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Posts posted by dclenden

  1. 4 hours ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    I have zero desire to watch a G5 playoff. It would be the first step to creating another division in a formal manner. At that point I would seriously have to consider if I would even follow USF football (certainly not to the degree that I do now). I would suspect the big money  donors (the few we may have) would also pull out entirely or reduce their $. I also wonder if this would impact the potential of an OCS (who would want to write a check for a minor league?). Further, if we have the playoffs there will no NYD Bowl game for the P5. This was the option when it was decided to take the NYD bowl game a few years ago. 


    i couldn't agree with you more.  The law of unintended consequences of trying to make yourself legitimate as a Group of 5.  'Let's make our own playoff as G5" and all the while making yourself inconsequential.


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  2. Funny thing is youre right.  Almost not a peep about the defensive adjustments and improvement.  Its caught in a cloud of offensive disappointment.  If we could just get back online a bit with what made us successful I also think wed be unstoppable.  I believe that the O line is a little confused in the assignments at time.  Its not the easiest system to acclimate to sadly.  Unfortunately (and I wish this wasnt true), Im not expecting many adjustments back to last years approach.  I think that coaches at this point are simply going to double down on  getting O line in better position and run virtually the same plays.  Lets hope it works, though Im not overtly optimistic.

  3. Just now, Gatorbull325 said:

    There is calling out crappy play and there is just sh**ting on your team and giving up on the whole season.

    Well, perhaps this is in part a result of the preseason ranking, the Heisman talk and coming off a season where we had the ability to basically score at will.  I live in Boston and though am not on the 'pulse' of where are fans are  (short of this message board), I do sense that there is a growing sense of disappointment and I think that most have a right to be considering that it my belief that most were expecting us to take a step forward this year with improved defensive play.  I dont think many even gave much thought or serious consideration that the offense or special teams would be our achilles heal.

  4. 1 hour ago, Gatorbull325 said:

    Well how about we lose a game first before we declare the season is a bust? As a true fan, I try not to speak "negativity" into existence. Am I as confident for an undefeated season? Still am. Until we lose, i am going to stay confident. Our National championship team from last year almost lost to Troy and only beat them by 4 pts. You know what? They still won a national title. **** happens, people have bad games. 

    I dont see anyone declaring the season a bust.  No one needs to also lose a game before recognition of the problems.  This is a message board, not a metric stick to declare who the 'true' fans are and who are not.  True fans it would seem to me would be emotionally  connected and want the team to win, like you.  Calling out crappy play doesn't say anything about  the quality of the fan, sorry.  


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  5. 8 hours ago, Triple B said:

    You mean like how you keep throwing the SBU performance out there as an excuse for the pathetic announced attendance of the SBU game .... ?

    Ha that wasn't me making claims about the attendances influence in the SBU game outcome- that was Coach Strong. Me thinks you'd be served to go back to the tape...I'm sure the SBU performance by any metric is solely the responsibility of  poor play calling, lack of adjustments, coaching and dropped balls.  Me thinks you're confused.

  6. 3 minutes ago, KB said:

    We are 2-0.  We are in the top 25.  

    The attendance this past weekend has nothing to do with play on the field.  The play on the field could be affected by the poor attendance.  

    There has been plenty of time and off season buzz to get fans in the seats.  This fan base is pathetic.  What he said was the truth.  He was asked about fan backlash on social media and he took a jab back at the same fans.  There is nothing wrong with that.  

    The crowd on Saturday was an embarrassment.  Good for him to have the guts to call us out on it.   For us to make excuses about a little rain and other games on TV and the PLAY IN THE GAME WE ARE TALKING ABOUT is weak.   If the stands were packed and people walked out mid game for poor play then an argument could be made, but no one there for the season opener is sad.  

    Players feed off the fans.   Our players are starving and we are pointing the finger at everyone else but ourselves.  


    Truth: our fan base IS pathetic considering many alumn live locally.

    Truth: adding 15,000 fans to the stands ain't got nothing to do with two blocked punts in two games and the poor on field performance.

    Nice try making associations by things that frankly are unrelated.

    We are not good.  Fan attendance is also not good.

    Thats it kid, sorry.

    (Ill now assume you'll rebut with how attendance numbers makes players feel and all the blah blah)...

    Sad. So sad. All of the excuses.  It just is.  From Heisman hopeful to explain a near loss to Stoney on our home opener.  How far the mighty have fallen.

    *queue the:  'I'm not ready to give up on CCS yet like you are'... and the 'poor player execution' and the 'yea, but, they didn't want to tip their hand on the playbook'.


  7. 3 hours ago, Triple B said:

    24K diehards for a 1-0, ranked team is a joke ..... maybe we should go back to CUSA or SunBelt

    Poor performance on the field, two blocked punts in as many games is the real joke.

    Poor attendance and poor performance are mutually exclusive events. They aren't related.  CCS rebutting his poor performance  with 'yea, but, but, but attendance is poor' youve got to admit is an amateur response.  I have to openly admit I was a bit taken aback by it in this setting.


    • Upvote 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Triple B said:

    You're the 19th ranked team, coming off a 3 td win on the West Coast and you could only garner a padded 26K for an announced attendance. He has every right to say what he did ... if the customer is that fickle already after one not horrible game, we have no hope.

    Sucking and having two blocked punts and losing at home to Stoney brook and poor attendance are mutually exclusive arguments.  They're not related.  CCS using this reply reveals his frustration in his product.  This is all.  

    • Upvote 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Bull94 said:

    what a joke. the million dollar coach blaming the 20 year old kids and you guys buy it.


    anybody know how many times Chuck's offense threw to a RB last year at texas?

    9 total times the entire year to all their Rbs combined.I guess the defense never gave them that huh. First he says we looked for splash plays and that was the problem. then he says they took away the deep ball. now he says they keyed on the run so Flowers and Johnson couldn't get going. Fact is the plays were predictable. we ran into a stacked line between the tackles almost every time. we passed when we had to pass. everything was dink and dunk. we threw one go route the entire game and it went for an 65 yard TD.

    goodbye wheelroutes to DJ or any pass to him for that matter.9 freaking times all year.


    this offense has no creativity. line em up and try to beat them straight up and then blame it on execution.it's boring conservative football. 3 yards and a cloud of dust.

    Our offense last year created mismatches. cleared out the defense by running hitch and go's or got safeties to bite on the bubble screen and then threw over the top. wheel routes into open space. jet sweeps to suck the safeties in and then faking it and going over the top.it was a thing of beauty. anybody that doesn't see the difference isn't paying attention.

    This is a case of square peg and round hole at all costs.  These coaches aren't creative or even remotely observant or novel in their thinking.

    Callijg your fans out in response for attendance  following a legitimate question regarding how you've somehow dismantled a top 10 offense into a loser into the fourth quarter to Stoney Brook?  

    Man coach, you'd better be awfully careful as the clamoring has barely begun against your product on the field.  What will you reply when you really are down and out?

    Bush league reply CCS.  Don't let your frustration over your suck billow into insults back at the fans.  Fans don't teach the players to prevent blocked punts. Shut it and win.

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  10. Yep, nothing wrong here with CCS, the offense or Gilbert's approach-  it's all just sandbagging so the 'real' opponents upcoming won't know our play book.  You guys need to pull your heads from the sand.  Perfectly legitimate end result from two really crappy games that we happened to win. Results result in the result.

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