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Posts posted by NormalBull

  1. Worst game that I attended in terms of the results.....the beat down from Hofstra that preceeded the home winning streak.

    Worst game due to non-game results factors....Southwest Texas.  Me and the three little abnormals huddling under the stands at Ray Jay while lightning flashed and thunder boomed and an absolute classic Tampa deluge hit the stadium.  Trying to keep track of three kids ages 2, 6 and 8 in that milling mob under the stadium and they were frightened of the storm....not fun.  Of course the good side was a freshman QB by the name of Marquel Blackwell saved the game with a stunning 60 something yard scramble in the mud and downpour.  That game save lead to JL naming him the starter for the very next game.  And the rest is history.


  2. Nothing, short of a New Years Day BCS Bowl will be able to top the first game.  There was so much excitement and build up.  The Sobrero was rockin'.  When the team came out of the tunnel, well it was breath taking.  Rafael's first TD = ecstasy.  80-3...really shocking.  What a night.

    A distant second for me was the New Hampshire game where they tried to go for two in overtime and failed.

    Worst for me was the Hofstra drubbing.  I still hate 3r20 and Carmine the Carbine.  Best road trip was the Charlotte Bowl game and at Memphis where JR Reed won the game almost singlehandedly.  Worst roadie was at Troy State.  We had them by the short hairs and then everything blew up and we end up losing big.  Sigh.


  3. 1. Willie Redden - long before there was the store bought Fab Five at Michigan there was the Fab Frosh at USF.  Redden headed up that group.  Read Tony Grier's book when it comes out if you don't believe me.  We would NEVER be able to sign a 6' 11" guy like Redden these days.

    2.  Curtis Kitchen - four year starter.  Broke the Sun Belt rebounding record with ease.  If Curtis had hands, he would have played in the NBA.

    3.  Donzel Rush - like the other two, Rush was a 4 year starter.  In none of his seasons did he have the stats that McDonald had in his senior year, but I'll take 4 years of solid post play over one good one any day.

    4.  Now you can talk Will McDonald, but only because Jim Grandholm really wasn't a center.  Grandholm played more on the perimeter but as a legit 7 footer he could post up as well.

    School's out kiddies.


  4. Jim:

    You have the wrong conference home/away series starting in 2009.  You should flip flop from the 2008 conference home/away.  That means 2009 has a home opening.  But that opening will probably be a I-AA.  Also, you have not factored in the Samford home game in 2007.  I would look for Illinois in Tampa in 2008 and in Champaign in 2009 if this rumor flies.


  5. It would be a smart move by Zook.  An arrangement like that would be a recruiting boon for the Zooker.  First, he can promise his Florida recruits their mommas and daddies can see their babies play a game in Florida.  Second, all his IL, IN, Mich and Ohio recruits will want to play a game in exotic Florida.  Third, we are the only BCS school in FL that the Illini might have a chance to beat and has room on its future schedules.  If Zook wants to play in FL, it almost has to be us, unless he wants to do the 2-for-1 thing with UCF, FAU or FIU.  I don't think he wants to run the risk of losing to a non-BCS FL team.

    So the old rumor mill may be true....at least from the 'it works' angle.


  6. I guess on the infrequent chance occurences when Duemig's two neurons bump into each other he thinks Miss. State would have taken at least third in the NBE since it is such a weak conference and the bullpuppies play in the mighty SEC.  That would be why the dumbass Falcons took Jerious Norwood instead of Andre.  Yeah, the strength of conference is pretty high on the minds of scouts....that's why the Bears took that DB from Abilene Christian in the first round.  ACU could smoke the NBE in Duemig's limited intellect world.


  7. All I can say is, "Get your passports updated now hosers."  No gettin' through the Border Patrol without one.  Toronto ain't too far for me.  We're soundin' like the whiners from another part of FLA. who were complainin' about a bowl game in Hawai'i.  I'll take any bowl game thank you.  Better to be in the 42% that are playing in a bowl game than the 58% that aren't.



  8. Way too much stuff.  Here are a few of my favorites however:

    Tee shirt with Sun Belt Conference championship 1989

    Tee shirt celebrating first NCAA tourney game v. Arizona

    Tee shirt from second NCAA tourney appearance v. Georgetown

    Tee shirt "I was there" with date and score from first ever football game

    Tee shirt first ever Bowl game

    SI mag from early 1980's with article about USF winning first ever Florida Four hoops tourney

    Commemorative ticket stub from first ever football game in sleeve

    Autographed program from the Roundball Reunion basketball game

    Autographed commemorative basketball signed by USF legends from Roundball Reunion

    Framed poster of LRS celebrating football approval from BOR/autographed by LRS

    Commemorative football from inaugural season with JL's and LRS' autographs

    Chucky Atkins NBA cards

    Ant Henry NFL cards

    Bill Grammatica and Kawicka Mitchell NFL cards

    probably forgetting some big ones but those are a few of my personal favs.


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