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Posts posted by raptorcj


    @deters-  You might want to change your pic, now. Jenkins is in a Raiders uniform this year! Like the Bulls sign, though, that's a pretty cool pic.


    Funny, though, I was just at Cowboys Stadium (I know, it's AT&T now) and Mike still has a locker spot with his name there.

    good point. decided to update it for our buddies at mouse U.



    Outstanding update, love it!

  2. Seriously, I dunno, a trophy just gives it too much of an air of permanence to me. I'm all for embracing the rivalry in the now, but my face scrunches up when I think of this game being a long-term tradition. I can't come to terms with the idea that we'll be on their level indefinitely.


    They may be thinking the same thing in reverse, so who knows where this goes? One thing's for sure, I hope our team absolutely shakes its MO of in-conference gaffes before Nov 29th and comes out swinging. They better have plenty of fight left in them!

  3. I forgot to ask StateRoad42, should the BFDOMETFSFTRGNOA Bowl have a trophy?


    Nice one. Somewhere, slick is smiling...


    In other rival news, here's CBS Sports preseason rankings that mean absolutely squat:




    ...BUT, just a little fuel on the fire as UCF is at 47 & USF (excuse me, South Florida) at 89. Personally I love being the underdog--guess growing up Bucs made me more comfortable with it!

  4. Coach Willie knows the qb position and one of the guys we have should step up enough for him to be the choice.



    Can't ignore that, coach played QB and knows what he needs to see, and who needs to improve. I have confidence he'll make the best starting choice, but it's great that there's some competition at the position to accelerate learning. CWT appears to have a "fish or cut bait" mentality, so I think the cream will rise to the top soon enough.

  5. I also saw Greg's article, it was good to see Taggart positive on the D rather than down on the O. 5 INTs in one practice can definitely be spun either way, but I like seeing the hungry defense. I don't like seeing that the QBs are struggling a little with learning the O, but it's still pretty early for Bench & White to get it.


    It's too bad we can't scrimmage with another team or something, I'm dying to see how these guys do in real combat!

  6. In the interest of talking about the rivalry instead of whether or not it IS a rivalry...ahem.




    Why do y'all automatically think my post was a jab of some sort? It wasn't.




    Golden, I'd say it's probably because you're...um...and I hate to say it...a UCF fan. There's that whole distrust thing, ya know, ulterior motives of a non-USF fan on our site.


    Well, that and the apparent fact that our little family squabbles over here have us ultra-suspicious and looking for an outlet. Thanks for that! :dankk2:  


    Ha! :roflmao: Good Trip and 2000bull, I've been outed!

    Sorry BiggTipp, I lost interest last year and needed confirmation of the guy that did kickoffs. I guess other things took my attention over the last year.

    Ya know I don't blame ya for losing interest last year, it was the most depressing "unfun" football season ever



    Couldn't agree more, I think even the most devoted fans get a "bye" on last year...


    ...at least, that's how I forgive myself, but my lawn never looked better than last year! :D

  8. Yawn... trophy for a forced rivalry... yawn. Let's blog about a game that 50,000 people do not care about... 


    Dude, between students, alumni, marketers, etc for BOTH schools, you don't think we'd scrape up 50,000 interested people? Oh no, my friend, that's a mistake.

  9. First game at USF after taking over, with everyone chomping at the bit for change? If CWT threw anything less than everything at this game, I'd be absolutely shocked. Now if we're able to build up a good pad, THEN he can play games with the depth players, but he should have our guys (ALL of them) ready for blood from the time they hit the field to the time they leave.



    Somehow I don't see CWT letting the boys look past McNeese for Sparty.


    They will take this game seriously. Foot on the throat seriously



  10. Excellent feedback Macks, very nice to have a first impression from fans that can roll with the punches and have some fun.


    For us, MSU will be our offense's proving grounds. No strong position players at QB or RB and an unproven OL spells a real challenge for us to put points on you. Our D will definitely challenge the run, it's our down-field play we're going to be concerned about. Those bombs may work, I just hope not.

  11. Guess you guys have been going at it a long time, hard to hit a reset button with so much history!


    Well, for my part I've always felt the rivalry, but it always seems to come from the UCF side in my experience. Besides some of the ND fans I've heckled, there's hardly a group of fans that get so easily insulted by the slightest intimation that USF will whoop 'em. I tend to agree the stakes have changed a LOT now that we're in the same conference, so our track record doesn't bode well for a late-season win.


    Still, I think the Bulls will whoop 'em. :GoBulls:

  12. Think it's great we have some strong mentors on the line this year. Since the Selvie/JPP days, we really haven't had much experience & talent show up, so I'm glad to have what we have this year, and that they're working pretty hard for CWT. Can't hurt the younger guys' development to play against these guys and learn. We'll be thinner, but I don't think we'll have a lot of question marks--these kids appear to be pretty solid backups now, as long as they stay healthy. Guess we'll see in a fewof months...

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