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Bulls On Parade

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Posts posted by Bulls On Parade

  1. 16 minutes ago, olafberserker said:

    It isn't low reward.  Make the yard and you keep the ball and get the offense rolling.    He's made it clear he is going to go for it.  He is an offensive minded coach and appears to want to be aggressive.  Maybe he just has confidence in his team that he can get the yard and can overcome if they don't.  At this point I don't get all the angst over it

    it is a low reward move on your own 30 on your first offensive drive....reason why 99.9% coaches would punt then. 

    I don't mind being aggressive but he has to be smart about.  If it was near the 50 I could see doing it. 

  2. 1 minute ago, belgianbull said:

    Memphis beats Boise State.

    UAB looked improved against Tulane, but i don't know if Tulane is still as good as last year. UAB still might be a sleeper and are better then their record. Cant overlook UAB.

    U Conn is now 0-5. So they should not pose to be a problem


    Yeah Tulane QB was off at start but settled down and I do think they aren't as good as last years team atleast not right now but pretty good. 

    If we bring our A game we win if we play sloppy again this could be a loss.  I have a feeling Golesh will focus on turnovers this week. 

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