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Posts posted by raptorcj

  1. Double-teams busted Selvie's stats (and boosted JPP), might have same effect if Lynch is all the hype. For the team's sake, I hope Giddins can finally break out & live up to potential. If so, this is going to be a fun year for the D line.


    Glad we got Lynch. Whatever maturity issues he had, he works hard so there's no reason he can't shine here.



    people on this board need to stop acting like anything said by someone who is either not a former player, or not some old white guy getting paid as an analyst for ESPN/ABC/FOX/NBC/SportsIllustrated is irrelevant. that is simply not true. get over your cultural bias and learn something about Florida history beyond your bubbles in Carrollwood or Temple Terrace.



    Good gosh, dude. I don't know the guy--let's not take my ignorance of him as opening to play the race card. Read my post--I actually agree with the guy that he's probably a good get and a good fit. Just think their lead in to his opinions could have done him a whole lot more justice if he's really in tune with the football scene down there.


    I hope we'll be able to hang 40+ on them, but we're an unproven product with weaknesses until we show otherwise. McNeese should be a good game to shake things down. At our worst, we're still not MTSU.


    1. USF

    2. 34-13

    3. Pierre

    4. Andre

    5. 465

    Well, I would say last year were some of yalls worst days. 3 wins with best "quality" against Nevada. MT finished with 9 wins and their best "quality" win against Georgia Tech. Sorry, Yall have a ways to get back to were yall were 4-5 years ago. McNeese was a shell of what it was at the end of the season last year. When we are healthy we can play with any mid major or lower BCS conference team. Can't get much healthier than first game. Yall better not look past us. Good luck!



    No way we look past this game, it's the most important game of the season until it's done. Too much at stake on our home turf, but I stand by what I said--we're unproven until we #DoSomething.




    We should be able to get pressure with our d-line.  On offense, it appears we're going to a run first, ball control type offense.  Hopefully, we can get a couple of time-eating, long, sustained drives.



    ...that ends with us scoring 7.




    I'm okay with that as long as they score 6 or less.



    May be wrong, but I think the reference was to us scoring TD's rather than FG's.



    Um, yeah. Seemed obvious what I meant but if we want to get technical then crikey, yes, I'd settle for 6, 7, or 8 as long as we reach the endzone and don't friggin fumble or INT on the 5 yard or something--that crap kills spirits.

  5. Hopkins will have to be the deep threat, agreed. Not that worried about speed of receivers, as Dunk, Welch and Dre can hold down the fort just fine. I'm more worried about a QB that can get them the ball.




    Davis, Welch, & Gonzalez have big frames, which is what we need with our QB situation and with our O scheme. Dunkley's and Hopkins' speed will hopefully keep the secondary honest. We have a very good setup at WR.


    According to the USF Fact Book, he's listed as a true Soph, so yes he has 3 yrs and a redshirt available. IMO the optimum situation for your starting QB is his RS Junior year, he has had 3 years in the system, he knows the offense inside and out and shouldn't have to think, just do. Of course trying to convince a kid to come to your school with the distinct possibility that he won't start until his RSJ year is a different story.


    The optimum situation for USF is to find the next Johnny Football.



    Completely unrealistic. If we couldn't even keep AW on the hook, we surely couldn't get an even better one when going up against storied programs. Best we can hope for is a local diamond in the rough, and polish, and polish, and....


    This approach usually eliminates the premadonnas we wouldn't want.

  7. Do we really know the story on Schiano & Glazers? It seems unlikely USF didn't reach out to them for the video, but wonder what the real answers are--they may have been told not to appear in it by the NFL for all we know. Lots of smart guys on here, wonder if anyone can find that answer?


    Purely hypothetical, but I was trying to figure that out and the only thing I could figure is that they didn't want the other extensive college fans in the metro (UF/FSU/UM/etc) to pitch fits on the Bucs organization. Baseball, who cares? But football is sacred to a lot of fans.

  8. Must be the morning, let the day wear on and these guys will come around.    :evil:   juuuust kidding.


    I hate to see kids with potential & size hit the road, but yeah, if it's not a good fit for him then go get better chemistry with the coaches that'll let him cry on their shoulder about playing time.


    Kinda sounds positive to me, though, if we have a deep enough receiving corps that the 6'5 guy with decent speed couldn't make the cut!


     I can't come to terms with the idea that we'll be on their level indefinitely.


    What if THEY get invited to a P5 conference?



    Then we get together and have a pity party, but yeah, that would certainly fix the worry about them being on our level wouldn't it? :wahhing:   

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