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Posts posted by MatRatUSF

  1. http://www.usforacle.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/07/14/42d666975d9d8

    Keep telling yourself: It's just a game

    by Mike Camunas



    July 14, 2005

    It's all wrapped up in cellophane.

    It comes packaged to fit in your hands as your own little universe -- your own NCAA world to tinker and toy with. You are the coach, the athletic director, the fan, the player, the recruiter -- everyone from the moms to the girlfriends as you design your own dynasty.

    It's life you can practically sculpt yourself.

    NCAA Football '06, designed and created by videogame juggernaut EA Sports, was released Tuesday.

    As with every year, the video game is watched and carefully debated by the seasonal fans who annually buy it just a few months before the real season starts.

    Real player numbers, physical features and stats are used, but names are spared because of collegiate rules prohibiting players from accepting sponsorships -- though looking at the pictures for players like USF quarterback Pat Julmiste, one would question the motive behind EA Sports' models; players look like they belong in a high-security penitentiary.

    Or, perhaps they were just being mean (Julmiste's picture looks like he downed a bottle of Ripped Fuel).

    Which leaves us with Bulls fans who choose to create their very own football team, featuring returning standout players like running back Andre Hall, wide receiver Johnny Peyton and outside linebacker Stephen Nicholas.

    Those mentioned are posed as a new feature in this year's version of the game, impact players. According to the game's packaging, "Give the Pigskin to your game-changing performers as they break games wide open with big plays and highlight-reel moves."

    As with many hand-held universes, they seem lifelike; too real to be real.

    Close-ups of players show wrinkles, tattoos and facial hair, even though the coach might have a dress code.

    Though for those faithful who love their teams -- and, believe it or not, there are those who dearly love the eight-year-old football team -- it's just too realistic.

    Players get rated in this game, and whether he may be overrated -- UCF's running back, Dontavius Wilcox, is ranked an 82, while Julmiste is an 80 -- is another argument. But you can play as Julmiste or Hall or Nicholas and go through the entire lifelike first season in the Big East.

    I simulated a season as USF recently, and sorry to say it Bulls nation, but USF turned out a disappointing 3-8 season.

    Hall rushed for less than he did last year at 1,069 yards and 9 TDs.

    Julmiste broke any coveted record held by former Bulls quarterback Marquel Blackwell by passing for 2,884 yards -- only two more than the previous record -- and threw 23 TD passes, which is only three more than what Blackwell had.

    Pittsburgh ran away with the Big East at 11-1.

    Was it foreshadowing for those who will watch this season more intently than people from Georgia watch Jeff Foxworthy? Or was it just too realistic?

    Then again ... it's just a video game

  2. you can use last years roster for most of the players except for the freshman. Some don't match up, but if you look on another thread that was just posted, the new roster should be out. Ponton is #25 in the game but he switched to 5 for this season. Grothe is listed as #9

  3. lol I love the new race for the Heisman mode. You start as a high school player working out for college teams. Yo can chose to be a Pocket QB or a Scrambling QB, RB, WR ... based on your performance in the drills, you gain points and then you are recruited by teams. The better you go the better the teams that want to recruit you. It's really cool. They have a spacial dorm room page where you keep track of your stats, fan mail, play book and everything. Definitly a nice touch.

  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050708/ap_on_sp_ol/oly_sports_program&printer=1;_ylt=AsrVopXjbVkHdAlyrAdy9AGl24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-

    By STEPHEN WILSON, AP Sports Writer

    2 hours, 2 minutes ago

    Baseball and softball, two sports invented in America, were dropped Friday from the Olympic program for the 2012 Summer Games in London.

    Each of the 28 existing sports was put to a secret vote by the International Olympic Committee, and baseball and softball failed to receive a majority required to stay on the program. The other 26 sports were retained.

    "I think they've made a big, big mistake," said Tommy Lasorda, the former Dodgers manager who managed the 2000 U.S. team to the gold medal in the 2000 Sydney Games. "Baseball is played by all countries now and softball, too. I think that's really going to hurt the Olympics. I don't want to knock the other sports, but I think this is a big mistake. I am very disappointed.

    "I was fortunate enough to coach the U.S. Olympic team in Australia. The parks were full at all times. How can they take away a sport like that?"

    The IOC will consider replacing them with two sports from a waiting list of five: golf, rugby, squash, karate and roller sports. That decision will be made Saturday.

    Baseball and softball, which will remain on the program for the 2008 Beijing Games, are the first sports cut from the Olympics since polo in 1936.

