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Posts posted by BULLheaded

  1. Who cares! If they win, I don't care if they all come out looking like gangbangers! Don't be scared to have swagger fans! The jersey hanging out shows our guys are in deep battle.

    I know it seems really nitpicky BUT there are two issues here.

    1)we want to be taken seriously so we should look like a serious team

    2)this could be debatable but I do think that part of nipping this **** penalty problem aka sloppiness could be partially helped by insisting on discipline and attention to detail in all facets and that includes the way we look. It's already been noted that no amount of coaching or disciplinary action has helped and the coaches sound completely stumped when the subject comes up. Well, instill an overal sence of discipline and maybe just maybe you'll see things get better......it might not but hey it couldn't hurt and at least we would look more like a big time football program in the process.

    I suppose to some it gives the appearance of being in the heat of battle but to me it just looks like amatures grabbing whatever clothes are available to play with friends in a school yard. I will of course agree that it certainly isn't as important as just winning though!

  2. ``We still have the old [play] to block kicks going over the top,'' senior FS Javan Camon said. ``But we put in the new one going around the end.

    If we couldn't block over the middle why would we stil have the old plays in? I thought the rule in the NFL (which was what I thought they had copied) was that you can't leap off of another person. I've never heard of not being able to actually run and jump from the middle at all. Does anyone know for sure exactly how this rule applies?

  3. Anybody else think we looked a bit rag tag/street ball with a lot of the jerseys not tucked in?  I never noticed that before with a Bulls team.

    I've thought this for a while now, it's nitpicky but we really do look sloppy. I wonder if there is some relationsip between the sloppy dress and the sloppy (penalty ridden) play. If there was an overall attempt to make everyone pay attention to detail it might help. It's also interesting that after nearly every game someone on the opponents boards always seems to comment on this as well.

  4. I was scared when I opened this message but now i understand.  USF needs to do something about new announcers.  Besides trying to jynx us a half dozen times all there commentary is so dumb.  They say stuff like "the bulls want to stop them from getting a first down" or " now the bulls are gonna wanna try to move the ball"

    My favorite was the exceptionally insightfull comment after one of TCUs penalties....."this will help USFs field position"

  5. The problem was that the allotted satellite time had expired for the game since it went on longer than anticipated. So, they tried to make arrangements to use a different satellite feed, but something went wrong with the new coordinates that they used and it didn't switch over properly. By the time they got it right the game had ended.

    This is what I was talking about and I wouldn't call this a "technical" problem but a lack of being prepared. TipleB, I was actually not ******** about 28 but about the source that was feeding 28 the game which was ESPN. As someone else mentioned, do you think this would have happened to Miami or UF?

  6. I don't exactly buy the technical issue, someone on the TCU board said that ESPN cut out to go to another program and this caused all the networks or programs airing the show to loose the feed. Since it was exactly at 11:00 this seems much more feasable to me. The satalite was actually going out several times through the game but when that happened we lost all signal and this was completely different.

  7. Hobbie sits up in the booth I believe, can't recall seeing him on the sidelines during games.

    There were actually two bad exchanges during the game, the one being discussed that PJ screwed up and one that he was under center yet the center thought he was in the shotgun and rifled it between Pat's legs.

  8. Jim, I think one correction would be that it was 13 games not 2 that caused the call for Hobbie's head. He called a good game last night but let's see if he can do this consistently and not go back the the "old" style. I've seen coaches do this so many times and just have to shake my head and wonder what goes on in their head. I'm not ready to exonerate him yet, let's see how the season goes first....I wonder if maybe secretly Franks had a hand in this, seems so drastically different then anything I've seen Hobbie do that it just makes me wonder. Regardless, the coaches called a great game last night

    I agree on Pat and Hall, both were warriors last night!

    On the flags, well Leavitt has comented after every game for years that he knows this problem exists. It is excrutiatingly frustrating! I sure hope we can get this under control but I'm not holding my breath on this one.

