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Everything posted by Buller64

  1. So much for the mighty SEC they are 0-4 against G5 schools this year
  2. Caught it with his knees, Well if the hands are not working lol
  3. Well in this game he went one step back then two steps forward, that first quarter was poor
  4. Flowers is slowly getting better but it is painful to watch the two steps forward one step back method
  5. yes Johnson scored not Tice but Tice got the great run not Johnson, 31, 32 can drive you creazy keeping it straight
  6. Trye, but this year we can say we have a passing game, a poor one but better than in the past couple of years
  7. At least they have been able to keep Mack out of the game so far, let that hammy heal
  8. Well to be fair e did try passing in the first half but the passes just didn't connect until late in the second quarter, its like Flowers needs more warmup throws or maybe too keyed up to start the game
  9. Agreed didn't realize how much better Mack was, thought they were fairly close cause the yards per carry were close to each other
  10. Defense has done well, offense has looked ugly but doing well too. Hopefully, USF takes second half kickoff and marches it downfield to put another nail in the SMU coffin
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