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Posts posted by NormalBull

  1. You guys are too funny.  Those of you that said Herbstreit doesn't know anything about us are right.  Not only that, Herbstreit doesn't care about us.  Not because he hates us, but because the show that he is on is all about RATINGS.  He will continue to trumpet Rutgers (as will all the other ESPN shills) until they lose.  Why?  NYC is the biggest media market in the nation.  ESPN actually hopes that Rutgers keeps winning so they can throw an obligatory bone RU's way each week on Gameday and keep the NYC market interested in college football.  College football has to compete with the Giants, Jets, Yankees and Mets.  The Knicks, Nets, Rangers and Islanders will be starting up soon too.  It is a brutal market, so if the Gameday putzes can make a dent in it with RU, you can bet they will.  USF is not even a consideration to the producers from ESPN, until 48 hours before we play on one of their channels.

    Now, if we can win some big games (like Louisville last year) we can start to turn those perceptions around.  Like others have said, we need to knock off KU first, if we can.  Then we can put the NYC media darlings to rest after that.


  2. I wonder if O'Liar is going to line up 5 defensive linemen and have them 'blindside' the tight end in practice today like he did the O-lineman at Georgia Tech so the TE can 'feel what it is like when he misses an assignment?'  Gawd, what a creep that guy is.  Why would any parent let their kid play for him.


  3. Notre Dame v. Army as a rivalry?  If you think that is a rivalry game than I guess you could say ANY two teams are rivals.  Memphis thinks Tenn and Ole Miss are rival games, but here is a news flash for them....Tenn v. Vandy is more of a rival game for them and Ole Miss v. MSU is clearly a bigger rivalry game.  Your examples are weak.  Colo v. CSU is probably the best example.  They are the only two state run schools that play D-1 football in Colorado.  The other D-1 school in the state never plays Colorado, but plays CSU in conference.  Get a grip man.  There really are no good precedences for what you want.  Yet there are many precedents for our position.


  4. I was still living and teaching in Georgia.  I was in my office when another faculty member arrived for work.  She said she had heard on the radio that a plane had crashed into the WTC.  She said they weren't sure if it was an accident or not.  Then 5 minutes later came word of the second tower being struck.  I decided to go home and turn on CNN.  While driving home, there was a report on the radio that smoke was billowing out of the Pentagon.  The reporters sounded frantic.  I was scared and confused.  I got home and turned on CNN and sat stunned as I watch the first and then the second tower disappear.  I will never forget the expression on Aaron Brown's (of CNN) face when the first tower collapsed.  He speculated that it had been hit by a bomb or something.  What an awful day.

    I am so old, I remember when President Kennedy was assasinated.  I presume 9/11 will be like that for my children.  Please do not ever forget people.  We are under attack still.


  5. Greg, you are doing a great job, but I do have a problem with a 'hometown' newspaper judging the importance of a game and then minimizing coverage accordingly.  USF is THE team in the Tampa Bay area.  They should be THE team covered extensively, even if they are playing a team of 11 year olds.  UCF v. UF may be interesting, and may merit an article in Sat.'s paper, but it should still be secondary to the local team.  That is what is so frustrating with coverage of USF and other schools like it.  Most other papers, metropolitan or small town, cover their local team, no matter what first, and then look to cover 'other' games/teams.  That's a fact.


  6. 1.  First, I would fire Coach Leavitt because he won't talk to the media.  We need publicity and this should go a long way towards getting some.  Next, I would schedule CFU for the next 100 years because their fans and head coach say we are rivals.  Next, I would fire any coach who dared to lose a game, match or recruit to another school.  Next, I would contact the Erector Co. to find out how cheaply we could build an on-campus stadium.  Next, I would call the realtors selling university mall, because someone thinks the university should buy it, and that dang President hasn't gotten off her duff and put some money down on that sucker.  Next, I would fire the two people in marketing.  No explanation needed for that one.  Next, I would consult leading members of this board, like smazza, cee, turkeysoup, et al as to what would be best for USF athletics.  Next, I would go down the hall and yell at the fundraising people because we should have all the money in place for an on campus stadium by now.  Afterall, USF has like a gazillion alums.  Then  I would break for lunch and plan my afternoon and evening.  I am the AD, I work 24/7.  There is much to do.

    2.  I would like all of them added.  That would give me more opportunities to fire any loser that loses a game/match/recruit, etc.

    3.  No.  I fired that loser coach after he lost to UConn.  I had to fire six or seven more when they lost too.

    4.  No.  I fired that loser coach because he made the media people's job harder.  We need the media on our side.

    5.  Anyone who has ever seen me knows that less filling is out of the question.

    Have a great Friday Bulls fans.   ;)


  7. Ty:

    Just like in football, we had a basketball scheduling requirement for exiting from CUSA.  I guess ol' Britt thought EZU would be a good match up for us.

    By the way, Big East teams go to lots of places.  St. Johns played here in Normal against ISU at Redbird Arena a couple of years ago and Cincinnati is scheduled to visit Redbird in Dec. of 07.  Do not despair, our schedule is appropo.


  8. I just wanted everyone to know, I have put the Commodore 64 on the shelf.  I now have a brand new Mac Powerbook Pro.  I will be watching the Bulls on Gameplan and chattin' with the Powerbook on the lap.  Not as good as a lap dance, but pretty close.  I won't need PBP this season Velcro, Bullumni, etc.



  9. I enrolled at USF fall quarter, 1979.  From then on I was a Bull.  BUT diehard status was a result of two events:

    1.  completion of the Sun Dome.  I had no car, only a 10 speed.  I could not attend any basketball games at Curtis Hixson, et al.  The Sun Dome made it possible for me to attend hoops games.

    2.  Hiring of Lee Rose basketball coach.  This was HUGE in 1980.  Rose had taken UNCC and Purdue to the Final Four.  Now he was at USF.  USF really first received notoriety nationally with this hire.

    A diehard Bulls fan was born.



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