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  1. I'm personally gonna go with the "any given saturday" mentality on that one Grouper. People look at our record / schedule and say what they want, but ill answer that in two ways 1) maybe you saw it maybe you didnt, but our receiver literally had a freak unforced fumble on the uab 2 with less than a minute to go. completely unforced, just a cplete freak mistake. never seen anything like it. Then, we give up a 4th and 10 because of a really bad coaching call and the best db in cusa just completely blowing his assignment. rice gets what i think was their biggest play of the game against us there and converts a 4th and 10 to put them in range to kick the winning fg. Navy was a result of inexperience, WVU we were just in over our head (although that game was 17-10 half way through the 4th, we just ran out of gas). Tulsa we just played awful. But that being said, we are literally 2 plays from a 9-3 season this year. Thing is, after the last 5 yrs, we know we're not gonna rebuild in 1 or 2 years. 2) For the argument that you are making, it would seem that since You beat UCF by only 1 td, and we beat them by 2, we must be twice as good as you. And i completely understand you conference SOS versus ours, so dont bite my head off, but still our OOC schedule was a little toughr than yours. If you replace McNeese St. with navy first game of the year (that was before yall ironed ou the qb situation completely too i think), its quite possible, without an a-game on the road you mightve lost. now youre 7-5, and we're 9-3. But we're not. You played a slightly tougher schedule than us and had a better record. That says something. I'm just not as sure as your fans that all that spells an arse whoopin
  2. I'm gonna go with hbryan being the lunatic fringe here and giving bulls fans a chance. kids got 28 posts. man I got 28 posts on this board, and i was on last sat and sun and then last night, so chances are he doesnt exactly speak for the minority down in tampa
  3. Guys i talk smack with everybody im no sunday school teacher, and it was to be expected when this bowl was, for all practical purposes, decided a week and a half ago. But this is absolutely ridiculous. I wish the convo i had with outrunner on here last night wasnt lost somewhere, cause you should all read it. no one from east carolina will deny you have probably more talent than us. none of us will deny that your program is in better position to succeed right now than ours. You have to understand though, its hard for you guys, as a team who just came into existence a decade ago, to understand what a true recession period for a program is like. The point is, this smack talking to such an insulting and demeaning extent is really ridiculous. You guys are the favorites in b-ham. we are the underdgogs. you know it , so do we, and im pretty sure vegas knows it, so i dont know whats up with the spread but itll be tipped in your direction by the time the coin is flipped. We do have a respect for your program. even if we hated you, which i personally do not, we could not deny what youve done in just ten years in a state with as much collegiate infighting as anywhere in the country. If you want to talk about how much we sucked when you were still in the conference (which we hate as much as you do), or how we've never beaten you, or how we are gonna get our pirate arses handed to us, so be it, especially seeing how this is your board. but when you start knocking our town, our state, our university, our mascot, pretty much everything we have, it really crosses the line in a big way. That being said, if you find my convo with outrunner or if you just go down a few threads to the "Wishing you the Best" thread Upperdeck pirate posted earlier, read the conversations, ecu fans have been trying to get on here and actually tlak football and talk birmingham and talk the ecu-usf bball game this saturday, and cant even talked cause we get flamed out of here so fast. obviously having idiot pirate fans on here STILL flaming doesnt help. but seriously.
  4. Like UD said though. If you are interested in actually discussing the game, discussing birmingham, discussing the weather, pretty much anything except how bad we both suck and hate each other, im sure you could get back on the byb no problem, and its actually a pretty sweet board, as far as info goes. Info on the byb is usually strong quick and accurate, and discussions, actual discussions are usually of pretty decent quality.
  5. Chill out man. Youre just on the wrong board. The students mostly use university-exclusive website message boards like at partyecu.com. If you go on the piratefans.net boards or the rivals board, its a lot more open to flaming. The majority of the people to the BYB are a little above all of that. They are mostly nonlocal alumnus who use the byb as a means for both sharing and spreading information and keeping in contact with each other. It is not your traditional athletics board, thats for sure. But there was no way for you guys to know that of course. Thats why theyve never changed the format to a more user-friendly thread-mode format, because they dont realy care to invite flamers and its ensuing vulgarity onto that board. Thats my opnion anyway. I'm a student, but im also a die hard pirate and the byb guys always have much more information than anyone else around because a lot of them are very active upper-eschelon pirate club members. I just wanted to clarify this because i know how it made us look when we banned usf fans for not really crossing the traditional line persay. But thats what the deal is. I hope that adds a little more explanatin, and if you are looking for more lively discussion and a little more flaming to get you going, id be happy to link you some other sites. The people on the rivals board know very little, but theyre def more what youd expect from an athletics board.
  6. You know, if you look back on your boards about what your fans have said not about our football skills, but about our town, our school, our fans, our state, and even our freakin mascot, is it any wonder someone posted some negative comments about your extremely negative fans last week on OUR BOARD? I will be the first to admit, I came over here early last week and got into it with a couple of you guys because it was absolutlely frustrating to hear about how we are nothing and cusa is nothing and its a disgrace that you have to play on the same field as us. And so worse than upperdeck, wo called you out on OUR board, i was an idiot and actualy started crap on here. Then cooler heads prevailed, on both ends. I sincerely apologized, not for the way i felt or even reacted to what you guys were saying, but for making it an issue on YOUR board. Your board is your board, and we are not entitled to any minimal amount of respect i suppose while here on your board. But for god sakes, if the guys over here with a gesture of goodwill, like i and other pirate fans have on here and vise versa, let it die and surely dont call him out for a post he made on his own board. We are less than three weeks from a great bowl game, and it should be type of atmosphere in which we are happy to be there. 10 years ago you didnt have a team. 5 years ago we stopped having a team. I would love to party with you guys , meet you, toss a few back down in bham. i think everyone would. I already got bullrunner on the list man. I think the we're gonna beat the hell outta you cause you suck argument is pretty dead. How about the stats talks, the attendance comparisons, that kinda stuff man. im more guilty of it than anything, but i really would like to see the mood around this whole thing seriously improve over the next 3 weeks.
