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Posts posted by BULLheaded

  1. bien, my opinion agrees with yours that demanding Leavitt's head is an over reaction...however you obviously haven't noticed just about every person on this board has said the same thing. On the other hand asking for the head of several offensive coaches is NOT an over reaction. The offense did not lose this game but it has been a consistent problem for years and calling them out is not merely a reaction to this game nor is it something new and that goes for comments I've heard from you as well. You made a great point in another thread about how the running game has improved with the addition of Franks and how he has turned Crossley's techniques completely around to the point that he is playing at a much higher level then in the past.  This is exactly what I was talking about in my posts above and why I am questioning the current offensive coaches ability to teach these athletes the techniques necessary to play at the level we are now playing in instead of the level we played in the past. IMO if we upgrade the other coaches to the level of a Franks we would see the same types of improvements in the other positions as we have in the running game.

    Now, what pisses ME off is every time you disagree with a poster you must proclaim them ignorant of knowing anything about football and many times must also call them a-holes or other such comments. Hey I got news for you, I have read many many posts that you have disagreed with that were well thought out, logical and obviously written by people who know something about this sport even if you don't believe so. I'm sorry if you can't stand to hear anything negative about this team but sometimes the truth just plain old hurts and right now the truth is we are playing like crap and youth isn't the only problem by a long shot. I don't like to hear it or say it but reality is reality.

  2. True to form bien response, anyone with a different opinion is an idiot and knows nothing about football. It must really be tough knowing so much about everything and having to correct so many stupid idiots!

    this isn't just a youth issue on offense, it has been a problem for years with both experienced and young players. Obviously the players aren't executing but the question is WHY the hell aren't they executing? Have we just been unlucky year after year getting players that are unable to execute or do we have a problem with the coaches ability to teach the fundamentals necessary to be able to execute properly. The latter is the only constant over time and therefore seems to me very appropriate to question.  Even with MB the offense still struggled, yeah we scored points but nearly all year Marquel had to scramble all over the place after broken plays and wait for some receiver to open up or to take it for himself. This masked alot of problems but many still noticed it and commented on it back then as well. IMO it's not even that the system suited Marquel but that Marquel kept the system from being a complete disaster and now that we don't have him the system is exposed. I also am surprised at any call for Leavitt's head but a call for him to take action with assistants doesn't surprise me one bit and as I recall last year all we heard from you was bashing Hobbie's abilities especially in the area of passing routes and how basic they were etc etc... But then again I'm sure I don't know a **** thing about football and you are the wise one we should all listen to....you are always so dead on right like the way you bashed all those who "didn't know anything about football" before the season when they expressed concern that the defensive backfield would be weak this year due to replacing seniors with inexperienced players. Remember bien, how they all didn't know anything and that our incredible talent increase would more then make up for the loss of the seniors? Sure glad you were right about that since we would certainly be struggling defensively this year if not.

  3. I cannot believe you guys want to fire Hobbie-- his group put up 35 points in this game. Typically-- that is more than enough to get the job done. Bottom line is we didn't execute on defense when we needed to get it done. Any OC that can generate 35 points -- albeit against a less than stellar Army team-- shold not be the focus of your 'woe is me" posts. You can hate the play calling but in the end-- the best play calls only work when the players complete them correctly. A bad pass or a missed catch-- these are not the coordinators fault. Any amount of coaching is not going to change a player to suddenly make that clutch play. You cannot coach competence.

    I agree with so many of your points here such as yes the defense didn't get it done and you can't blame this loss on the offense BUT the defense has been awesome for years and this year is the first time we've seen this type of play out of them and I expect this will not stay the same year after year and if it does well then people will and should have these very same comments about the defensive coaches. I also agree that the players must execute plays but I can't disagree more that any amount of coaching won't help players make clutch plays or become competent on the field.....uhhhhhh what the hell do we have coaches for other then to teach players HOW to make the plays?? It's called fundamentals ie...the TOOLS these players need in order to execute plays properly and if they don't have them then guess what, the players will not be able to execute even hobbies simplistic playground offense. Really, do people really expect that a coach is there merely to draw up a play and help a kid memorize the play? What reason would we even need cordinators or position coaches if not to actually teach the kids how to be competent, shoot if that's the case lets just save some money and can all the coaches other then Leavitt and he can hand out playbooks and voiala! Coaches responsibility is complete and we can blame the players for not being able to execute that book.

