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Posts posted by CycleBull

  1. 13 minutes ago, WoolyBully said:

    And so, we have landed at Stage Seven: acceptance.

    I have asked the question, so what if USF is a mid-major program, in perpetuity? Really, what is so bad about truly competing to the absolute best of our ability (and talent and resource availability) if we live on a world firmly and clearly divided between the haves and have-nots? What if, by not starting a program until the late twentieth century, we are truly and irreparably late to the party? Can we live with that (not saying the choice is solely under our control, but...)? Why not just stay in our weight class and dominate that?

    Think about all of the non-P schools out there. And I'd be willing to bet that when the next Level Seven hits the realignment Richter scale, that number grows. The P-boyz could very well install a system whereby if certain metrics are not met, pack your bags 'cause the bus is leaving for Mid Majorville. Could happen. We're talking about the distribution of millions of dollars. And we all know how those stories end when the robbers get back to the rendezvous. 

    I know, I know, this is all in fun about whipping together some fantasy conference that we'd all like to see come to fruition and one day get all amped up about the annual U of SF - Ohio State game. And I also know that the whole point of rumors and tweets is to entertain, otherwise the thread would be called Realignment Facts Released Through Athletic Departments Only. We'd never get to the rarified air of a 4K page thread.

    I would be paperclip-in-the-electrical-outlet shocked to see U of SF depart the AAC anytime soon. Just not anchoring to that idea. Now, maybe after a period of being at the top of the conference and really, really distinguishing us from the rest of the Non-P universe, then we might have some appeal.  I just don't see us dumb lucking (à la Big East) into P-dom. That's just my opinion and it's worth every single, solitary cent you paid for it. 😎

    I use to ride my bike around the UCF campus in my cycling kit. I “owned” that campus for years. So much fun.

  2. 8 minutes ago, WoolyBully said:

    And so, we have landed at Stage Seven: acceptance.

    I have asked the question, so what if USF is a mid-major program, in perpetuity? Really, what is so bad about truly competing to the absolute best of our ability (and talent and resource availability) if we live on a world firmly and clearly divided between the haves and have-nots? What if, by not starting a program until the late twentieth century, we are truly and irreparably late to the party? Can we live with that (not saying the choice is solely under our control, but...)? Why not just stay in our weight class and dominate that?

    Think about all of the non-P schools out there. And I'd be willing to bet that when the next Level Seven hits the realignment Richter scale, that number grows. The P-boyz could very well install a system whereby if certain metrics are not met, pack your bags 'cause the bus is leaving for Mid Majorville. Could happen. We're talking about the distribution of millions of dollars. And we all know how those stories end when the robbers get back to the rendezvous. 

    I know, I know, this is all in fun about whipping together some fantasy conference that we'd all like to see come to fruition and one day get all amped up about the annual U of SF - Ohio State game. And I also know that the whole point of rumors and tweets is to entertain, otherwise the thread would be called Realignment Facts Released Through Athletic Departments Only. We'd never get to the rarified air of a 4K page thread.

    I would be paperclip-in-the-electrical-outlet shocked to see U of SF depart the AAC anytime soon. Just not anchoring to that idea. Now, maybe after a period of being at the top of the conference and really, really distinguishing us from the rest of the Non-P universe, then we might have some appeal.  I just don't see us dumb lucking (à la Big East) into P-dom. That's just my opinion and it's worth every single, solitary cent you paid for it. 😎

    To me football is about the fans, tailgating, upsets, environment, energy, the players, and quality of play. If a mid major conference doesn’t bring the excitement because people don’t travel it’s not the same. Maybe we will be an amazing mid team who whoops everyone’s ass. That would bring me joy and excitement. We’ve just had none of that for so long. No amazing highlights. No amazing wins. ****, I can’t even talk crap to other fan bases and get a laugh. 


  3. Brad and a few others are bringing reality to this conversation. 

    1) We needed to win yesterday 

    2) We need to win immediately 

    3) We will lose fans if we are in a crap conference. (There are fans waiting to see what happens and that will be their last straw.)

    4) A stadium of that price point in a crap conference isn’t worth it.

