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Posts posted by St.PeteSlim89

  1. 11 hours ago, TallyBull said:

    Go figure. "Orangefizz" must not have liked it when "mediocre" USF pounded the ever-living crap out of the Orange 45-0 in a bowl game it was favored to win. 

    Tastes a little flat to me. Fanta would be disappointed.



    “Orangefizz” probably doesn’t like the fact that USF has beaten Syracuse 9 out of 11 times in football. Not too bad for a “mediocre” school…

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  2. 7 hours ago, Ricky the Bull said:

    I know this might not sit well with some, but I think we need to take a look at the future of the USF softball team. I really am not able to grasp why we can't seem to field a team that vies for the conference championship each year (the last time we won was four years ago). Can someone explain how we can have a sub-.500 record in this conference?

    I have always wondered (and stated here, every so often), how we can have a coach who led the USNT yet not recruit the talent that puts us in the upper echelon of college teams?  I've heard from several people that CKE does not put any personal effort in recruiting and that he delegates that task to assistants.  Perhaps he feels that blue-chip players should come to him?

    Is it time CKE is thanked for his years of dedication, given an emeritus status, and we make a change?  I hate to say it and hope someone will correct me if I have misconceptions.

    Thanks for posting, as I was thinking the same thing. It does seem like softball is treading water, so to speak, and not progressing as a program.  Given the general improvement in USF athletics (not just football and men’s basketball, but in other sports like volleyball and track and field), I think that softball needs to start projecting upward also.  Not a criticism of anyone, just an observation, and I don’t know the solution either. 

    As previously stated, this University has prioritized academics, and has now achieved success. Time to focus on athletics! 

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  3. On 5/1/2024 at 3:42 PM, Outlaw said:

    The best part him and Jimmy went for colorado  and won less than  the guys who didn't quit and came back.

    And I hope that they watched our guys on TV having fun in Boca thrashing Syracuse while they sat on the couch, freezing their you-know-whats off in Colorado. The point is that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side; sometimes it’s frozen…

    Go Bulls

  4. 12 hours ago, USF_Bullsharks said:

    Honest question - why do we recruit so many international players? Does CJF not have good recruiting ties domestically? 

    Others have explained CJF’s reasons.  I’d say that he’s been successful overall with this strategy. He’s won more games as a coach than I have. 

    All that being said, I do wish he would consider trying to get local talent. A good example is  Diamond Battles, the 2022 AAC player of the year. She played high school ball  at Winter Haven High School, 49 miles away from the YC. Would have preferred that she played for us instead of Oviedo State…

    A secondary benefit could be having more having more people attend the games to see local kids play.  While we have good attendance compared to most schools, there is plenty of room in the YC for more fans. 

    Just my $.02.

    Go Bulls

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  5. 7 hours ago, 79 Bull said:

    Left in the middle of the second quarter.  There was no announcer at all during the game which certainly didn't engage the fans very much.  It would have been nice to hear "X hands off to Y and gains about 5 yards".  I know CAG doesn't like announcers when we're on offense but today we got pretty loud rap music during every play which was kind of annoying.  The crowd was just not into it.  Seemed like we were watching a practice with zero play by play or commentary.  I guess I could have been listening to the stream to get that.  Anyhow, can't wait for August 31st.


    Agree - music was really annoying 

  6. 5 minutes ago, USFBULL_08 said:

    Disappointing......to keep the train rolling we need someone to replace BB.

    Don’t hit the panic button yet…I am by no means an expert, and Carter seemed to do well at practice last week.  Archie definitely had a better game today, though. Just hope that Carter stays - will see what happens when the portal opens. 

    Go Bulls

  7. 4 minutes ago, USFBULL_08 said:

    So was Matt not invited this year?

    He was out of town, according to a post I saw on FB from him.


    7 minutes ago, Brad said:

    Was it fun?

    Highlight of the event was the alumni game. Guys were playing hard and having fun. The way some of them were playing, I wish they still had some eligibility.

    Lowlight of the game was the constant music being played during the game. It was loud and annoying, and drowned out the band and cheerleaders at times. 

    Spring game is a good opportunity watch players that usually don’t play during the season. I thought Archie did well. Carter didn’t seem as sharp, but apparently he had a good second half (we left after the alumni game).

    One of the new freshman QB’s (Jones, #15), looks to be a beast. 6’3”, 242 and probably hasn’t even put on his freshman 15 yet. A year or two in the gym, and he could play on the line…

    Good day overall, and an example of what it’s going to be like when the OCS is open.