    It is quite clear after watching this offense for several years (no this talk isn't due to one game or year but a few years) that we have problems in the offense. The problems in the scheme and play calling is a given but I have to question if our coaches have the ability to teach these kids the fundamentals necessary to play top level division 1-A ball.

  4. I am glad someone brought this thread back up.  I know this is college football and a lot of things can happen, but after last night I would say we are pretty much out of the hunt for a bowl game.  I mean, come on.  Either Ross is turning that program around or we are just a young, inconsistent team that will leave C-USA quietly and start making our mark in the BE.  

    Probably a bit of both, that was a well coached army team last night. You could tell the talent wasn't awesome but they were well coached and disiplined and that combination can overcome many games just as the reverse has been true for us over the years. While I'll also agree we have several areas where we are young, unfortunately even the areas where we are experienced were just god aweful last night. I think this game was just the perfect example of how many of our assistant coaches are out of their league....our talented kids are not getting "coached up" properly.

  5. Leavitt has done a great job with this program and we can attribute our success to him. I am disappointed though that after the offensive debacle last year that he didn't make the hard decision to go after a better quality OC....and probably several offensive coaches need upgrading. To give him the benefit of the doubt maybe the cash necessary to bring in better coaching wasn't there. I think it is obvious that the coaching staff is letting these kids down, I mean we have the talent but are the coaches able to hone these talents and give them the tools they need to become successful on the field? I keep hearing......it's not the coaches that make the plays but it IS the coaching that is suppose to prepare these kids and after two years (I might argue that it is even longer back but MB masked alot of it) of this type of offensive problems I think it is a valid question to ask if the coaches are out of there league. I also don't think it is only the addition of Hall that is making our running game better but that we have a true 1-A quality coach at that position. And the offensive plays.....geeesh, they are about the quality as kids playing in a park sketching them in the huddle with a stick in the dirt. Has Hobbie ever even heard of play action or bootlegs? just plain aweful!

    So  as an answer, no it isn't time to call for Leavitt's head but it is time to call for him to make the hard choices necessary and upgrade those around him and if he is unable to do that then I don't see how he will be able to progress.

  6. We were fine......aside from the inability to block, inability to pass, inability to catch, inability to preassure the QB, inability to tackle, inability to cover receivers and the inability to stop the run. It was evened out by the complete way a far less talented team completely outcoached us. Other then that we are FINE.

    Yes, this is a very negative post and I hoped cooling off overnight would help but what I saw last night was a complete disgrace on the football field and all I can think of is that we looked like the "Bad News Bulls"

    Just out of curiousity, Army scored 35 points in the second half and I can't recall any punts...was there a single possession in the second half that Army didn't score? Just pathetic losing to frickin Army.

  7. I don't know why you guys get all worked up over a couple of posters.  I think USM is great.  They were the first D-1 school to give us a home & home series.  They do extemely well when you consider they are in a very rural location and have to recruit against 2 SEC teams in their own state.  They have a quality defense year in and year out and finished ranked in the top 20 in 1997.  They produced one the best QBs in the NFL with Brett Farve and their LB Boley this year will probably be playing in the NFL next year.  They have been a good rival for us and help tell us where our program is at each year.  Naw, don't let a couple of posters get under your skin lets just beat them next time(if we play them again & hope we do).  Trust me, they will miss us when they start playing UCF instead of us.  What quality opponent there.

