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Posts posted by BullDoug

  1. which by the way is a football player, and we spend no more than $250 a month on groceries.

    Its not personal but come on FEMALE, if you are gonna exaggerate make it believable.  Unless you are eating cereal and Mac n cheese daily I will except this as a gross under estimation.  BTW, I do the grocery shopping for my household of 5.  I know what groceries cost.

    If Coach Leavitt knew one of his players was eating like this I believe he'd be upset.  'Nother thought, doesn't your live in f'baller get a stypian for food and board?  You know that room n board scholarship thing he has.  As a former football player myself I was eating 4 full meals a day at 17 to gain weight to put any poundage on my 6-1, 208 17 yo frame.  And yes they were quality meals, not steaks, but paid for by...yes you guessed it, DAD.

    Discussing needs vs. wants is a whole different story when you are talking about someone that you love (his mother) and providing things they want.  Maybe you do come from an impoverished background and are somewhat more understanding of want vs need.  I do know what it is to have $20 bucks in my pocket to eat for a week.  I have drove to work on gas fumes for 2 days while eating campbell's soup and tuna from 3 cans for 3 days straight.  I to was an engineering student that worked two jobs to complete my degree.  We all have student sob stories.  This is a college MB.

    Anyway, my spouse & I have gone round & round about such issues of want vs need but children do not just have needs.  They also have wants that need to be fulfilled sometimes just to maintain some peer self esteem.   Again, are you saying only the mother should be responsible for this thing?

    About the divorcee, sounds like he got the short end of the stick or had a loosy lawyer.  This happened to a Dr. (USF grad) I know of whose wife cheated on him with a cop, left him and she walked away w/$250000-$350000 cash, child support & alimony.  Maybe it does pay to have a v****a.

    On the flip side of this I know of a woman who has a 15 y.o.  She allows her ex to pay $200/month while he has a new F150, a Harley & 'Vette in the garage.  He calls in sick or says he needs to work overtime on the two weekends a month (4 days out of 30) and never makes up this time or offers extra cash.  He never pays for shoes or school clothes or sports fees for the child (The boy plays baseball - another want vs need issue).  She doesn't wanna make waves with the exhusband but she's screwing her son out of $ he deserves.  If anything that $ could be put in a college fund.  I understand the boy is quite sharp upstairs.

    As for judging Brian, if you don't want to see that type of thing stay away from MB's 'cuz thats kinda what goes on here.  I personally haven't put a judgement of BF and most of the people here only are saying he needs to pay the support before he plays or that the university should of assisted.

    In 17-18 yrs from now most of us won't even remember Brian unless he wins a Heisman (unlikely) but do you think Brian will be watching his children graduate from HS or sitting in a hospital waiting for one of his grandchildren be born out of wedlock?  I hope not the latter 'cuz w/o fathers' being responsible that's an unstoppable cycle.  A father is important for all children even if the mothers fail to think so.  Again, just more useless BS from my think bean.

  2. Wanna comment from a perspective stand point that knows what it is like to have a child born out of wedlock (thank God for adoption or I never would of made it to USF.) and from child support stand point who's wife had to go to the state to get money from the bio-dad.

    Its called protection, its called condoms, its called self control.

    STK, unless you have never had sex out of wed lock you are full of crap.  Condoms break, come off & leak all the time.  The pill doesn't work sometimes.  I know for a fact.  The woman must take it regularly, never miss & not smoke cigerettes or pot.  "Self-control"...yea right in this day & age when the President recieving oral in the Oval from interns.  ::)

    I know a man, that makes about ... maybe 30,000 a year. He has to pay about $800 a month for a 17 year old kid!!! Give me a break!! a 17 yearl old does not need this much. Oh yeah I forgot....not only are they paying for the child, but for the mom too. The court did not take into consideration that he has 4 kids with his current wife including a newborne. Is this fair?

    $800 is high but not unrealistic especially if he's making up unpaid child support.  I personally probably ate close to $600 in groceries a month when I was 17 considering inflation of today.  Shoes for a kid cost $75 min. for a kid.  Try & make a 17 yo wear $50 shoes.  Not happening.  Think $80 plus four times a yr not to mention $150-$200 twice a yr for clothes and thats for a boy.  Additionally, the child of this age needs grad pics $250, ring ($250-$500) and annoucem'ts $100).  Let's not even get into car insurance optical/glasses/contacts or orthodonics possibilities.  In my case the boy's father said braces were not a necessity of life.  True but whata jerk.

