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Everything posted by PKCard

  1. I think UofL-USF has the makings of a great rivalry. The first game was very close, then we punch you in the mouth at our place, only to have you return the favor at your place. If getting your butt kicked doesn't motivate a team to come out stronger the next time they meet, I don't know what will. The rivalry is young, but I think it will grow and there will be many great battles between us in the coming years, hopefully with the BE title on the line each time. You Bulls fans are a class group, and I hope our fan bases remain civil towards each other, unlike the rivalry we have with UK that is quite nasty. Good luck the rest of the season!
  2. I'm not familiar with the Sun Dome incident. What happened?
  3. That's pretty funny since we did the same thing to Oregon State's fans when they wouldn't join in our wave. I guess the wave is no fun when you're the visitor and your team is getting smoked lol.
  4. Congrats guys. You kicked our tails. Hopefully we can return the favor next year at our place. Good luck with the Canes... I'll be cheering for you.
  5. We lost to Army back in 99 or so, I think in John L.'s second year. We weren't quite the team back then that we are now. Growing up as an Army brat, I have a lot of respect for all the military academies, and like to see them win games. Army seems to be moving in the right direction, and I wish them the best.
  6. I'm sure our players are expecting a fight, so they won't be rattled by a close, hard-hitting game. We were down 10-0 early to Oregon State and were able to shake it off. This team does not overlook anyone, and I'm confident our guys will not fold in the face of adversity.
  7. I'm pretty sure we were unranked then too. It was a great game by two evenly-matched teams.
  8. We'll have to use some of those pics on UK fans!
  9. mms://a978.v12892b.c12892.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/978/12892/v0001/vod.ibsys.com/2005/0610/4593325.200k.wmv The following link is a local news story done on UofL athletics a few months ago (hope it works!). I think it does a pretty good job of showing how we've gotten from where we were in 1997 to where we are today. I was a freshman at UofL in 1997, and the progress made from that point to now is incredible. It seems like UofL is an entirely different school now. I hope the athletic department continues to stay hungry, and desires to improve every year. I think USF can and will be a very strong program in the BE in the near future. I would love for you to take your place as one of the Big Four in Florida. I'll be rooting for you to win every game this year, except this weekend!
  10. I think you have us confused with the rest of the state. Here in Louisville he believe in hygiene, shoes, and have all of the modern amenities (electricity, plumbing, etc). ;D
  11. UofL has probably never ranked in the top 30 in recruiting classes, yet we have some of the best offensive talent and one of the best defensive lines in the country. As long as we continue winning, I'm confident that our coaches will land the players they need to keep us moving upward.
  12. As long as Petrino is on the sidelines, I'm not worried about talent or winning. We'll have plenty of both. If/when he does leave, Jurich (the best AD in the country) will plug in another successful coach and continue the momentum. I hope USF does grow into a consistent top 25 program... the BE needs all the help it can get right now.
  13. I think Fox Sports and CFN use the same poll. Anyway, they had us at 28 or 29 in their preseason poll, and now we've moved up to 26! ;D
  14. He was knocked out with a slight concussion. Brohm had to come in and finish the game, and played very well.
  15. I'm hoping we can hold you closer to Penn State numbers than FAMU and UCF numbers! USF will certainly be tougher to slow on the ground than UK and Oregon State, but I think our guys will be up for the challenge.
  16. Yes E.T., as far as I know both are good to go for this weekend.
  17. Keeping Louisville's offense off the field might help, but we were able to score 56 points on offense in only 20 minutes and 50 plays against Oregon State. I'm sure our players are looking forward to the challenge of playing in Tampa, and hopefully avenging the loss you gave us the last time we went down there. Here's to a hard-fought and injury-free game!
  18. Well I'd have to say we're a little better now than we were 2 years ago, as are your Bulls probably. I'll be cheering USF to win every game, except for Saturday of course. ;D
  19. Clark is our 3rd WR who is generally known more as a kick returner than a WR. Like Rezz said, his replacement Mario Urrutia is a 6'6" redshirt freshman who had 7 catches for 175 yards and 2 TDs in his first action as a Cardinal. As far as I know, Clark was our only injury from last game. I know Oregon State lost their long snapper for the year, but I think our center is fine. I'm looking forward to a hard fought game this weekend!
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