    Easy one....good team, bad fans and it's fun to sink to their level every now and then ;D

  8. have to agree a smidgeon with nearly all the thoughts on this. I find it equally as discusting listening to those that can never say anything positive as I do those that can never be realistic on some negatives in the program. I also agree totally with Mike that while we may give money we aren't really owed anything (ok, I do think that the school, coaches and players owe 100% effort but I don't think there is any doubt that's already given) Now taking away the extreme naysayers and grossly sunny people is the middle ground and to me that is the enjoyment of sports. Hey, human nature is to want to discover and solve problems and analyse things so why shouldn't we be able to enjoy that aspect of sports? No doubt winning is fun! Nothing beats winning but it is also fun to have serious discussions about what needs improving, why things need improving and thoughts on how to make the improvements. Truth is we aren't playing that well right now so it isn't surprising that this aspect is dominating the boards and personally I find it is a big part of keeping the board from getting completely boring...only so much you can listen to people pounding their chests and gushing praises before you have to shove a finger down your throat!

  9. "..[O]nly one school that I can recall that the fans have been nothing but classless a-holes and it's no wonder nobody wants to invite this school into the bigger conferences. I mean really who would purposely associate themselves with trailer trash?"

    I agree with your opinion concerning USF and its trash fans.  That is what you were getting at...right?

    Certainly, you would not accuse USM of having trashy fans?  You would have a hard time getting support for such a silly statement.  

    Also, look at how your trash fans treated the USM fan who came here to wish you well and congratulate you on a solid effort.

    No, it is you who are the trash.  And save the trailer comments because I live here in Florida and I know all about Tampa trash.  

    I have looked and obviously you aren't able to read or else you would have noticed that the post you keep referring to was actually a trash post. Of course I'm sure if I went to the usm board and commented about how much easier it was in c-usa over what we'll be facing in the BE you would consider that a compliment right?

  10. I am **** glad I'm not a USF fan after reading this thread.

    I think we can all agree we are glad you are not a USF fan as well

    Southern Miss fans are known for being classy and polite whether in defeat or victory.  This thread was started by a sincere fan who wanted to give you guys props and even stated that he would be cheering for you down the road.

    First off southern miss has never been classy on our boards EVER! It was our own fault though, we actually had the gall to mention that we were good enough to win years ago and got pegged as arrogant. All we had to do was get on our knees and bow to the wonderfullness of USM and we wouldn't have to deal with it.  ::)

    Secondly, maybe you should actually READ the end of the first post. It was clearly a shot and not a sincere post.

    Look, I live here in Florida and I know what the rest of the state thinks about you people.  You have ABSOLUTELY no room to rip on anyone concerning redneck comments.  Anyone who has ever been to the hick communities that many Tampons live in understands what I'm talking about.

    Your right, please tell us more about your neiborhood....

    It came as no surprise to me that I was confronted after the game by a USF fan.  It also came as no surprise that the old man backed down quickly when I stood up to him.  See, that pretty much typifies the USF experience...all talk, no action.

    uh huh....let me guess, they were trying to gouge your eyes out or they were throwing batteries at you lmao

  11. true or not, people like 3rdWardEagle make you understand why batteries would be thrown. Just like Sam Kineson would say......I understand what turns Mr Hand into Mr Fist!

    Maybe we've only had football for a nanosecond but in that short period of time there has been only one school that I can recall that the fans have been nothing but classless a-holes and it's no wonder nobody wants to invite this school into the bigger conferences. I mean really who would purposely associate themselves with trailer trash?

  12. The correlation isn't that sloppy uniforms will lead to penalties but one has to wonder if a team is allowed to look sloppy what type of standards are they held to? Looking at the unbelievably undisciplined penalties one must also assume that the standards are not high enough. In other words look sharp, be sharp and play sharp. Look like a slob, act like a slob, play like a slob.

    now that I see what I wrote I guess I have officially turned into my father  ;D

  13. i don't see much correlation to  having a sloppy uniform and penalties

    The correlation isn't that sloppy uniforms will lead to penalties but one has to wonder if a team is allowed to look sloppy what type of standards are they held to? Looking at the unbelievably undisciplined penalties one must also assume that the standards are not high enough. In other words look sharp, be sharp and play sharp. Look like a slob, act like a slob, play like a slob.

  14. The answer is simple.  Set up clear expectations for the players and communicate them.  Praise and reward them for positive behavior and correct negative behavior.  There must be accountability.  

