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Posts posted by Bullshiznitz

  1. Watchin Beckett dominate the Yanks right now. Sure glad Lamar decided to grab Hamilton (who by the way may never play another game of baseball in his life) instead of Beckett. I mean we wouldnt have wanted him to ruin his streak of completely useless first round picks now would we.

  2. Its not looking good for the BUCS so far this year. To win a super bowl a team not only needs to be good, but lucky also. The BUCS were very lucky last year in that they had virtually no major injuries throughout the year (outside of Booger). This year it seams half the starters have missed atleast a half a game. Take todays lost to the 49ers, Alstott and Jurevicious were out, and Keyshawn, Kelly, Rice, and Lynch all sat out a series or more due to injuries. Kelly is probably gone for the season now after aggravating his injury. Still holding out hope that the BUCS will somehow weather the storm and atleast make the playoffs, but with a tough schedule still ahead, things dont look good.

  3. At first I was thinking what the hell is wrong with him throwing a 72 year old man to the ground, but after watching the replay I'll have to cut Pedro some slack. I missed parts of the game before that play so Im not sure what Zimmers beef with Pedro was but he came out swinging on Pedro. Most of been something big to piss Zimmer off that much.  

    Just hope the BoSox can pull out the series.  I hate the Yanks.

  4. Cubs and Red Sox in the playoff, hmm, will a curse be lifted this year.....I dont think so.

    1st round:

    Cubbies slip by Braves

    Giants over Marlins

    Yanks over Twins

    A's over Red Sox

    NLCS: Sosa v Bonds, there is a reason why  Bonds will win his 6th MVP, he actually helps his team win. Giants over Cubbies.

    ALCS: I thought the A's would make it to the series the past two years. Well, third times a charm (besides I hate the Yankees). A's over Yanks.

    World Series: Battle of the Bays; Bonds and Giants win it for Bobby.

  5. Actually I was wrong, Kennedy is 24. Even if he turns out to be a #3 or #4 starter, its better than a prospect who could turn out to be another Abernathy or Josh Hamilton. And if given time, Kennedy could turn out to be an ace. You have to start somewhere. Kennedy, Huff, Crawford and Baldelli make a nice core for the DRays to start. Im just hoping they dont throw that away.

  6. I expect a similar year. Although I thought the Lightning made a rather big mistake in letting Prospal go for two reasons. One, the Lightning are coming off a huge high this past year, and being able to come into next season without losing any significant players would have sent a message to fans that this franchise is dedicated to winning. Two, he was a perfect point man for the many playmakers the Bolts have (Vinny, St. Louis, etc..). I know the contract would have been more than he's probably worth as a player, but like a said, it would have more valuable in sending a message to fans.

    Anyway, expect the Lightning to win back to back division titles next year and hope the Bulin Wall can perform a little better in the playoffs.

  7. Read this in the paper, and pray that Lamar isnt that stupid. This kid is what, like 25 or 26 and in his third season. Now given, he has been inconsistent, but the Rays threw him in as the number one starter in his second season. Let the kid mature a little. Worst off they want to trade him for some prospects. If this truly happens, I will never watch, read, or listen to anything having to do with the Rays again. How long does ownership expect us to wait for a competetive team? I mean whats next, trading Baldelli for prospects. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!

  8. Selig's a moron and theres no arguing that. The whole selection process has been flawed, but its really evident this year with the whole # of pitchers needed. Lance Carter was bad enough, but Mike Williams, who posseses and ERA over 6.00 is just riduculous. Willis from the Marlins got absolutely robbed.

    On the Sosa note, I dont believe he should have made it. I was glad that Pujols finally got some respect and voted in as a starter (though it is a little fishy that he jumped from 4 to 1 in OF voting in one week). Sosa, because of injury and suspension doesnt have the greatest numbers at this point. I believe the ALLSTAR game should be based on merit that year, not on past performance.

  9. Jersey will be a very tough series. It will be a matchup of two of the best goalies again - Brodeur v Khabibulin. Jersey has owned the Lightning in years past but the Bolts were 1-1-2 verse them this year. If the Bulin Wall continues to play standing on his head, and if this young team can continue to build confidence (four straight wins now is a good start), then they'll make it tough on the Devils. Being an optimist I'll go with Lightning in SIX.

  10. I'll take (however being a poor graduating college student with no job yet, it will have to be something like a 12 pack for the BULLS opener next year). I believe Lightning will finish it off today, and send the CAPS to their 4th 2 game lead they've blown since '92. And honestly, laughing at hockey in Tampa. The Caps have some of the most apathetic fans in hockey- evidenced by their last home crowd.

  11. Just thinking, with no obvious immediate needs for the BUCS, what will they do with that second round pick. With the signing of the two OL as well as Oben, the O-line isnt in as bad as shape as first thought (especially with the way they started playing towards the end of the season), with Rudd replacing Singleton (a very nice upgrade), with Booger being back and healthy --- the only needs I see are a speed receiver with return capabilities, added secondary depth (departure of Jackson as well as legal matters now with Smith), and some OL depth still. However most of that can be found in the latter rounds, such as the 4th round which we have two picks. Since Gruden is an offensive minded coach and with the possibilities of some impact offensive players slipping towards the BUCS pick, you could see a QB, even a RB taken. Players such as Simms and Fargas could possibly last until the BUCS select. I think QB is a definite possibility considering its obvious King is no longer the QB of the future and Johnson only has a few good seasons left (if that with injury), as well as this being called the deepest QB draft since 83. Either way its going to be interesting.

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