he's running for his life or on his back the majority of the night against the Bulls!!! 🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿 Lol

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