    Baseball, which became a medal sport in 1992, has been vulnerable because it doesn't bring top Major League players to the Olympics. Softball, a women's medal sport since 1996, has been in danger because of a perceived lack of global appeal and participation.

    "Needless to say, these sports are very, very disappointed," IOC president Jacques Rogge said after announcing the result. "However, I have to emphasize the fact that they should not fear this purge. The fact is that they shall not be included in the program of the 2012 Olympic Games, but it does not disqualify them forever as Olympic sports."

    Rogge said baseball and softball will be eligible to win back their place in future games.

    "I would like to invite the leaders of these sports that will not be included in the program to make their very best efforts during the coming years so as to be able to convince the session that they deserve to come back to the Olympic Games in 2016. We shall support them in their efforts."

    Major League Baseball and the players' union plan to launch on Monday the Baseball Classic, a 16-nation tournament that will begin in March and feature players on big league rosters.

    Aldo Notari, the Italian president of the international baseball federation, acknowledged that the absence of major leaguers in the Olympics was the crucial factor in the sport's exclusion.

    "One is not happy when one is in this situation," he said. "The problem with baseball is the best players are not going to the Olympics Games. But baseball is still in Beijing and it is still necessary to work for the future in 2016."

    Don Porter, the American president of the international softball federation, said he was devastated by the vote.

    "We thought that we had a lot of support," he said. "The members told us we were getting support, but obviously we weren't."

    Porter said the decision goes back to Mexico City in 2002 when Rogge tried  but failed  to get baseball, softball and modern pentathlon removed.

    "They wanted us out," Porter said. "They didn't get us out  it took them three years and now they got us out. I just think the IOC wanted some opportunity to introduce several new sports ... and in order to do that, they had to remove a couple of sports and that's what they did today."

    Baseball and softball are sports rooted in American tradition.

    "I don't want to say it's an anti-U.S. thing, but they are two native American sports," Porter said.

    He noted that modern pentathlon, which has been on the program since the first modern games in 1896, had tradition and European support on its side.

    "Europe has strong voting power in the IOC," Porter said. "They worked hard, they did the right thing to get enough to stay in."

    Removal from the program can be crippling for smaller sports federations, which rely heavily on Olympic revenues for survival.

    Before the vote, the head of the international federations described the existing program as a "delicate instrument" and "magical combination" which shouldn't be changed.

    "Once you take one piece out to put another piece in, you don't know what the consequences will be," said Denis Oswald, president of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations. "Don't change a winning team."

    The IOC will keep the voting figures secret. Not even the IOC members or sports federations will learn the totals. The secrecy was requested by the international federations in order to avoid any ranking or embarrassment for any sports which just barely make the cut.

    Rogge said the figures will be seen only by an independent official, who will send the results by sealed envelope to an IOC notary in Lausanne, Switzerland. Rogge will only open the envelope in the case of a voting dispute.

    "Not all sports are indispensable for the Olympic program, we know that," Rogge told the delegates before the vote.

    Senior IOC member **** Pound of Canada harshly criticized the secrecy, saying it undermined the IOC's moves for openness. He said it was in the interests of the sports federations themselves to know how they stand.

    "What kind of message does the IOC send when there is complete secrecy on an issue that is important to the world?" Pound said.

    But Rogge said the IOC executive board had accepted the request by the federations, who fear a low vote total would hurt them in finding sponsorship and television contracts.

    "Whether we agree or not, if this is the unanimous position of the 28 international federations, we have to respect that," Rogge said.

  5. Cyber, you say do whatever it takes to get students even if its food and beer. You can get the students out for the beer and food, but how do you get them into the seats? I can show up for the food and beer and then leave and not watch the game. What now? You can't serve food inside because of consessions. That's the problem you get with free food and beer.

  6. What can get students to game besides getting Kegs??

    Also, just FYI for people who are interested. The reason the Student Bulls Club hasn't joined forced as a Student Government agency is that if SG were to give SBC money we wouldn't be able to charge for membership and we wouldn't be able to seperate ourselves as a donor based organization. In SG bylaws you have to let anyone in who wants to join and not everyone wants to pay money to join. So that was a snag in that. So i would like to get people's input to get students out there.

  7. If you ever got a chance to talk with Konimba he is a funny guy and extreamly intellegent. I had a few classes with him and he always yelled at me for missing a class here and there. It was funny. In pratice coach mac would always mess with him while he was doing drills. He would announce him like he was in a came. "Starting at center from Mali West Africa ... Koooooonimba!!!!!!!!! He always knew how to have a good time.  Just some info youo normally don't hear ...

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