    FWIW, my auto insurer forced my wife & I to pay nearly $3000/yr for my stepson's insurance only b/c he lived with us.  We had no option unless he turned his license in.  So who pays for this.  Just his Mom ie the stepfather he loaths?  Why does only the custodial parent have to pay these?  Your opinion here is somewhat naive if not majorly.  Another thing, FWIW, he's probably paying the Mom 'cuz he abandoned them both.  This is something a divorce lawyer could explain better than I.

    FEMALE, as for your WIC comments, yes the social assistance program exists but who pays.  We do.  The tax payers.  Why should we pay for this when a prefectedly able body is available to get a job and pay for food for his child.  Fisher is capable of this regardless of his school/football situation.  I do not wanna pay for his sexual gratification results.  IMO this part of your argument is worthless in deciding if BF needs to pay child supp't before he plays football.

    no vasectomies please.just better lower level education is all that is needed.the same type white children get would be fine.

    bulldoug-while admitted I  am  liberal on certain issues on others i am not so quick to wear the liberal hat and on other issue it is unclear  at times.i have been know to be ocnservative on dealing with terrorists and libertarian dealing with some issues.

    the common denominator is compassion for the individual(victim)

    what we have here with fisher is a unique situation.do you ignore what coaches say to him and parents about being like a family ,when recruited?don't coaches and school the bring fisher to usf own him at least advice?or at least to monitor his legal situation and make a decision to help him and team?(i maintain getting arresting after running up dept of $17,000 isn't much help.

    i realize fisher is an adult but usf has taken care of all his other needs that fisher has relied on them do such a great degree.

    usf has a health clinic,couselors for classes and majors.do they have legal counselors?

    bulldoug,i do appreciate the black/white outlook you and most have on this.

    we should only  keep people locked up in jails that harm others.  fisher would best serve children and himself out of jail working.  

    Smazza, I never really questioned any of your compassion just that you'd be okay the being a "big brother" 'cuz remember if the school is going to do this they should also have the right to modify behavior to manage assistance budgets.

    Being told you will be treated like a family member and it actually happening are to different things.  I'm not that naive that anyone would treat me like family except Mom & Dad.  Secondly, the NCAA will not allow it.  BTW, my family is different from yours.  In my family you get a job and take responsibility for your...well, family in Brian's case.

    As for your "keep people locked up in jails that harm others.", someone was being harmed...the children.  Brian either was ignorant of his responsibilities or ignoring them.  Since he was arrestted I'm gonna assume he was notified by the appropriate authorities before law enforcem't officers were req'd to get involved.

    Now should BF be kicked off the team.  I say he should be suspended indefinitely until all his legal whoas are addressed.  Until then he sits b/c playing intercolliegiate sports in not a right its a privilege.  That's just my "who really gives a crap what B'Doug thinks" opinion.

    Here's another one for you.  Hear about the retirees that had thier home owner's association evicted them and auctioned their home off b/c they were delinguent $150 for thier annual fee.  Nobody called them or mailed them notification of proceedings.  No shiite muslim.  Saw it on the idiot box.

  3. smazza, as liberal as some of your opinions I've read, the university being a surrogate parent, strikes me as an uncharacteristic idea for a person who leans so far left.  A university being a surrogate parent smells of "big brother" syndrome.  I don't agree that a university considers itself as part of that role anymore.  Maybe back before 1975 but not in the mid 80s when I was going to school.  Now if you were in some kind of trouble, there usually is someplace you can go for advice but you must seek out the advice.  It doesn't come looking for you.  Also when its financial need usually you're on your own.

    Personally, I think this is cut & dry.  Fisher created two children per the mothers.  If he signed the birth certs he's stuck with responsibility for life.  Unfortunately for Fisher these were probably unwanted children but now the $100/week ($5200/yr. - $20,400 during his time at USF) he makes must go to the mothers.  This type of money wooda been tuff for me to come by & go to school.  I'd assume the Brian choose school over work for child sup't.  Maybe the mothers weren't willing to see if Brian's NFL dreams paid out.

    Can you say "A" "F" "L"?

  4. Incredibull,

    This is completely disappointing however from my 5 yrs on campus, absolutely not surprising.  My dealing in any dept. and on every level was always buearucratic(sp?) gluster flock.  Did your organization forget to renew b/c the A.Dept. didn't notify your group due to the changed admin?  Seems like something is missing from your rant.

  5. ...McMurphy is late on this one, Brandon broke this story last week.

    This is nothin' personal but here's a little gas for the USF-UCF hate fest.  Ya mean Brandon didn't mention this in his story.  Maybe you shoulda took a closer look at McMurhy's article.

