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Posts posted by ksquire

  1. aside from miami's titles there are a lot of things you can say are disgraceful.  they didn't get that SI cover for nothing (the one that called for them the drop football back in the 80s)  miami will never live down this rep no matter what happens.  i know every program has problems, we have had our share in our 10 years, but the scale that U of M is on and their rep....of course the media is all over this.

    Yeah, it's a disgrace that this team also has the most 1st round picks ever.

    You can hate 'em all you want, but you still gotta respect them.


  2. It really annoys me that everyone is bashing Miami for this. Being a Miami fan my whole life I have a little bias, but from the outside it is thefault of both teams. The way they are portraying it in the media is just ridiculous. When the same thing happened in the Clemson-South Carolina game you didn't hear anyone talking about "thug this, thug that". When bench clearing fights happen in baseball no big deal is ever made of it. I think everyone should just get over it, and accept the punishment that was given to them. This is no grounds for shutting down a football team. If we did the same thing you wouldn't see everyone on here saying "let's end USF football now." "Grothe was in that fight, he should be kicked off the team." It just wouldn't happen.

    It appears to me most of this stems for living here in gay-tor country. Most of the people here grew up UF fans (FSU fans) and hold a lot of animosity towards a rival. You can't just cut off a program that has had such an impact in college football. 5 National Championships.

  3. ^^^^

    I like that quote.  I'm glad we have GrothE and not Tebow though.  i'm a GrothE supporter through and through.

    I can't wait till the Gators lose to Georgia, becasue I promise it will happen.  Aubrn will lose another too.  The SEC is out on the national Champ races.  too bad we're going to knock WVU or UL out on our way to the BCS!!!

    Are you high...Not only do the Gators own Georgia, but if there is one team more overrated than Florida every year, it would have to be Gerogia. What a sorry excuse for a team that never wins anything. I hate both, and Florida even more, but they will beat Georgia. Did you see them against Vanderbilt...VANDER-F'ING-BILT. Pathetic.

  4. Let's see, FIU has had one incident in their history, and they've taken much stronger action than "the U", which has had three incidents in the last seven games.  Big talk from Swofford, who says "Additional measures were needed" and proceeds to change one measley suspension from one game to indefinite.  Meriweather in particular has had his share of incidents recently.  He should have been kicked off the team for stomping on defenseless players.

    Makes you proud of the tougher suspensions for our players who didn't even try to harm anyone.

    Shooting at someone in self defense and....

    Please tell me what else Meriweather has done. You wouldn't defend your friends or family if you were getting shot at?

  5. Thats garbage. >:( >:(

    I hope the country really sees Miami for what it is. A bunch of thugs.

    1) The announcer promoting the fight and saying they need to "represent" and he wanted to join in.

    2) The Miami players celebrating the fight afterwards on the sideline.

    3) The Miami fans were encouraging the fight and celebrating as well.

    This is why I will never go to a game in the "OB". The old U = thug U.

    You're an absolute idiot for blaming Miami for this fight. FIU started the whole thing. They were getting frustrated for getting their  [smiley=moon.gif] handed to them and they take out frustration like that. Granted no one should have been fighting, but if you're teammates are getting attacked would you not want to defend them. I don't understand why people look down on this so much, but when it happens in baseball no one thinks anything of it. To me it shouldn't have happened, but when you have friends being attacked you have no choice but to help them. And you wouldn't go to the Orange Bowl to support the Bulls if they were playing there? It is a great atmosphere to see a game.

  6. I honestly like our chances against West Virginia more than Louisville. Here is my reason. WVU runs about the same offense as us, so we are used to see that spread formation often. Granted they have more athletic players, I don't think they are that great. If we force White into throwing it could be a long night for him. He is not the best passer. As for Slaton, i believe he is one of the most overrated backs in the country. His downsides are that he can't break tackels and he has terrible vision. He is just EXTREMELY fast and is in a good system. Given that our offense is fast as hell too.

  7. Ok I will just sob to myself quietly if he gets in again. Why put him in? His career here is over, let Gregory get some snaps to prepare for his future if MG goes down. Putting PJ in there is just a waste.

    I almost forgot how that feeling of dread washes over me when he is behind center. After last night I will always remember.

    I think your career as a Bulls fan should be over. In case you forgot, he did lead us to our first bowl appearance ever, along with a rout over a #9 Louisville team. The boos were absolutely ridiculous, and I was disappointed at every fan who did...especially the students. Then again, what would expect from a bunch of drunk idiots who find the fights in the stands more entertaining than the game?

  8. Not to mention...Just think of programs that have been around a lot longer than us and never seem to make it anywhere in football. i.e. Duke (under the direction of a coach other than Spurrier), Temple (got kicked out of the Big East), Indiana (when's the last time they were decent?), Baylor (ummm...?)...I'm definitely willing to live through the up and down years that will slowly bring our team to a national contender level. It's going to take time, and that may mean another 5-10 years.

  9. Apparently, UF didn't prepare UCF for playing USF or Southern Miss, since they lost both of those as well.

    The only reason we would schedule tougher OOC games would be for the national exposure, other than that, we need easier games at the front end of our schedule. We definately learned from the McNeese, FIU debacles...even though it doesn't show on our record.

    Then we'd be just like the mighty Gators over there in Gainesville  ;) Western Carolina...woo hoo

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