    If a player cannot meet the expectations as set out by the coaches, then take away some playing time.  He will eventually correct his mistakes or he won't play anymore.

    my point was that the coaches need to take an active role in training them to be disciplined not just waiting until after the fact and benching them. The reward/punishment is obviously necessary but by itself I don't see it being very effective.

  15. When you mention the referees “giving†Southern the game, I am assuming your referring to the pass interference call. I guess the referees made your player take his helmet off while he was still on the field as well. Finally, the game wasn’t as close as the score indicated

    We were outplayed last night and deserved to lose so on that note good game

    To your credit it is very difficult to compete in CUSA.


    I'm sure you'll find it easier in the Big East.

    ummmmm...... you don't really believe this do you? I mean just because you say it and wish beyond all hope that could make it so....

    you’re just a cog on our latter as we make our way to our 5th CUSA title.

    I would agree this is probably true, however while I'm sure this isn't your intent to point out it pretty much explains the problem with c-usa. Your goal is the c-usa championship not the national championship...why? oh yeah thats as high as the c-usa "latter" goes. Guess we'll just have to settle with out easy Big East climb to a national goal  ;D

  16. well, during the thread about how sloppy we look with our jersyes hanging all out a few of us talked about how part of the problem could be that just a punishment isn't the solution. Maybe the coaches need to start instilling a sense of discipline and attention to detail in all facets. If the kids are hounded to be meticulous in everything they do and corrected continuously then we might see this sloppiness end. To bench them or make them run because of gameday mistakes without really instilling the discipline through practice or even into the personal life probably isn't ever going to be very effective.

  17. I must say that I liked the student section chant to Rock & Roll (you know the one by Gary Glitter that's played everywhere)...

    (Rock and Roll) Hey! Go Bulls!

    (Rock and Roll) Hey! Go Bulls!

    (Rock and Roll) Hey! Go Bulls!

    We're gona beat the **** out of you. and you and you and you...

    I love it!

    Hmmmm, the only "Rock and Roll" song I know is from Led Zeppelin...you know the one the Caddilac commercials stole

  18. That's a given that we need to get better talent but we NEED to be able to develop that talent. I had felt this was a problem the Bucs had for years. All you ever heard was how when the Bucs let a QB go they would be awesome once they left. How could that be attributed to anything but coaches that couldn't get the best out of their QBs due to poor coaching? I wonder if that is a problem here as well. To say we should find a young kid who can bring us to where we want to be with no coaching.....Somehow I just don't think that is possible except maybe 1 in a million kids and I'd hate to hang my hat on that.

  19. Personally, I think Marquel was overrated.

    Maybe, maybe not...regardless he won games but IMO it was not due to scheme or coaching but instead he had a natural ability to make something happen out of nothing. What I wonder is for the majority of players do we have the coaching skills to develop them into solid QBs. All I keep hearing is how someone has the raw talent but it never seems we hear it gets honed into anything on the field and it's been two QBs now with the same issues.

  20. One thing that surprises me though is all the comments about offense only. Yeah, we had some problems on offense but what really bother me (ok, not unexpected considering how young they are) was the defense. Man our backfeild was swiss cheese, I mean it was BAAAD! The only time throughout the entire game I saw anyone even close to a USM receiver was the pass interference play. We were lucky several passes were overthrown. Top that off with horendous tackling and ZERO preassure on the QB and all in all I was amazed I was looking at a Leavitt D.

  21. Just seems to me you can see the inexperience all around the passing game. The receivers are getting open but PJ isn't seeing them well, he is throwing low but also there were a LOT of perfectly thrown balls that were dropped. Hopefully these kinks will be ironed out soon! There has been alot of talk about the offensive coaches not doing well creating a scheme but could it go further then that...are they good enough "teachers" when it comes to the QB position? Banks had the same issues as far as throwing at peoples feet and making bad deicisions but unfortunately he didn't have the legs to make up for it. I just have to wonder if we have the coaching skills to get these players up to snuff. Yeah I know we can point to Marquel but I don't really think anything Marquel did can be attributed to caoching, pure instinct IMO.

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