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Everything posted by LackeyBullJD

  1. Hear, hear. Notre Dame would be huge, but we all know it isn't willing to give up free-reign scheduling plus that huge TV deal. Oh, and the fact that they could steal one of at least a couple Big East slots for bowls. Sweet deal. Or that, essentially, free pass into a BCS game. Remember the Fiesta Bowl against Oregon State a few years ago? 41-9 Beavers, with the stadium full of mostly OSU fans chanting "RUDY!" at the end of the game. What a joke.
  2. Criami. It's perfect. I love it. Look forward to seeing y'all in Tampa with the Conference Title on the line. Should be fun. Good luck the rest of the year.
  3. According to CFN's "expert" picks this week, Clucko the Chicken is the only one picking USF to pull off the upset. Ironically, Clucko was also the only one to pick us last week. http://collegefootballnews.com/2005/Predictions/ExpertPicks.htm Maybe he (actually a coin flip) is our good luck charm.
  4. Shame about TCU, but regionally it wouldn't work anyway.  And I forgot about Memphis.  Dunn looks like he's really got something good going there. Too bad UTEP wouldn't work either, but I'd hate to annihilate our former conference as well. Like another poster mentioned earlier, a BE conference championship game would be huge, as it's been huge for the other majors who have implemented it.  It's even been a big deal for the MAC for years and years. But we can't do it without more teams, and adding teams like UCF (despite its current status), Marshall and yeah, Memphis, bring in regionally-appropriate teams with decent recruiting bases that have had a history of at least modest success.  Don't forget, before Coach K killed UCF, the Big East had its eyes on the Knights.
  5. The Big East should raid some of the better C-USA teams to (somewhat) make up for the mass mutiny the conference suffered 2 years ago. Keep our rivalries intact. Marshall belongs in the Big East with WVU, not C-USA. UCF actually will be better in time (I think we all can admit this) and would make an automatic annual rivalry. Heck, even bring those urine-throwing Southern Miss rednecks over. Sorry, C-USA, but the Big East needs a little extra weight. Besides, remember how bad the Big East used to be before Miami moved in and Va Tech got better? It just takes time, but we'll earn that disputed BCS berth. Even though the BCS is crap anyway.
  6. Yeah, what about a TPD officer trying to break your fingers for leaning over the wall? In the newspaper story, I'm pretty sure Alec was talking about me when he mentioned that scenario, since I was right next to him. Ask him and others there, what had I done yet? If not for my reflexes, I could file a suit against RJS and TPD. But then again, they'd probably make up a story that I was a threat or they thought I was trying to willfully destroy property by tearing down a banner like some other people did. Apparently looking like you're about to do something is cause to get hit with a baton. >
  7. They ARE making that up.  I distinctly remember in my section, the student end, a unified "storm the field" chant.  Like I've said before, we had already discussed staying away from the posts, so unless one or two clowns said that (which I doubt) or a different section cheered that (which I doubt even more), they're making that up to cover their own butts knowing that people will believe the "authority" figures over the drunken students. But like I said earlier too, the TPD officer several other gentlemen and I were taunted and threatened by made up the fact that I threw Gatorade at him--when I asked him if he was just making things up now he even said something along the lines of "I'll come up with something" to take me to jail for.  So it's not surprising they would embellish the story when the newspaper gets involved.
  8. Edited previous comment. My use of hyperbole regarding one certain word did not translate well. Don't want to start a political war. I'm independent and neutral, like Switzerland
  9. Well, I don't exactly have the resources to make a copy, unfortunately, or I'd be happy to. All I have is one lousy VCR and the video itself didn't even come out too well. However, I'd be happy to sell it to someone, EXCEPT, I used the same tape as the one I recorded our game at OU on, which I attended in Norman with family members. So I kinda want to hold onto this one. Very sorry, I should've used the tape of our lousy game against the Cards last year, but I couldn't find it. If you have any other ideas, let me know.
  10. "Guest" is probably one of the barbarians who relished their time in the sun of beating so-called drunken idiots.  And by the way, I know people who jumped were not drunk, and as I've mentioned earlier, I wasn't either, yet they tried to arrest me as well (and I never jumped).  Maybe "Guest" is even my old immature pal the TPD officer.  Or one of his employers.  "Due the crime, due the time."  Fine.  I dont see anything that says anything about beatings in that statement.  Why don't you just identify yourself, Guest, and stop hiding behind a veil of Draconian self-righteousness?  If you're too afraid to show yourself, your opinion will never be considered valid to us.  Just like the big men with their clubs trying to break students hands for leaning over a railing, you're a coward.
  11. I was watching the game tape last night and saw Leavitt yelling at Teachey on, as already mentioned, some play in the 3rd when Justin made the tackle. I don't know why Leavitt was yelling at him, but reading his lips it appeared as though he said "stupid" sometime. I can only assume it was because Teachey was in the kickoff return fracass making the tackle (or at least helping to) rather than staying back and playing safety so as not to risk a KO return for a TD. Or he was simply mad at him for kicking the ball so short right to a dangerous return man. Y'all know how Leavitt gets. The man never stops coaching (the announcers did give mention of that, though). But that's why we love him.