    Go Bulls

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  8. 1 hour ago, CousinRicky said:

    We had to leave just as the scrimmage was starting. How long did the event last? 

    Good to visit with you today.  

    We left around 12:40, and the scrimmage was still going on.  Great event today, and we had a good time. Lots of activity on the field, and it was fun watching the little kids playing on the other field. Looked like the class of 2042!  

    USF Athletics did a good job on coordinating great weather for the event (lol)…

    Go Bulls

  9. 23 hours ago, bull2bull said:

    Do we know any fans or alumni that were invited to be part of the design review? When Populous said "OK, when you walk up to your stadium, it is going to look just like FAU, FIU and UCF's stadiums." And you reply, Oh is that because we have a 180 million budget. They reply, "Nope, your green and gold erector set will be over 300 million."  During the Boca Bowl, did our higher-ups get limoed straight to the suite elevator and not have a chance to witness how bad these minimalist steel support stadiums look. It is the same design that every high school football stadium in the state of Florida has had for the last 30 years. Might as well just make it 25k seating and do it right from the start. 

    Don’t know if you would call it a “design review” session, but my spouse and I sat in on one of the listening sessions. MK, contractor rep, project manager, and architect were in on the session. I looked at the architect and asked him to create a place of significance, a stadium with a sense of place.  Those are fancy words that snobbish urbanists and architects like to use - being an urban planner, I can at least understand their lingo. My point was that I wanted something special, not just functional. 

    Based on what I’ve seen so far, I’m not convinced that a unique, significant place was designed. Maybe the Heptagonal (7-sided) student section was intended to be unique - who knows?  If nothing else, it will blow the average UCF fan’s mind, as more than a few of them probably had to repeat kindergarten and therefore only learned basic shapes (lol).

    I agree with you 100% about FAU’s stadium (my wife called it an oversized high-school stadium), and the minimalist steel support stadium is not a good look. I’m used to Ray Jay and the old Tampa Stadium - give me concrete any day.

    I will say that as someone who sits in wheelchair access, there looks to be some nice WCA seats. John Lewis- need you to reserve two of those! At the end of the day, it won’t be perfect, but I’ll still be glad and proud of our new OCS.

    Different subject - at the same session, I explained to MK (and later sent him a picture) of how UF sells metal plaques to boosters that are then placed on top of the safety bollards between the road and The Swamp up in Gainesville.  Got to monetize everything to help pay for this stadium…

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  10. 1 hour ago, CousinRicky said:

    I believe someone mentioned it to them. Don't know if it was a USF idea or Yuengling. Weird thing is I again did not get the email announcing the watch party. Learned of it from someone else.

    Good to see you today and some of the WBB crew. We left at the beginning of the 4th (score was 7-1 at that point) to go home and watch the WBB game. Really glad we did after hearing about no ESPN+ at Yuengling.  Hope you got to watch the game.Another nail biter!

  11. 23 hours ago, Jim Johnson said:

    Blocking access from Fowler -> Lot 6 is silly.  Bull Run is two lines wide in each direction... those donors should be able to use Fowler, enter on Bull Run, and go to their spots.

    They should not be forced to use 50th street to Elm Street, where they have single lanes... especially if non donors think they can park on Sycamore from the same entrance.

    We’re all entitled to our own opinion. That’s what this board is all about.  However, let me point out some factors for consideration.

    if non-donors assume that they can park in Lot 6, but then find out they can’t, then that’s on them. The Internet is a great tool for doing research before arriving on campus.  A better solution for them would be to become STH’s, so then they can park in Lot 6 if they really want to park there. They better hurry up, though, as I suspect that season ticket sales will increase, and it may get harder to park there. 

    You’re also assuming that everyone that parks in Lot 6 is coming to USF from the west or south and would therefore use Bull Run. That assumption is not valid, as some coming to USF from the north would presumably use I-75, then take Fletcher or Fowler to 50th. I’ve used Elm to get to Lot 6 by way of 50th and Fowler for years. That’s because I live east of USF, and I know I’m not the only one that lives east of USF that parks in Lot 6.

    Another factor to consider is vehicle flow and pedestrian traffic. Allowing a left turn movement from Bull Run onto Elm increases the potential for an accident in the intersection due to vehicles pulling out in front of others. Cars waiting for their tickets to be scanned to get into Lot 6  sometimes back up into the intersection even at games with the usual attendance (3-4k). Add in the pedestrian traffic crossing Bull Run and then the crosswalk over Elm at the intersection, and the potential for accidents increases further.  These observations are based on my years of experience accessing Lot 6. But hey, what do I know?

