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Posts posted by OcalaBull2

  1. 10 minutes ago, Jonesy Bull said:

    I agree, this thing is not going to be turned around over night.  We have to give it 2-3 years I think.  The new guy is inheriting a mess, and he also has to change the overall culture of losing.  Thats not easy to do and takes time.  Plus he has to bring in better athletes.

    yes and yes.  Like others are saying transfers will play a huge role this next season. 

    43 minutes ago, Bull94 said:

    not so. even if you go by average we are in 4-5 range according to 24/7

    we can't have nice things. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Jonesy Bull said:

    So you would have rather kept CCS so that our Recruiting class stayed in tact.  Is that what you are saying?

    I'll sacrifice a little lower rating for one year of recruiting for the return on a better coach that actually has a chance to compete in the future any day of the week!

    No absolutely not. I feel like this was probably the best choice but it’s hard to ignore the fact that a lot of our fan base has zero patience. It may take a season or two to get back to where we want, I’m just hoping that we don’t jump the gun too quickly on calling for firings. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Bull94 said:

    it wasn't going to be any good any way. 6th best AAC. rodemaker is a pro-style QB.

    I'd focus energy on Cam'Ron Ransom from Armwood anyway.

    6"3" 210 lb Dual threat

    That’s not fully true. The only reason we were 6th is because of the amount of recruits, but the average rating for recruits was 2nd in the class I believe. 

  4. Our recruiting class to be that great at all. I understand many of you wanted the coach gone and couldn’t care less about ramifications like that, but we better hope we get in a better QB because if we’re putting our hopes in Rodemaker, we’re not going to like what we see come early signing day. 

  5. Might have been one of the worst in USF history...

    MBB lost 2 of 3 in their tournament against very mediocre teams. 

    WBB was upset in consecutive games, then went on to lose to Notre Dame.

    Football finished off a terrible season with a blowout from their rivals. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Bulls On Parade said:

    Yeah I went back to look at his stats..he had more catches only but way fewer touchdowns from 7 to 3. 

    Ok so not one freaking person has improved with Strong. 

    Livingstone is a good example year one he looked like he could be a good player...senior year and nothing no improvement.  If we had CJL or anybody he would have been likely a dominant player on the line. 

    The question is what are you doing as a head coach to get these players better? We’ve seen tons of regression with no justifiable answers other than injuries which is another monster in itself. I can live with some of the other factors but when you can’t improve the kids on our team I question the antics. 

    Livingstone, Atterberry, St. Felix are all players we should have seen improvement from, yet we saw regression. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Bulls On Parade said:

    Maybe McCants but he was only here two years. Otherwise more have regressed than than gotten better. 

    I don’t think he improved from year one to year two. He gained weight, not muscle, and according to a few people on the inside he didn’t do much at all to become a leader when we desperately needed one. 

  8. I’ve been thinking about all the things we’ve heard that are jaw dropping over the last 3 season. Add if you’d like. 

    “were we not 7-0?”

    ”we’ve just got to execute”

    ”we’ve got to slow down this offense”

    Sterlin Gilbert on QF-“I haven’t watched much of his film” (after being hired by USF)

    ”we weren’t prepared” (after a bye week)

  9. You know, thinking back on it I’m even more annoyed at our receivers. You had McDoom come in and say “we don’t know how to practice” yet he hasn’t done a whole lot. You had RSF say he was offended that his coach called him out for not catching, has one decent game, and then continues to show that dropped passes are still an issue for him. Someone has to step up against C. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, usf97 said:

    USF Pro Style: Chad Barnhardt, Mike White, Steven Bench, Grant Gregory, Bobby Eveld, Blake Barnett, Brett Kean

    USF Dual Threat: BJ Daniels, Grothe, Flowers, Blackwell, Denson, Ronnie Banks, Chris Oladokun, Pat Julmiste

    Jordan McCloud was listed as a dual threat but I cannot tell if KB’s offense is so in his head that his mobility is affected but I would feel more confident in just letting Joiner take direct snaps at this point. 


    Oladokun was pro style. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Bull Daly said:

    And the only bad loss this season was to Ga Tech. USF blew out UConn, ECU, and SC St. not bad for a 1st season OC. Give him one more season 

    Tech game should have been a W. We were totally screwed. Doesn’t matter, shouldn’t have been that close. But I agree with this, we have flashes of greatness but some kind of consistency needs to be in place before we start yelling for people to get out 

  12. 42 minutes ago, BiggTipp said:

    If people would watch the video they would understand a little bit. The plays are there but the execution is not. Not sure if execution would be there for any style of offense this year...

    Which is why I don’t understand why that’s all on the coaches. Some of these kids have to be held accountable as well. It is weird, however, how dropped passes have plagued us this season. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, usf97 said:

    It could be said. The problem is it is a lot harder to find OL and pro style QBs than it is to find fast athletes/QBs that may or may not be able to throw but that can run and don’t want to play DB in college.

    Its hard to say what was available on that front via the portal. Octavius Battle had already left.

    We have one such player in Evans. Can he throw? Don’t know and KB isn’t interested in running that offense. I expect Evans will transfer out after the season.


    Haven’t we had multiple pro style Qb’s come in and out the past few years? I sincerely hope Evans doesn’t transfer because he seems to be a real athlete. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, usf97 said:

    I think Puc has been pretty consistent in this and it is probably the most valid point on the topic of KB. Typically a coach is given at least 3 years.

    The problem is that is not how this was sold. The fan base was already getting tired of CCS after going 17-8 in 2 seasons with an uninteresting offense. So then Kelly and Co go and say “ we found this smart guy who is going to fix all of our problems in two weeks”. Basically the plot of idiocracy. It was dumb to hire KB for this situation.

    If you are going to do that, you don’t go hire KB and this offense or an air raid disciple, you get something with “lethal simplicity” like the read/run spread option and you load up on athletes to play QB like Evans and play sandlot football

    I think maybe KB’s system could work but it’s gonna take more time, 

    So to speak to this point, how do you load up on guys like this before this season? Can’t the same be said about loading up on guys that fit Bell’s current system?

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