  12. The Other U 23-14 317 J. Peyton I REALLY hope I'm wrong, but I'm afraid it will resemble the Penn State game, despite how well we played last week. The Orange Bowl is a whole 'nother ballgame.
  13. OK, it's nice to see us at least mentioned in the "others receiving votes"  category, but seriously... this is a clear example of yet another joke of a ranking system affiliated with the BCS.  How does Idaho get 5 votes too?  It's as if someone voting for the Harris poll felt the need to help point out how absurd the BCS/ranking system is. http://collegefootballnews.com/2005/Rankings/Harris.htm
  14. My dad did actually mention that, and I'm familiar with the practice. But it doesn't make it right. And I'm an idealist, so unjust, quasi-legal practices by "authority" figures is one thing that really gets me fired up. Also, I feel especially bad for those poor students who may not be as familiar with cops arresting to make a point and were willing to be more daring, only to be taken to Orient--and I know there were at least a couple who this happened to. And I'm talking about some students who did not go over the wall.
  15. Sorry this is a long rant... but I'm unhappy. > I like to think of myself as pretty open-minded and try to respect the rules, but I have to say I am FURIOUS with the actions of the TBD and RJS security last night. I was with the Beef Studs, to the right of the goalpost and we had already planned to stay the heck away from the goalposts and run straight. Screw the Bucs' precious goalposts. We wanted to celebrate with our team. I don't care if the cops want to keep us away from the posts, that's fine--they're not ours. But things got WAY out of hand last night. This is only part of what I saw last night: One poor student was slammed against the wall, then picked up and slammed back to the ground while never even trying to struggle. Another was simply standing by a wall after jumping over it when he also was slammed against it and tackled. I was leaning over the wall watching this and the one young, arrogant, barbaric TPD officer in front of me tried to hit me on the arms with his baton as if I had done anything. I hadn't, nor did I plan on it since I had my out-of-the-area girlfriend with me and didn't want to get arrested. But apparently leaning over the wall is cause for getting beaten with a police baton (which can kill, by the way). But it gets better.... A group of five or ten students to my right were doing the same thing as me, but once they saw what was happening to the students on the field (and saw the young TBD officer try to hit me FOR NO REASON), they started jawing with the cops and security, who then taunted them, daring them to come onto the field. After Mr. Arrogant young TBD officer decided he'd intimidated me enough (although he hadn't), he moved to the group of young men to my right and began taunting them. When they spoke back, he held his taser to them at point blank range of one student's face. I am not exaggerating. This IS what happened. Appalled by what I saw seeing, I ran next to the group of guys being overtly threatened and asked the officer what the h*ll he thought he was doing and began yelling to him about how the ACLU would love to hear about his behaviour. He told me to shut up and continued threatening the group which had done NOTHING and had no apparent intent. When I asked what they had done, he said something about threatening an officer. RIGHT....they threatened HIM from the other side of the wall as he's waiting in front of them with a baton that he apparently liked to use liberally and a tazer in front of their faces. I reminded him again that certain organizations that I am connected with would be very interested in knowing about the precedings (no, I didn't use exacty those words, but I didn't swear at him), and he said to me "you're going to jail, buddy." I asked him what the h*ll I had done, and his response was "you threw Gatorade at me." I never had a beverage or anything in my hand for that matter, nor was I drunk or even causing trouble. I'd admit if I was, as I've done in the past, but I'm 25 and graduating soon, so it's not worth it. And look, I'm not stupid enough to chuck a bottle at a cop even if I had one. I also saw the gatorade get thrown and it obviously came from the section to our right. THEN, he radioed the state troopers inside the stadium (I could hear what he said) and said he needed someone taken away for the night, and gave them MY DESCRIPTION!!! Choosing discretion over valour, I took the hat he described off, gave it to my girl to hide in her purse, and walked out away from the direction of the state troopers. On the way out, one of the young men to my right gave me a hug and thanked me for, as he said "saving their party." He may have been drunk and I'm not sure I really helped much, but he and his friends were clearly upset. Then obviously I got out of there without getting aprehended for doing nothing. I'm sorry this is so lengthy, but I'm hoping that people read this board and understand only a microcosm of the events that transpired last night. I am a Criminology major and my father is a former police officer. I've discussed this with him and we are both so appalled at this DISGUSTING AND UNNECESSARY behaviour that I can't adequately articulate my feelings into words. I'm not the type of vindictive person to actively pursue lawsuits or cost someone his job for doing it poorly, but this is an exception. I hope people read this and know of similar accounts and take action against these neanderthals, in particular one young TBD officer who, if not for my reflexes, would've broken my fingers for leaning over the railing. I do know what cops can and can't do, and their behaviour last night far transcends the boundaries of preserving the peace and serving the public.
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