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Posts posted by Calibull

  1. Let Cali have his opinion. He's as right as anyone else on here until he is proven wrong. This is what he believes and I'm sure we all hope that he is proven correct.


    These cats can't rain on my parade.  I'm not wallowing in the sorrow of the last 4 seasons.  For once I actually think I'm right about this team.  So until proven differently, I'm sticking to what I predict.  



    He was definitely not slow....I remember one play laat year on special teams when he ran down the return guy...he was crazy fast for his size. I think this hurts quite a bit as auggie needs to be off the field on third downs

    Maybe just the fact he seemed late getting to the ball, he seemed slow to me.


    Agree we need more depth at Mike.  I love how hard that Sanchez works, but he's the weakest starting MLB in over a decade at USF, IMO.  We really need that stud MLB that we've been spoiled with over that time.


    No sir that title belongs to Mike Lanaris.


    Great catch... because Mike Lanaris moved like he had bricks on his feet trying to run through quicksand... Just randomly watch a game he played in.  I don't know why they insisted on playing him when his backup was actually a lot better.  The defense was better when he wasn't in.  It was crazy to see actually.   It wasn't Mikes fault... he should have remained a special team guy... he was not a starting "Mike"  ... should have left Sam, Mike Jeune , and De De in and let the guys at least play good defense.  





    Done for the day... Ended at 5:40

    Only got a chance to see Bench for a few plays. Several times off target and one pick six

    Weather? They are allowed so little practice time anymore it's really surprising they would break early.


    I was wondering about that too.  I'm wondering if they have a play count and the guys got there quickly... or whether they'd already planned this because it was the first day hitting.  





    Also like others have said, it seems like the defensive coaches are royally pissed at every play that doesn't end in a turnover.


    I didn't comment on that from the day I was there, but it definitely stood out. He is riding them on every play. I love it.



    I like that we have formations where Mack and Johnson are in the backfield together.  That Flowers throw to Adams had them in there.  I think that's part of the triple option package they put in.  I'm getting excited about this season.  Tough hard nose Defense that play fast and coaches bringing out the mean in them... wide open offense with a ton of speed and talent and the best backfield in the conference.  I think Flowers will give us enough play with that defense... this team is going bowling.  This defense is not going to fold like it did in the previous 4 years.  I feel like these guys might have legit juice.  #BullSharks smell that blood in the H2O

  4. I think we will be fine at QB. We don't need Dan Marino (in his prime) throwing darts 20 yards down the field.


    The QB's job will be these key things:


    (1) Not turn the ball over!

    (2) Be able to throw quick slants and short throws (5-7 yards).

    (3) Hit wide open guys down the field.

    (4) Run with the ball.


    And, yes, (5), hand the ball off to our RBs and WRs.


    The last two years were all messed up because of CWT's red-coat offense. Yeah, blame it on the players and the lack of talent and whatever else. But the fact of the matter is that offense was royally messed up. And it made our QBs look so bad.

    I don't think it was just the system that made them look bad.  It didn't make them fumble and throw terrible ints.  I mean I get your point... but the QB play was terrible because the guys playing QB weren't ready to be in the game.   We had no choice to play them because the first year... the alternative was Bobby or Matt... Last season... Just guys not ready and nobody to go to. 


    Done for the day... Ended at 5:40

    Only got a chance to see Bench for a few plays. Several times off target and one pick six

    Weather? They are allowed so little practice time anymore it's really surprising they would break early.


    I was wondering about that too.  I'm wondering if they have a play count and the guys got there quickly... or whether they'd already planned this because it was the first day hitting.  

  6. Not good seeing our O-Linemen getting abused so easily. Flowers better have his track shoes on... On the Flowers throw, hard to tell if he looked off any other receiver other than the target of interest. A good CB will be able to see he's locking onto players too early. It was a nice grab though by the wideout (and the other wideout looked open if he threw a dart down the middle of the field).

    I want the D to punish the olinemen... get them use to punching back.  Take a lick and give one.  This is pretty normal for the first day of hitting.  Once the linemen settle in they should be fine.  By my account, this is the first normal fall camp we have had in some years.  


    I really think the 2 starting guards will be Hall and Thor.  Hall at 6'5 330 is a man child.  He's so big and strong, like a gigantic chocolate sumo wrestler.  You see how he stays on balance and extend those long arms?  Also, he has a great base.  Squares up with the guy and is kinda nasty.  Hard to move a man that big.