    Rascati was set to replace UL starter Stefan LeFors, a senior this fall. However, the Cardinals apparently are paving the way for highly touted high school senior Brian Brohm to replace LeFors. Brohm's brother, Jeff, is UL's quarterbacks coach and his father, Greg, is director of football operations.
  6. BullDoug,

    If the posts bother you so much then why do you and another 201 fans read this thread?


    It doesn't bother me per se.  I just don't understand it.  Explain this phenomenon so I can understand.  About reading these posts, this board is moving at a snails pace.  There's friggin' nothin' else to read.  :)  Thanks to this economy, work is slow as hell and I need to bide my time.  >:(

  7. Seth wins, Robert loses.  Va Tech goes to BE tournament  for the first time in school history, we miss our conference tourney for the first time in what?  6 years?

    BTW VaTech will have even better talent coming in next year.

    No disputing the facts.

    The fact No. 1 is Seth Greenberg moved on.  He wasn't fired.  

    Second fact, Greenberg has the best post January record since his Long Beach State days.  G'berg's USF teams consistently collapsed in Feb. 5 yrs straight.

    Fact three, USF has played more potential post season teams arguably in its history.  CUSA may have 8 teams in post season accounting for 9 USF conference games.  Other possible post season teams are MSU-NCAA, Providence-NCAA, Valpo-NIT/NCAA, Richmond-NIT bubble & NE-NIT bubble.  That's 14 games vs. post season teams RCM's team played this season.  If CRM beats Depaul Sat. he will match CSG first yr record.  I know Greenberg (arguably) did not play this type of schedule in yr no. 1.

    Facts after fact no. 3 - Greenberg lost to ECU & Miami in Blacksburg & @Villanova.  VT's only OOC game against post season teams are NIT bubble teams Old Dominon & Virginia.  Greenberg was very fortunate that his BE home&away series were vs. WVU, G'town, & Rutgers.  All bottom BE feeders.

    To his credit he beat Providence & owned WVU.  Has he done well in his first yr?  I'd "YES".  Has it been HOF coaching?  I'd say, "NOPE".  But for the life of me, I can't understand why people can't move on & stop posting about G'berg on the main USF board.  He's BE topic.  Plain n simple.

  8. Seth GreenBerg is the best thing that ever happened to your program.  He has brought respect to VA Tech here in the BE.  Look at you now, a laughingstock, and going downhill fast.

    In four yrs, USF will mop the floor with the Hokies.  USF's current coach, Robert McCullum could out coach Greenie blindfolded in a close game.  McCullum is as solid titanium steel compared to Greenie who compares well w/sandstone when under pressure.  Thanx to CSG, all his "so-called" quality recruits turned out to be quiters except for Terrance Leather and Gerric Morris.  That's were USF's current issues lie.  You're a punk drive by poster/lurker.  Please slink back under the rock from which you came forth.  And speaking for the rest of this MB, you're not welcome here either.  Man up and register ya puzzy!

  9. If the tables were turned and RMC was having even a modicum of success and Seth were the one struggling, we would never hear the end of it.

    I don't quite get your point.  That would be standard fan mode of operation if that happened.  It would be a God given right to bad mouth the ex-coach that moved on & bad mouthed our fine institute of education.  BTW, if CRM  finishes 7-20 and Greenburg being 8-19 in his 1st yr @USF, I'd have to say CRM did more with less vs. a tuffer CUSA schedule.  This is probably a top 3 yr for CUSA in regards to teams heading to post season play.

  10. Yea but woulda Spurrier been a bust if he didn't play for the lowly Tampa Bay Bucs.  Could development of gotten him someplace?  In regards to success, Spurrier's coaching success at UF by far exceeds Ward as a point guard.  Charlie Ward was never an All Pro I believe.  Spurrier has been coach of the yr in the USFL@TBBandits, ACC@Duke, SEC@UF and national coach of the yr during NC yr.

  11. Florida sports fan.  I currently have hardly any interest in college basketball 'cuz the Bulls are in the dumpster.  I could give a rats ass about the NHL, NBA or the MLB.  My interest in this yr's Super Bowl is mild at best.  I miss Bull football terribly and a competitive BasketBull team.  It appears only FB can truly satisfy my sports fix - Bulls (M-Sat), Bucs (Sun) and 'Huskers (medium interest on Sat.).  I can truly only get interested in college BB if the Bulls are competitive and then nothing else during the winter.

    Don't mention FB recruiting 'cuz nothin' really means nothin' 'til Feb 4.  That buzz is only good for 2-3 days of the sports warm fuzzy feeling of victory which fans take w/them away from a home game victory.  Basically, 2-4 Signing Day is just like the NFL draft.  Man, my sports life sux right now.  Sorry but I need to vent.  Dear God give me late July & make it now!

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