  7. youve gotta understand its a pretty conservative group of posters on the boneyard. i will say i made this post earlier tonight on there when i heard some of your fans were banned already: Subject: I'm still not following you. Posted by: paintingitpurple on Mon Dec 4 2006 12:16:40 AM Message: If a USF fan came on BYB and started a thread called &*(^% the ^&*(% ing pirates you &^%$# %^&^&%$ #@#$% i would expect their rights to this board be denied. But if they came on and said, hey, i think your team is garbage, you guys are EastERN Carolina, and we are gonna beat the pants off your football team, is that grounds for dismissal? i dont know what your post said, but above is my position on the banning of opposing fans
  8. you owning us in basketball is a distinct possibility. thats why i was asking about your team, for a little insight into saturdays game, not just to be told again that "we will own you". Football I dont see any owning going on on 12-23. I think you can expect a tough defensive game played largely between the 20s. I know who i think will win, you all know who you think will win, we're all fans and thats how it works. I will say, without declaring a winner, I would bet the final score will be of a 21-17, 21-20, 17-14 type of nature, regardless of the victor. You compare stats , especially as both of our defenses really shored up as the season progressed. I really dont see any owning going on by either team, and thats my honest opinion.
  9. I understand and I get that. Your program is in better position than ours, no doubt. I am not an apologist either, but we had an errant administration in place in 2001 and 2002, in which the chancellor and the athletic director at the time made highly political decisions that effectively ran our program into the ground. When Steve Logan, who brought us to greatness and the same degree of ublic attention and visibility you have now, was fired and replaced with John Thompson, one of the worst HCs in d1 history, our strategic position crumbled. What they did to this program will take years to repair, and we are now on our way. I envy the opportunities your program has right now, and resent the fact that had the timing of our program's demise not been as it was, we would have been taken in by the big east instead of some other program. Most ECU fans believe South Florida took our rightful BE spot. I personally, as do many others, disagree. The progress your football program has made in the last 10 years, plus the whopping enrollment and geographic location of USF made it an obvious choice. I'm pretty sure Cincy would have been the team left behind had we not fallen off so terribly. I was not trying to take anything away from USF. I was simply saying that seriously, No one knows where the hell you guys are either. I'd bet 1 out of 2 football fans in america have heard of you, 1 out of 50 could tell me where you are located, and 1 out of 300 could name me your coach or starting quarterback. I would guess about the same numbers for us. My entire point is that from a public knowledge of our programs, id say resognition is pretty evenly spread
  10. Ask your basketball team. Theyll be here saturday night. News Flash. Seriously. You are a directional School, living in the shadow of more prominent in-state universities (At least 3 of them) . We are a directional school, living in the shadow of more prominent in-state schools (At least 3 of them). The University of South Florida is not exactly nationally recognized either. Outside of old-school conference USA members and some big east fans, nobody knows where the heck you guys are either, especially since youre not in South Florida. I have family 2 hours south of tampa and have been there many times, and think its a wonderful city. But dont get ahead of yourselves. We are at least as well known as you are, probably moreso. I have seen a lot more East Carolina bumper stickers tee shirts and hats in Florida than I have see USF gear in NC. Thats not an insult. Its an honest truth. The little recognition athletically you guys have earned in the last ten years with a handful of big wins is matched, possibly overmatched with the tradition of Pirate Football that put this university on the map in the 90's.
  11. Hey serious question. Trash talking aside for 1 minute. How is your bball team this year? we're playing you guys saturday here in greenville (so, by the way, at least they'll know where we are). We are 4-2 but we're not bad, just inconsistent. We only chose to renew 3 scholarships last year, so our entire team is playing their first few d1 games. We lost a close one to Richmond at Richmond, so im curious t se how you guys do against them tuesday. Also, just in case im still curious on tuesday and bored, do you know if theres gonna be a video link for the Spiders-Bulls game tues night online somewhere?
  12. Ask top 10 Louisville, and #12, formerly top ten WVU where South Florida is.  I wonder if they know. I asked Louisville. They said they werent sure. They dont remember you. Youre just another team they beat by 20+ points. And WVU said they know where you are because thats where the refs of the WVU-USF game must have lived.
  13. CUSA life is great thanks. I like the way BE life is treating you guys though! To think that just two years ago you were a mid major program, and now look at you. All Grown up! You were the 5th team selected for a bowl out of the Big East! You racked up an 8-4 record against national powerhouses like WVU and McNeese St.! I heard the goveror of florida changed the state animal to the Bull! And All 30 people in america outside western florida who have heard of you before are singing your praises. I want to be like USF when i grow up
  14. I am so happy for your bulls. Now they get to play a real team and get dominated in BHAM by the PIRATES!!!!!!!!
  15. did you guys block ecu fans from joining your forum? thats weak guys. Cant wait to see you guys in B-Ham
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