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Posts posted by Bullshiznitz

  1. And the common baseball fan actually could care less who made the playoffs. Im a DRays fan (as sad as that is) and speaking from outside this arguement, to most baseball fans its the Yankees and everybody else. The only clubs in my opinion that may come close to also being a storied franchise is either the A's or Cardinals. Outside of that, nobody cares about your franchise unless you win it all. And sad to say, but most fans know that the Cubs and BoSox havent won a championship in forever. So to say that the BoSox are more "storied" than the Giants or basically anybody else is just wrong. Atleast to anybody outside of Boston.

  2. 8 in a row for the Bolts. Yesterday was awesome. Outside of the first period, the Flyers didnt come close to scoring. Man what great defense. Just wait to Vinny and St. Louis get going. One more step to solidifying the fact the Philly is Tampa's beeeatch.  ;D

  3. Sorry VG, but outside of Boston, most fans regard the BoSox the same as the Cubs - losers. No one cares who lost the world series, or who lost the championship series, or what a franchises winning percentage is. Ask any fan and 99.999999999% wouldnt have a clue as to their clubs winning percentage, but I would bet most know how many championships they have.

  4. Sorry no it doesnt add up. Adding muscle makes you both faster and slower ??? Either adding muscle allows you to accelerate faster (both upper or lower body parts) or slows you down because of size and bulk (once again both upper and lower body parts). It does not make you faster in accelerating one muscle group while slowing you down in another muscle group. Sorry try again. You make the comparison with boxers punching harder, yet homeruns are generated by bat speed. Swinging harder is not the same as swinging faster.

    But he had only a few select seasons where he could put the two together

    20-20 Seasons:  Bonds 10 Williams Zero

    30-30 Seasons:  Bonds 5 Williams Zero

    40-40 Seasons:  Bonds 1 Williams Zero

    There are only 4 people(Andre Dawson, Bobby Bonds, Barry Bonds and Willie Mays) in the history of baseball  that have been able to accomplish 300SB and 300HR. Bonds is not only the only member of the 400-400 club but now resides at 500-500 Only person in the history of the game Bonds is one of only 3(ARod, Canseco and Bonds) to accomplish 40HR-40SB in one season.

    Bonds had more MVPs. Bonds is better on defense. Bonds is a better power hitter. Bonds is (by a large margin) a better speed threat.

    No I think my arguement is pretty rock solid.  ;D

    Just admit ya'll are Bonds haters and move on.

  5. Hopefully you'll be able to say the BOLTS are Stanley Cup Champs!!!!!!!!  Just 9 victories away from that being a reality.  Vinny a hero again. 5 goals in 3 games verse Montreal. The BOLTS have just too many weapons for teams to stop. They remind me alot of the early 90's teams the Penguins had with Lemiuex, Jagr, Francis, etc....

  6. taking creatine is not like drinking gatorade. It is most definitely a performance enhancer. I know first hand. I was able to put on 30 lbs of muscle mass in two years using nothing but protein and creatine supplements combined with a diet and work out regime. Ephedra is most definetly a performance enhance (in short spurts, but a performance enhancer none the less) and of last Monday (I think) is also illegal.

  7. Much like you have a thing for Williams despite never seeing him play. True they didnt have the GG until 57, but read any article on Williams and it will say he was average (and thats being generous) at best in the field. Bonds is better on defense, a much greater speed threat and greater power threat than Williams. I would say that qualifies as better all around. You throw out the MVPs, the offensive records and attempt to belittle the importance of speed and defense. Why is that, is that because looking at those Williams is far behind Bonds? Maybe Williams was the better pure hitter, but better all around definetly goes to Bonds.

    And no my opinion will not change. I still have yet to read, see or hear any type of scientific proof that steriods help you hit a baseball. Plus I still find it funny that no one still makes any mentions of the use of creatine and ephedra that is rampant throughout the majors. These are all performance enhancers too. Legal, as opposed to illegal, but still performance enhancers that werent available to Ruth, Aaron, Williams, Mays, etc.....

  8. He has the record for Slg %, OB %, OPS, BB's, and HR's. So yes, most major offensive records. With the Yankee lineup around him, Bonds would hit 80 HRs. He gets booed everywhere he plays and has had more media on him over the past 3 years than anyone on the Yanks or any other professional sport. He would just start racking up more MVPs.

  9. better all around game? Bonds has 501 SB's, what did Williams have, 24. Bonds has 8 gold gloves. Bonds had 4 30-30 seasons and 1 40-40 season, Williams zero.  You seem to be strictly basing your opinion on average, yet say all bonds has is HR's.  

    You try to dispell the fact that closers "supposedly" have had no effect on stats, please show me the facts that steriods have any effect on your ability to hit a baseball (which we still dont have proof that Bonds did them). Why is it that we dont have a bunch of bodybuilders throughout the majors hitting 80 HRs.  

  10. First UEI, even if you give Ted those 150 HR's and tack on 50, that would only give him 721, well short of Aarons 755. Second Teddy really didnt have a "prime" in his career considering he batted .327 with 131R, 31HR and 145 RBI's in his rookie year.

    Career seasons best


    Williams .406

    Bonds .370


    Williams 43

    Bonds 73

    SLG %

    Williams .735

    Bonds .863

    OB %

    Williams .526

    Bonds .582


    Williams 1.287

    Bonds 1.381


    Williams 162

    Bonds 198


    Wiliams 4

    Bonds 52


    Williams 2

    Bonds 6

    Yeah I can #'s come out the other way too.  I also find it funny that you throw SB's out of the major offensive category, why is that?

    Final point, comparing stats from different eras is useless.  Bonds plays in smaller parks, Williams played in a league virtually void of minorities nor had to deal with closers.

  11. Stronger yes, faster/quicker no. Bat speed is more important in hitting a ball further than strength. And strength doesnt necessarily coorelate with speed.

    You are right is that it is public opinion. You have yours, I have mine, and they probably both stink  ;D

  12. No, until I actually see any type of proof, I still hold Bonds as innocent with regards to using steriods. Because his head "is bigger" isnt really very good proof.

    Im just raising the question since people want to belittle his accomplishments. There is no proof, no study, no fact whatsoever that says using steriods aids you in hitting a baseball further. Nor creatine, nor ephedra or caffeine pills, nor.........

  13. Quick name the heavyweight champ(s)? Yeah, I couldnt either. The heavyweight division is in some serious trouble now that Lewis has retired. Jones Jr. should move back up, I dont see him having problems with dispensing of either Ruiz nor Byrd. It'd be a fitting way of him ending his career (who still in my opinion is the best pound for pound fighter in the world), as undisputed heavyweight champ.

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