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Posts posted by Held_AccountaBull

  1. Other than the name, what would really change? The P5 have huge TV contracts, the rest of us have tiny TV contracts. How many of the Non P5 teams have a legitimate chance to win an NC? How many of the lower level P5 teams have a legitimate chance? If there were zero inter divisional games, we would lose 2 to 3 games a year. We could replace those games with Boise St., BYU, SDSU, Fresno St etc....Not every good recruit in America would flock to the likes of Wake Forest, Northwestern, Vandy etc.... just because they play in the P5. I just don't think that the change would be that big.


    You are very misguided if you believe what you just wrote.

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  2. I follow Steven Bench on Twitter…

    I truly appreciate his tweets and try get to know him better..

    But as of late some SUPPOSED USF FAN.  Has posted things that are just inappropriate.


    To witt   From THE ROCK…. grow up dude, Your tweets make no sense and I am losing faith that you may not be the answer to our QB problem  


    Followed by..  I follow you on twitter and I am a Bulls fan, hit the play book bro instead of tweeting so much. Go start for us!


    So ROCK STFU you do not represent me I happen to have a higher IQ..  Im am sure Steven Bench is aware of how this works…He does need or want your advice..


    Go Bulls





    Although I agree the tweeter is a complete idiot.



    It's better if we just accept how helpless we are and that no one is to blame. And smile.

    No, we should all whine like babies, because that helps every situation.

    I was trying to add to the level of sarasm, were you?



    You should know by now how dull Databull is.

  4. TCF bank stadium (Minnesota's) has capacity of 80k and cost 248m

    UH stadium holds 40k and costs 105m


    I'm using those figures to estimate a cost of 145-170m for a 55k stadium. 


    More from Houston's new stadium's wikipedia page

    -80% of the cost was needed just to break ground

    -74% of students voted yes to a proposal to increase fees to fund. 


    It should be noted that construction costs are low right now and interest rates are as well, making financing construction projects very attractive


    TCF Bank Stadium only holds 50,000.

  5. Why would Bench, or any other QB for that matter, want to come to a program on the wrong side of the divide, where your reward for having an outstanding season is to play in the Beef O Brady's bowl, when all of the real conferences are playing in big bowls.


    Take your crying to the CSNbbs board, since you like to start the same crybaby conversations there too.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I don't want to talk or think about the mess that is our QB situation. We are honestly saying things like "if he can consistently handle snaps from under center we could be ok". Those are things you say when discussing a high school QB situation not at a FCS school. My magic 8 ball says "the future is bleak".


    Sad when our fans don't even know what subdivision we are in. Times are tough right now.

  7. what?


    Best guess.


    Would it be a win the tournament and get in type of conference, or would there be enough respect that it could garner a number of at large bids?


    Next year will be, as I understand it to be, the following (for now, 03/14/2013):


    South Florida








    Central Florida



    Anyone want to speculate on the A12 basketball outlook for next season?


    Is UConn eligible?  Top contenders would be Louisville (one season only), Memphis, Cincy maybe/Temple maybe????


    A 2 or 3 bid conference?


    What are the thoughts?  Just not ready to quit basketball this early!!



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