    I haven’t heard any complaints from any of the “Lot 6ers” about the closed intersection while standing in line waiting to get into Gate C. Given that many complain about darn near everything (myself included at times),  the fact that I haven’t any complaints after 3 sold-out games tells me that it’s not an issue with those that use Lot 6.

    BTW - Do you use Lot 6? Asking because I don’t recall seeing “Jim Johnson”  on any Iron Bulls signs that are posted in front of the parking spaces in Lot 6 on gameday. I will admit that I only see the signs on the first drive aisle, across from the handicapped parking. 

    I’ve made my points. If you want to continue the discussion, go for it…

    Go Bulls

  12. 10 hours ago, Jim Johnson said:

    Now that's just silly.  Hopefully lessons learned from these three games.


    How is that silly? Arena Club/floor seat holders/Iron Bulls (and Hardwood Club members) pay thousands of dollars to be in those areas at the YC and for the ability to have reserved parking. Given that my spouse has limited mobility, and I’m a disabled veteran, we utilize the handicapped parking spots in Lot 6 for closer access to the gates.  We’ve been MBB STHs for 11 years (10 for WBB), and have also paid thousands of dollars to support the Bulls thru thick and thin (and there has been some bad basketball at times). So no, I don’t think it is “silly” to allow for some form of controlled access to and from Lot 6 for some of the strongest supporters of USF Athletics, especially for certain boosters named Muma, Nelson, Fishman, etc who also park there.

    Go Bulls

  13. 23 hours ago, CousinRicky said:

    I still have a few left. Believe they were buy a sandwich, fries and drink and get a sandwich. Only used one. We don't get down to Fowler very often other than games.

    Same here - were usually in the area for only basketball games, and we already have our meals covered (Hardwood or Arena Club), so we don’t go there very often. I do like Portillos, though - unfortunately, they’re not in Polk County. Great business opportunity for someone…

  14. 14 hours ago, SilverBull said:

    In spite of the wistful Jason Isbell imagery, I would take a hot day in hades over Hattiesburg.

    Charlotte is in my backyard and a definite.  Rounding up the troops now. Should have a good contingent.

    Nola always tempting.  Checking the temperature of my more social-minded fellow alumnae and fans.

    West Point, whenever, is a must.  Bucket list kind of trip.

    All that said, pretty much any football road trip can be a blast. Just enjoy the journey.

    Go Bulls!

    Having spent some time in the summer at Camp Shelby, I would say that I’ve experienced some of that hades-type of heat (and humidity).

    The great thing about away games is that the USF fans that are there are usually more fired up and motivated. Lots of fun.

    I guess that being in the “new and improved” (sarcasm font) AAC means some closer opponents (Birmingham, Boca, Charlotte) for more road games.

    Go Bulls


  15. On 3/1/2024 at 10:47 AM, Friscobull said:

    I think many of us are looking at NOLA, should be a nice turnout for that one. 

    Went to NOLA a few years ago when Q and Angie were still playing. We had a good showing at that game, and had a good time.

    Definitely going to Hattiesburg. Used to be stationed at Camp Shelby, and I’m currently in a distance learning program at Southern Miss. Call me crazy, but I like the Pine Belt.

    May go to FAU - since I live in east Polk County, It’s only another hour away than from my regular drive to RayJay. We went to the bowl game, but my better half wasn’t impressed by the stadium.  Maybe John can get us some good seats for that game. Have a sister that lives near Charlotte, so I may go up there also. 

    While this will be a good year for traveling to road games (especially since we’re winning again), I can’t wait for the eventual road game against Army. West Point has been on this retired Army officer’s bucket list for years. 

    Great time to be a Bulls fan!

    Go Bulls

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  16. I stayed in one of the dorms (I think Beta) for one week during the summer of  ‘77 or ‘78 when I was going to Camp Kickinthegrass at USF. It was a program put on by the Tampa Bay Rowdies that taught soccer skills to elementary school kids. We practiced on the fields that later became the Sun Dome and the parking lots. Got to go on the field at Tampa Stadium during a Rowdies game. Was never much of a soccer player, but had fun. Good times!

  17. Yesterday was a great example of what USF Athletics has always had the potential to be.  Baseball beat the tin men, in their house, no less. Softball won against Louisville, which is supposedly a better school because they are in a “better conference”.  WBB pulled out a win, and you can’t say enough about what MBB has done so far this year. Was fun sticking around after the WBB game to welcome MBB home.

    This university has come a long way from when it was just a “commuter” school that no one cared about.   Our academics are great, and athletics is improving. Glad to be a part of it.

    CAAR said it best: “This ain’t the same old South Florida, my brotha”

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