    Also... hell of a throw by Flowers... he has enough arm to get done what we need to get done.  


    I tend to think that this team has the same potential as that 2009 team did going into the FSU game that year.  This team has a lot of game experience and young talent on defense.  They are fast and hard hitting and are running a scheme that they can be really effective in.  FSU is having their own struggles right now and if Flowers can pull some magic with his athleticism... I'm not saying we will beat FSU... I'm saying with a strong defense and them rebuilding... I think we can make it interesting if things go right.  


    Nobody really saw 2009 coming either... especially after Grothe went down.

    We had some NFLers on that D.  Not sure we have any on this team, but do believe we have some talent to surprise some folks.


    I also think we have the talent to score 17+...but that it won't likely be enough.



    So much depends on how quickly their new QB picks up the system.  They have lost a ton go players... to include Cook.  So while I'm not expecting to win, I'm going in hopeful that we at least have a chance now.  This hasn't been the case for sometime for us... really having a chance against anyone with a winning record to be honest.  I like this team for some reason.  I think they have a pretty big chip on their shoulder and we could be on the verge of a really cool (up and down) season... (more ups than downs)

  8. I tend to think that this team has the same potential as that 2009 team did going into the FSU game that year.  This team has a lot of game experience and young talent on defense.  They are fast and hard hitting and are running a scheme that they can be really effective in.  FSU is having their own struggles right now and if Flowers can pull some magic with his athleticism... I'm not saying we will beat FSU... I'm saying with a strong defense and them rebuilding... I think we can make it interesting if things go right.  


    Nobody really saw 2009 coming either... especially after Grothe went down.



    You'll "start" to form opinions 2 weeks from now?


    In terms as to how I think they will actually perform.  I mean I've actually formed some opinions on woulard already... I've seen him for over 2 years... yes I have opinions on him.  I've seen Bench for 3 years now... this is the first spring ball I've really missed.  So I have opinions on him.  Flowers and Kean... I really don't.  I don't think we'll know until they are in pads.  But I have the feeling Flowers is better for what we need to do than both Woulard and Bench... he'd have to do something terrible for me to not think that because I know those two.



    Sounds to me like you've decided that neither Bench or Wouldard is too your liking so you are more hoping that Flowers is the answer than really being convinced.  You "have a feeling" Flowers will be the guy.  Seems like typical root for the backup QB thinking.  


    Am I wrong?


    But I have to qualify this... I've seen Flowers play in person in High School... So I do think he has the ability to run THIS offense right now.  The other?  He was not a fit at all.  That's what makes me think Taggart was going to change the offense eventually anyway...   But yeah... I'm hoping Flowers has developed like I think he should have.  If so, we'll be straight.  From what I've seen since the spring, he is.  


    I dont think Flowers would be able to handle the FSU crowd (INB4 2009 BJD counterargument...not the same player) while Bench is a grown adult graduated from college. For psychological factors alone I would start Bench up to that game until he really just screws up.

    It's a different FSU team, for sure, but BJ's legs won that game...and 2 bombs in busted coverage.  QF may have similar ability.  I believe BJ completed well under 50% that game, but I'm too lazy to verify.  As to the crowd, they had a white out, and the crowd was docile (REALLY quiet after the Lejieste hit, and then subsequent bone crushing tackles.  A few times they tried to rally, and the fans made noise, but for the most part, quiet.


    For this game, I expect it to be VERY loud & nasty.  But Flowers is a Dade guy, and I'm guessing he won't rattle easily.  Bench is more mature & experienced, but QFs legs, especially if the receivers work hard to get open on scrambles, could be our best chance.


    I was at the game when we beat FSU.. BJ had a few big throws but he won that game with his legs.  I remember that first long run... I was like this kid is legit!  He hit on long throws and yeah, he missed on some easy throws... but he could run and FSU had no answer for it.  And that defense... "lord have mercy" (in a black southern old ladies voice) that defense beat the living shat out of FSU's offense.



    You'll "start" to form opinions 2 weeks from now?