    5) I hope MKelly and the administration seriously know what they are doing. 

    • Upvote 3
  4. 15 minutes ago, jchem1995 said:

    I will accept this as good exposure and nothing more. Dude had a single digit QBR last year. Hit an open receiver on a short route already.  Btw I believe same guy had Will , kid from K State transfer, last year. I don’t remember him being a freak as he was a dud.

    100%. I was worried till KB let us know it was not internal. 

  5. I’m getting some Jeff Scott feelings right now. What was the scoring shenanigans they created for our players? How about we win some football games. Maybe upset a team or two this season. 

    Thanks KB. This isn’t USF created. Let’s go Freak. Let’s win some games.



  6. On 5/28/2023 at 3:13 PM, Outlaw said:

    Would be a big donor and stadium rights. Publix stadium where we serve pub subs, publix friend chicken, sweet tea, and Yuengling beer.

    There are a few left. It is weird Harveys bought some Winn Dixies but not all of them.

    South Eastern Grocers owns Harvey’s and Winn Dixie! There are over 500 Winn Dixie stores.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Friscobull said:

    Not sure but he is cutting people that he perceives don’t fit his system.  Gunnar Smith wanted to come back per his Twitter response but was not awarded the opportunity. The portal and the whole system is cut throat, don’t blame kids for jumping and don’t blame coaches for pushing kids out. Deion believes he can upgrade everybody, CAG is obviously more pragmatic in his approach and hopefully addressing the areas of biggest opportunity first, or at least we can hope.

    This crap is not even right. The transfer portal is going to screw a lot of young people over. I hope Gunnar and all of the others are able to find college to complete their studies.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Sk00b said:

    I always wonder what will happen when we start winning. What will we have to talk about? I honestly can't remember what went on here 10-15 years ago.

    We’ll be comparing ourselves to other teams, talking about other recruits, and still hoping for a better conference/schedule. My guess.

  9. 7 hours ago, jjlovecub said:

    I really want players to want to be here and want to play for USF

    We should give them a reason to play here. Can’t keep having coaches come and go. Have to change the culture from losing to winning. We ask a lot of these kids and not enough from athletics and leadership. Stop the BS and get people who have the skill sets to lead, develop, and get USF winning some games. Not these miserable bull **** we’ve been in.

    • Upvote 2
  10. On 3/31/2023 at 9:12 AM, Bull Awakening said:

    USF should continue to sell their location value. Tampa Bay is a great place.

    But what else does it afford? That’s not enough when selling to kids/young adults. It’s a great place if you have some sort of income or there are realistic perks offered by the school. We have to start thinking past the basics and figure out what’s next and how to sell it. I or someone posted somewhere about NIL payments and it was low. If we know that payments are low, we need to use those facts and other things to drive young people to Tampa. That said, not all people want to be apart of losing culture. Have to fix things today for tomorrow.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Gat-Rat Bull said:

    I believe USF will go to a different conference, but that discussion is ongoing in a different thread I think... 🙂

    Just for fun, though, saying USF has gotten "passed" by other schools implies that USF was ahead of those schools at some point. You can definitely say USF is currently getting left behind, but we are still in the race and haven't hit the wall yet. And, anyway, USF will always be #1 in our hearts, right? 😁🤘

    USF will always be #1 in our hearts. USF should be surveying and asking fans who left supporting this team that question with a flurry of other questions. We can’t continue to relay on the same base to support this team. Time for USF to invest in understanding. Hopefully they have seriously done that. Not some analysis that just points to what some want. But real hardcore nitty gritty work that lays out the realities of where we are.

  12. USF is too late to the party when it comes to figuring out football. Until USF starts/or potentially has started asking the right questions to the right people to advance ourselves, we will be left in the dust. The athletics department needs some serious thinkers working in there and analyzing the current landscape (all facets). The singular goal should be focused on winning in todays environment. Not yesteryears environment, but todays. Time to figure out our true value to student athletes and where we seriously need to grow. Time to seriously evaluate coaching hires (hopefully our new staff will work out). No more 2000 mindset. Real strategy to win ducking games and garner recruits. 

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