  9. for all these receivers  we have   qbs that  don't seem to be able to hit receivers in stride

    Kind of tough previous to last nights game when aside from the occasional hail mary pass all we did was throw screens to receivers running towards the sidelines (or worse yet standing still at the sideline waiting for the pass.) Last night we finally saw some slants over the middle and quess what? QB hit them in stride and mostly led to quite a bit of yards after the catch. I think this is how we converted nearly all of our 3rd and longs last night. This was so refreshing to see, combined with the QB under center and for the most part scrapping that horrid shotgun handoff certainly made the offense more efficient IMO

  10. I must have watched a different game, I thought PJ looked very good. A few passes under preasure were a bit low but geeesh most of the incomplete passes were RIGHT in the receivers hands. He was dead on most of the time including great clutch passes on 3 and long over and over again and that TD where he was moving right and threw across his body...and something else we haven't seen in a while on that same TD he completely fooled the TCU D by keeping his eyes right until just the last moment turned and passed the opposite direction for the TD. I'll admit he didn't look great that first week and I couldn't see the USC game but considering he was hobbling around in this game and fought completely composed and played so well I can't see how anyone can be at all upset over what they saw. PJ was 1000000000000% better then anything I've seen from Banks in over a year and for the first time since Marquel I have some faith in the QB position.

  11. conversely,an 18 year old can die for his country

    he can play in NFL in my book

    the only problem is that it is NOT your book, it is the owner's book and their right to decide who can read it. So many people seem to think that book is public property and anyone who can read has an inherent "right" to it

  12. rule is fair, owner's business...owner's rules. Again the business is not there for the players, the owners extend a privelege to those they allow to play, it is not a "right" of the players. The rule is also across the board and applies to everyone who wants to be a player in the nfl, this rule does not pick and choose so in that sense it is also fair. The only reason a couple of kids are now in a predicament of getting "screwed" is because they thought they could get around these rules and NOT because the owners put them there. The rules were known, the owners made it clear ahead of time they were not flexible and they would be defended so these kids knew that by trying to go to the nfl early they might be in this predicament so this was a risk they took and lost...again NOT the owners fault.

    These rules may or may not be the best way to achieve the intended results, they may not even make any sense at all but they ARE fair since owners have and should have the rights to run their businesses as they see fit.

    If we really want to fight age discrimination why don't we start with the laws that are in place that actually take away an individuals rights such as

    drinking age 21 - can be tried as an adult for breaking the law, can die for the country (a la smazza's example) but can't have a beer

    being a bartender - guess being 21 is necessary to pour drinks. This would certainly affect more of the populations employment but nobody complains

    must be 21 to enter a strip joint even when no alcohol is served - can be married at 16, an adult at 18 yet can't see anyone naked in a bar until 21.

    Truth is nobody seems to mind age discrimination so much as long as it doesn't seem to be coming from rich people running their business. Society forcing a kid to be 21 to drink and it's ok since it is for their protection.....an owner forcing a kid to be a particular age to play in a league full of 300-400 pound killers and whoa!!! they are so discriminatory, call the lawers on this travesty!!

    of course once the courts win and force anyone to be able to play just wait untill the first few underage kids start getting paralyzed or suffer some sort of other permanant injury....we'll have the lawers immediately calling for the heads of the owners for allowing these kids to be put into dangerous situations. I can here it now, everyone crying negligence on the owners part for allowing a talented but undersized kid to play.

  13. actually the owners did have a choice to look at and hire any age, it was the owners themselves who decided to take this choice away feeling it was for the better of the sport and the league. This is still a choice I feel they have a right to make as owners and right or wrong the courts would have no right to take that away.

    As far as the president, that is up to the public to make those choices so it is up to the citizens and the courts and the government to do so.

    do I feel bad for the players affected? hmmmm, lets see...they might actually have to get a real job like the rest of the population instead of making bazillions of dollars playing a game....ok realistically they'll wait a year and still make a bazillion dollars playing a game and will only have to face reality for that one year. No I don't feel too bad that these kids might have to actually spend some time in college or mature a bit before they can play a game for the rest of their lives. The ones I feel sorry for are all the owners across the US that could be affected (ie more rights taken away) due to legislation resulting from something like this.

    LOL yeah, I know what you mean but hey...sometimes it's just impossible to stop  :)

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