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Posts posted by ArmyBull

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bull94 said:

    central florida can't afford to do deals like this. they have a huge debt service to pay on that stadium. they need home games even if they are against crappy opponents.their stadium seats 20k less than ours.

    1 game against UF at home will bring in millions more in revenue for us. 65 k seats at $80 per seat = $5.2M

    well worth it.

    Sorry man, but I think your math is wrong, I believe Florida gets a cut as well as Rayjay, but I would really like to know what our true forecast is on what we will pocket from this game.  Assuming we hit 50k  I doubt it will be a sellout.  

  2. 1 minute ago, Jason Pryor said:


    The only reason its an advantage is because we have the oppertunity to beat them and get a name for our program. UCF on the other hand can hardly schedule a game with them. 

    Beating Florida will not do much...  we have beaten plenty of name brands over the years and here we are.  Sucks that everything goes back to what c is doing.  I am just talking about us.  It feels like the majority of the board simply forms this blind resistance to whatever c does, therefore we must form the opposite opinion.  It’s not about them.  

  3. Just now, NewEnglandBull said:

    USF and all of the teams in the AAC are in no position to demand 1 for 1 deals with the upper crust Pee Five teams. We may once every now and then get one but if it’s a deal breaker don’t expect many upper level/in state games.

    Would rather keep or dignity.  Personally, I would love to see the AAC take a unified stance against 2 for 1s and anything else that makes us look inferior.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Jason Pryor said:

    This is why USF should remain in the Raymond James Stadium. Teams see the benefit of coming to Tampa and playing in the Ray J. Its an advantage, and when we get in the Power 5, watch out its gonna get loud in there like 07

    Well, that is one way to look at it.  Florida teams see a benefit because they know they can fill that stadium up as if it was a home game.  I for one do not view that as advantageous. 

  5. Guess I am in the minority here.  I don’t think taking an aweful deal that is referred to as “highway robbery” is a good thing.  We will not be changing perception by simply playing Florida, even if we win.  Florida is making out like bandits.  They essentially are playing three home games and getting paid for it.  Our admin allowing us to be bent over a barrel by the top tier P5 is not honorable, does not improve recruiting, etc.  It is a small time mindset.  I would absolutely rather play other P5 teams with home and homes vs. willingly admitting that we are second class and should take whatever the might P5 gives. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. So I ran into this today while playing on the interwebs:


    It's an SEC blog, relatively well written and we were mentioned.    

    Florida athletic director Scott Stricklin said last week he’d play UCF if the Gators get two home games for the Knights’ one. White doesn’t want that, and says UCF has established itself to deserve a one-for-one deal.

    Realistically, if UCF hasn’t yet established itself to get those deals with the SEC, when will it? Florida recently agreed to a two-for-one with USF, and it might as well have been highway robbery.

    The Gators are paying $750,000 for two games in Gainesville (total, not each) and receiving $250,000 (and 12,000 tickets; about 4-6,000 above typical road games) for the game in Tampa. That’s a net of at least $1 million over the three seasons because guarantee games typically costing Power 5 schools at least $750,000.

    Here’s another reason Florida is playing at USF: the Bulls play in an off-campus, NFL stadium, and the 2023 USF home game will likely be at least half-full of Gators fans.

    I remember when we made this deal.  I did not like it because I think two for ones are stupid but the chance to beat UF three times did have an appeal; however, I did not realize the deal was as lopsided as it appears.  Also, figured this would also turn into a nice OCS thread!  

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Bull Dozer said:

    I am not.  USF was planning to ax him after the signing period CCS did a professional courtesy and let him know he should be "Looking for advancement/other opportunities".    I trust where I got this info.   You're just saying what you think.   USF was not going to intentionally hurt itself on the trail and CCS wanted to do right by one of his guys.  There is no backtrack here.   USF was not going to FIRE him before the period as that only causes issues.  They gave Gilbert the opportunity to choose his fate with no guarantee he would find another job.   USF was NEVER going to fire him before the signing period....  But please, carry on.  

    My only issue with this line of thinking is that it assumes that Gilbert would not have taken the Mcneese job had he had an outstanding year as OC?

  8. Just now, Brad said:


    @ArmyBull you do see it's not about the team, right?  

    If we played the same horrible schedule in a G5 conference without meangingful OOC wins, yet won 20 in a row, I'd be happy for the team - they aren't responsible for the AAC or the scheduling.  But, I wouldn't be making the case UCF is making either.  Undefeated doesn't mean much outside the program if you're not beating the teams allegedly better than you.  That's the problem.

    @Brad you do see that this not about c florida, right?

    Your comments are more of a systemic mindset problem and it sounds like you are reading from the P5 notecards.  You are letting c get into your head.  If we did this and Kelly and Strong were not outraged at our treatment, I would be embarrassed.  Even the slightest diminishing attitude for going undefeated for two years would be awful from a long time fan like yourself.  But again, I simply do not believe you would be talking like this, even if you do, so it is a moot point.   

