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Posts posted by Azmodi

  1. What I find interesting is that many people complain that the "Casual Fan" knows nothing about USF in some threads while in others, they don't care if the casual fans know about USF or not.

    I'll put this out there; the more people that know about you, the better off you are in a popularity contest. Now I know realignment is about more then popularity but, local and national fan support is more or less just that, a popularity contest.

    Now I could be wrong but, having a writer out there singing USF's praises to anyone who'll listen wouldn't be a bad thing. So I understand BullsFanInTX point of view. He/She may be wording their argument in a way not positively received by some but, it is a valid concern to me.

    Now just in case the Big 12 does expand with USF, I'll give everyone a big :LoveFest: and make up. :icon_drink:

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  2. A nugget on expansion from WVU's Gee.

    "Whatever the case, as Gee said, Big 12 leaders will be “reviewing data” in regard to possible expansion. And here's one more nugget of information:You know how Gee has long been a proponent of expansion? Well, here's what he said on Tuesday.“I am going to listen carefully [to the data presented],” he said, “to finally make up my mind.”Draw from that what you will". - See more at: http://www.wvgazettemail.com/sports-mitch-vingle/20160531/mitch-vingle-wvus-gee-on-big-12-mec-and-recruiting#sthash.4Uj9kzTk.dpuf


  3. Just now, JTrue said:

    If I'm the reason USF fails to make it, we have HUGE problems.

    That's not what I meant. lol

    I meant the actions of berating and or attacking someone who's making a pro USF statement. Instead of trying to help the person illustrate their opinion so that it is easier to understand and thus allow more people to view it and expand upon the concept, We have shown a pattern of indifference and even being antagonistic towards them. I think we need to try to work together and strive for mutual understanding in our goals to better our chances of reaching success.

    Heck, I'm no writing expert. I've written numerous posts that I later had to explain, including this one. I'm just saying perhaps we all should show a little more tolerance.

  4. In my opinion, we don't have a media personality covering expansion putting a positive spin out for USF. That's the issue I have talked about before. Other schools have reporters lobbying for their local school. We don't have that. It lends credence to the perception of Tampa being a passive sports town. The only thing worse is the media. When the team is winning, the fans and media support them. When the team is losing, the fans are disinterested. The media however, will roast our butts off, crush our skulls in and write about it in bold print.

    Yep, JTrue's responses here are an example of our fan base. Take what comes but, don't make waves, that's too much effort. I hope USF makes it into a Power conference. If they don't I'm going to look around at everyone pointing fingers and ask them what they did to help, aside from being sarcastic and antagonizing towards others.

    FYI: Yes I'm tired of people attacking others for sharing their opinions. This is the internet after all. :chair:

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  5. 9 hours ago, Triple B said:

    My hope is that the bad juju that 83 used to bring with his predictions was because he wasn't invested in the program ...

    Well to be blunt, none of what he wrote was a prediction. What he wrote was more of a general statement. Saying the program should have an exciting season isn't a prediction at all. I'm glad he was vague as exciting could be many things. :GoBulls:

  6. 29 minutes ago, namuh-bull said:

    Here is an interesting article about FSU and the Big 12.




    That in and of itself should stop expansion in the Big 12 this year.


    Go Bulls!



    Although the article brings up some good points for discussions, FSU isn't going to leave the ACC. Face it, they have the easiest path to the National Championship Playoff's of any conference. Why would they leave the ACC just to battle TCU, Baylor, Oklahoma and others? They wouldn't! hey need only concern themselves with on average 1 school per year while other conferences have far greater depth. It makes little sense and besides, this is just saber rattling to jump start their network talks.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Rocky Style said:

    Here's my take on that... The decision makers will make those decisions based on facts rather than spin. I like putting an honest plan out there rather than some fluff. If Harlan is getting a lot of emails from fans about realignment, this kind of puts it out there for everyone to see.

    Just speaking from the business world, I lose a lot of respect for companies or vendors coming in to do a pitch and it is filled with spin. The ones that end up winning are the ones that identify the challenges and show you that they have a plan to attack them. Spin feels kind of like a waste of time. I am sure the B12 would do plenty of due diligence before signing us up anyway.

    I've been told that they monitor Twitter closely. :roflmao:

  8. 25 minutes ago, TigerJay said:

    you guys haven't beat us yet since we been in the American. Also we are likely an 7-8 win team depending on how our QB progresses. Defense is sick this year. The SEC transfers in our secondary compliment our front seven. We haven't even seen what some of these freshmen can do once the are on campus. I hope USF can stop our run game. We go 6 deep at RB. We lost Paxton but we still have the majority of key starters and rotation players back on both sides.

    What a joke. I remember what happened once Paxton got bottled up, Your running backs couldn't break free from a wet paper bag. Once Paxton was shut down, so was your Offense. As for your Defense, well, we've definitely seen better. Nice try though. I'm guessing you'll miss a Bowl game this year. Toodles! :backtotopic:

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