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Posts posted by ksquire

  1. What about Dorsey. Correct if I'm wrong, but isn't he on scholarship. USE HIM. Get him adjusted to the game while he is young. The few plays they given him the ball he done some things. Benjamin Williams has done nothing the four years he's been here. Build for the future and use Keeley

  2. LOL...back to the orginal post. In case you haven't noticed Navy is meant to run for like 300+ yards. They are an option team. Us on the other hand...still stuck with the walk ons. We may see something similar to McNeese, but don't look for too much from the backs. Going to come down on Grothe's shoulders again. I still expect to win though.

  3. did not prepare usf one bit to play rutgers and kansas

    usf needs better challenges earlier on in year

    so you think penn state and miami prepared USF better last year?  im so glad you support last years schedule

    Actually I'd rather play that schedule any year. Those are good games for national exposure. Playing McNeese St just blows. Our OOC schedule absoultely sucks this year. Other than UCF, non are appealing.

  4. I am one to believe that the we are a great and talented football team. We will go through many growing pains since we are young. Grothe is going to be a stud and the coaches will continue to grow around him. I am happy everyone is starting to come out and support the team (my fellow students especially).

    Now here are my issues.

    1) A lot of these students have not one clue about college football. The Oracle was writing an article about warning us to not rush the field in the case of a win. Why on earth would anybody feel the need to rush the field against the #23 team in the nation? NOT TO MENTION IT IS RUTGERS. Are they an up and coming team? Sure, but it's still Rutgers. We should beat this team everytime regardless of their rank. People who follow football would know this.

    2) Get from behind the **** pirate ship and get loud. I'm tired of every game where the score is within three points, I see all these students f-ing around up there not caring. Even if you don't like football have some pride in your school. That's the reason you went right?

    3) DO NOT LEAVE EARLY. After Grothe lost that fumble everyone started filing out. Do they realize how close we came to winning this game? It's really annoyed me and I made it known. I told every person that started to leave that I did not want to see them at another game if they do not have any faith.

    and 4) AFTER YOU LOSE, YOU DO NOT BASH THE OPPOSING TEAM THAT JUST BEAT YOU!!! Do not chant "overrated" towards fans of a team that just beat you. There is nothing you can say that will hurt them. If you want to cause commotion sing the fight song (which no one knows) and continue to have pride by putting up your Bulls fingers.

    That being said I look forward to a great rest of the year and maybe contend for the conference. Next year is my senior year at this school and I will settle for nothing less than a BCS bowl from these boys.


  5. It is time to try someone else for FGs. I don't care if he can kick it 60 if he can't make it. He has made one FG this year, and the rest have been missed from inside 50 yards. I just want a guy that can consistently make it from 30.

    As for the punting. It may not be the best looking form, but it has been effective none the least. On crappy punt occured yesterday, and I can deal with that as opposed to getting them blocked. Not too mention, the rugby style will give you a favorable bounce 99.9% of the time. I have no problem with it.

  6. In my opinion wearing green, gold, or whatever color by us doesn't matter to me. As long as the student section is full, that's all you could ask for...When I looked from the student section I could've swore there were thousands of Rutgers fans everywhere. Nothing but a sea of red shirts...OH WAIT! THEY WERE EMPTY SEATS. A pathetic showing by the alumni and the community.

  7. i personally t hink grothe had the first down on the 3rd down run when he stretched the ball out....

    I agree

    So do I.  He held the ball out past the 1st down line, the  spot we got was lousy.

    I AGREE 100%. But I also think it was a bad call to run a QB draw like we do on every 3rd/4th and short. Perfect time for play action.

  8. Every game we seem to start off with same crappy offensive gameplan that we started with the previous game. 2 questions.

    1) Why does it take us until the second half to make these adjustments week in and week out?

    2) When are we going to realize that running a QB draw on 3 and short is SO FREAKIN PREDICTABLE? Smith cannot continue to rely on Grothe to pick these 1st downs up like he is Jerome Bettis.

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