  9. 1 minute ago, Brad said:


    It's not crapping on anyone's "run".  I would love it if we could win 50 in a row.  Beating the crap out of AAC and small time OOCs won't get us to the CFB playoffs.  It's the problem UCF has now.  Not crapping on their 20 or so wins, either.  The facts, the reality, points to it not being enough in the current system.  No amount of saying it does, or should, will change that.

    and if we won 50 in a row you would just go quietly into the night, murmuring that it is meaningless, that our bowl opponents were not motivated, and saying that our mistreatment is justified?  I say bull****, no way you would be spewing that nonsense about our team.  

    • Upvote 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    Most NY6 bowl games involve P5 teams at the same level so the motivation, mindset is usually on the same level for both teams.

    Ahh yes, the "they were not motivated" talk, weakest argument in sports. As if not getting embarrassed by a lowly G5 team is not motivation enough.  

    • Upvote 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Brad said:

    You're wrong.  it's not a hate thing about UCF.  It's just a reality thing.  I don't make up lies to make my kids look good, my wife pretty, my car newer, any of that.  Why would I lie that playing a B schedule is the same as an A schedule?  

    Hopefully, if we ever get there it is with a far better resume of wins.  Two years undefeated in the AAC doesn't mean we will.

    No, I am not wrong, I really do hope you keep your opinions to yourself and you do sound like an ESPN mouthpiece, just own it.  Totally crapping on your Alma Mater's accomplishments would really be a new low for you.  I have known you "digitally" long enough to know you would not talk that way about our run.  I get it.   

  12. 6 minutes ago, Brad said:

    I don't think you have to play on their team to know they get up for games that count.  

    I hope you keep your opinions to yourself if we ever put together a two year undefeated run complete with beating NY6 opponents.  You sound like an ESPN mouthpiece.  I am going to give you a pass, understanding that this is a c florida hate thing more so than how you would actually feel if we actually accomplished this..... same goes for you Trip. 

    • Upvote 2
  13. I keep reading things like "ucf is not more talented than us...." based on what and why do we care?  Are we talking about recruiting rankings, EA Sports NCAA Football overall team rankings, record, stats, QBR???  As the OP suggested, it will take a perfect game to beat c....  you know what that means.... they are more talented because they will not need a perfect game to beat us.  Gilbert is garbage, but he is not dropping balls, fumbling, missing open reads, allowing our defense to get gashed on every handoff, etc.    

  14. 1 hour ago, Apis Bull said:

    I've posted a variety of links in the past that show that an OCS does not increase attendance.  When UCF was losing, their brand new OCS was fairly empty.  Now that they're winning, the stadium gets packed.  Just my opinion, but if USF had the same success the past few years, Ray Jay would be packed

    Yes, I know they FCS links you have posted, which are silly, no offense.  It goes way beyond attendance, but you know the arguments, we have been at this a long time.  Even in C’s darkest days I bet their attendance was on par with ours, which is sad.  Go watch college game day this past weekend and ask yourself, would an OCS be more beneficial for our team.  Honestly, if the answer is no, then there is absolutely  no convincing you.  The proof is all around but if you are looking for some quantitative analysis, perhaps ask C, maybe they have something.  

    • Upvote 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Apis Bull said:

    Okay, once again, I feel that I must preface what I'm going to say.  I want an OCS.

    With that said, if all these benefits are, "obvious" please provide links that support these assertions.

    There are enough c. florida links floating around this thread and others to support these assertions.  Not to mention what a google search about them would turn up.  If you believe that their attendance would be what it is with an off campus stadium, well, there is nothing that will change your mind.  Can you provide a link stating that an OCS has not propelled c florida's attendance and on campus experience?       

  16. It is a mental game we play with ourselves:

    Thus, some here will try to justify in every which way possible why it is a good thing that we do not.  C having one only compounds this issue.  I firmly believe that if C did not have one, many would be far less opposed to the idea.  But, because C does have one, "we can't possibly build something like theirs."  This only perpetuates the problem.

    Of Course an OCS would draw more students, of course we would be better off long term.  It has become such a silly argument that those that argue against it appear to be suffering from something like Trump Derangement Syndrome.  They are just unhinged.     

  17. 3 hours ago, SpeedBull said:

    Every school except USF can do it. We are the poorest university in the country and normal rules don’t apply to us.

    A red seated stadium with a pirate ship in the end zone that’s 20 minutes off campus is the ultimate college experience. You know that!

    Other schools want to emulate US. 

    Rumor has it, and this is just a rumor of course....but I heard that UF is going to blow up the Swamp and build a newer stadium in Ocala. It’s going to have full liquor, a killer club level, a massive Jumbotron and multi-colored seats. It’s going to be awesome!

    Apis is absolutely going to delete this post.  

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