    In terms as to how I think they will actually perform.  I mean I've actually formed some opinions on woulard already... I've seen him for over 2 years... yes I have opinions on him.  I've seen Bench for 3 years now... this is the first spring ball I've really missed.  So I have opinions on him.  Flowers and Kean... I really don't.  I don't think we'll know until they are in pads.  But I have the feeling Flowers is better for what we need to do than both Woulard and Bench... he'd have to do something terrible for me to not think that because I know those two.



    Sounds to me like you've decided that neither Bench or Wouldard is too your liking so you are more hoping that Flowers is the answer than really being convinced.  You "have a feeling" Flowers will be the guy.  Seems like typical root for the backup QB thinking.  


    Am I wrong?


    No.. you are not wrong.  You actually get my rational very well... you're spot on.


    I think this is worth emphasizing 


    Having a running QB is a big part of this system

    I agree. Last year we were so one dimensional. Just hoping to be able to mix it up and be competitive in every game this season.


    That's the big reason I'm pulling for Flowers.  I think we keep going to one dimensional.  We haven't had a QB put pressure on a defense since BJ got injured his senior year.  Everyone keeps wanting this golden passer... like we're going to find Andrew Luck... well this is college ball... speed kills... a dynamic running qb that can pass a little can change the dynamics of a team.  I don't care for a guy who can pass and not run, I want a dual threat playmaker.  Those guys are far more successful at the college level.  They just end up at WR or DB in the league.  But for college... they're great.

  13. You'll "start" to form opinions 2 weeks from now?


    In terms as to how I think they will actually perform.  I mean I've actually formed some opinions on woulard already... I've seen him for over 2 years... yes I have opinions on him.  I've seen Bench for 3 years now... this is the first spring ball I've really missed.  So I have opinions on him.  Flowers and Kean... I really don't.  I don't think we'll know until they are in pads.  But I have the feeling Flowers is better for what we need to do than both Woulard and Bench... he'd have to do something terrible for me to not think that because I know those two.


    From what I saw today from about 9:30-10:30.

    Flowers: Throws a wobbly ball with a lot of air under it. Missed on a handful of short, touch passes. Had a few nice longer throws mixed in. Also, he looks small. Just saying.

    Bench: Had a lot more zip on the ball than Flowers. Also made some poor decisions leading to INTs and breakups.

    AW: Physically, there's no contest between him and everyone else. Tight spiral, effortless touch with good carry.

    Kean: Looks like a freshman. If he touches the field this year, CWT is toast. Nowhere near the arm strength of the rest of the QBs. Accuracy was a mess. Also looks like he short arms his passes.

    I can't speak for the rest of the practices, playbook stuff, etc. but if today is any indication, Flowers is not the clear leader for starter.

    I fear Cali's head may explode upon reading this. Hopefully Flowers was just having a bad day and can get it together


    No...  I think Flowers is going to be fine.  I watched the video.. his passes are catchable.  He's legs are great... about what I expected.  I waited for others because I had seen the video and I know people will jump to conclusions.  With all of the comments I've seen, news I've hear, and video... I'm pleased.  I think this team is going to be really good.  Flowers is our guy... Woulard... I've seen him throw live for the past 2 years to include the spring game this past season.  He doesn't put things together well when it's 11 on 11... always had a great pass... but you don't play 7 on 7 football.  From what I've seen and heard, he's still the same guy.  Maybe that will change between this season and next season, because he will sit out... but he is pretty much that same guy.  Pretty passes and slow decisions.


    Kean is about where I expected.  He's a freshman... we've seen in the past here that true freshman are nearly never ready.  Bench is bench... and on the bench he will be unless there is an injury.


    I'm not making too much of the video because they are in full pads yet.  It's also like the 4th day of practice which is telling us nothing.  When they are well into week 2 I'll start to form opinions.  Everyone is a super star without pads.  


    I think most are forgetting that having he QB run is a big part of this system.  Just food for thought.

  15. Honestly we could win a measly 7 games this season but if we win the way we used to win with grothe and daniels, we will be fine. USF must win but in a big city it must also have an exciting product. Need energy, passion, conviction. 


    I'm wondering how did BJ and Matt win?   What makes the way the won better than just winning because they did things differently than each other.  Each had different strengths and while Matt consistently won, BJ didn't (no fault of his own as it is a team game)... but after 2010 when we beat Clemson, BJ only won a total of 7 games his last 2 years.  Not to burst anyone's bubble.... but lets not rewrite things.

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