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Posts posted by NJUSFBULL

  1. 2 minutes ago, whiskeyboarder said:

    Well, if truly capable of considering the bigger picture than you might realize that whether we win by 3000 or by 3, neither matters as much as simply winning.  Assuming both USF and UCF are undefeated when they meet, the winner will outrank the other, regardless of the rankings entering the game.  So, why not just give it a cognitive respite and just enjoy one game at a time? :)

    Because it is much more than just beating UCF on Black Monday.  We also need to out rank SDSU to get to the NY6 Bowl, so style points count.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, USFBulls12 said:

    WHO CARES ABOUT UCF??! Like I've said, they can be ranked #1 in the country, we get to play them on Black Friday. Stop worrying about them winning their games, we're winning ours too!

    The question was about why there is such negativity.  Seeing how we are playing in our games and how they are playing in their games makes people nervous for our Black Friday game. Hence the negativity!

  3. 2 minutes ago, whiskeyboarder said:

    Serious question: Is everyone here as negative in real life as many are on the forum?  I don't mean that facetiously.  Just wondering if being online draws out more impatience than actually exists.  

    The reason for the negativity is that this season we not only need to be undefeated, but also win these games (24-point favorite) convincingly to make a NY6 Bowl.  Add the fact that UCF continues to cruise and you get negativity.

  4. 5 minutes ago, usfbullrider said:

    Even the best fan base aint keeping a coach against money or conference.  Author is a dip ****.  50000 in stands wont change those facts or these coach carosel articles from appearing.

    I'm not concerned that the article speaks to us possibly losing our coach.  This type of talk is going to happen every year.  I am embarrassed that the article talks about coach being disgusted by our low attendance for a 5-0 #16 team. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Hem said:

    Hardcore fans aren't spoiled, we are all enjoying this season thoroughly and know why the schedule is so "soft". 

    Casual USF fans are spoiled...you know the ones:

    1. Can't spell "Leavitt"

    2. Can't spell "Taggart"


    4. Don't know what conference we are in

    5. Complain about everything, while never actually going to games


    If we still had Coach Levitt or Tagart, we wouldn't be in this situation.  Last year we played FSU and packed the stadium.  We need to do that more often, then we may be able to move from the ACC to the Big 12!  Until this happens, you won't find me at any games.


  6. 5 hours ago, USFFan said:

    Pretty disappointed to see how many of our fans want us to be whores, which is what you are when you take payday games. I'm with MamaBull, 2 for 1's is far preferable.

    A different thread has the link to the West Virginia game 10-years ago.  We were ranked #18 then and are ranked #18 today, but what a difference in fan support and program momentum!  Yes, 2 for 1s are preferable, but it's time to make drastic changes to our philosophy.  

    We can't get 20K to show up when we are a top 20 team.  10-years ago we sold out the stadium and had students camping out to get good seats!  How many will show up next year if we are no longer in the top 25?

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