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Posts posted by ArmyBull

  1. 19 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    There is no chance by the time it is built we could build something most people would be willing to step into for less than $200 million.

    Those that care will come if we built it for 75mil (exaggeration, yes). Point being is that it is way past time to stop pandering to the “I want my special things” crowd and get those on campus that want to be here, plus the walkability for students.  The fans will come no matter what, the others can pound sand. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    When we were in the BEAST and had crowds I think there was an argument to be made. Now we seem to be hemorrhaging funds, we do not have a huge demand, we do not have a ton of donors and it seems like people want to dream that an OCS would be a silver bullet that could magically heal what ails us but that seems like an expensive unforced error when there isn't really anything forcing our hand to make a move. I am hardly risk adverse but this seems to be risk seeking with little reason to believe it will benefit us more than it will hurt us other than hopes and dreams. If someone wants to spend a quarter of a billion dollars on something that it would be 25 years of their entire yearly budget to build when its already losing millions of dollars a year they better have some cold hard proof that this investment will right the ship but it seems more built on memories that "you cant put a price on"  I however can put a price on memories and it is way less than hundreds of millions of dollars. 

    If we are looking at 250 mil, we are doing it wrong, we can agree on that.  That dollar amount can be way, way lower.  

  3. 11 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    I think there is no one that wouldn't want a OCS if it could miracle its way into our lives but in the reality in which we live it is reasonable to question if it would be wise to gamble a small fortune and perhaps our University's future on something that wouldn't work for us if we get called up to the P5 and we may not have a need for long before it is paid off if we do not get called up to the P5. As for the return on investment for stadium ownership its not one or two articles its universal consensus from every study, article or just plain looking around that owning a stadium from a fiscal standpoint is entirely stupid and to be avoided at all costs, that is why every argument appeals to emotion and not ROI.

    Image result for if it dont make dollars it don't make sense 

    If one is looking for an ROI on the structure, then no, but that is not the investment potential.  You can’t look at it as you would a real property investment, that is missing the point.  The IPF, the Sun Dome, etc are not money makers, they are facilities investments.  Football will always drive the bus and every year that goes by without us having an OCS is a missed opportunity.  There are plenty of options that would work for us, P5 or not.  We don’t need to build Rayjay on campus. 

  4. Always so much confirmation bias going on in these threads.  Made up facts about how awful owning an OCS is (save the one or two FCS articles please).  If we had an OCS we would not be clamoring to get into  Ray jay, we would be talking about how awesome it is to have our own place.  Can’t think of one other college football fan base that would even suggest they would rather not own an OCS.  The OCS discussion is always the same.  Simply put, an OCS is an investment in the future fan base, brings people back to campus, builds the college tradition, etc.  But some just refuse to see that.  

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 6/4/2019 at 9:37 PM, Friscobull said:

    I am thrilled with AD Kelly and what he has done, making the most of what we got.   I am not sure what we are arguing about, I am saying big wins against big teams make the difference, I think you are sayin the same thing?

    Personally, the problem is that folks fail to realize that our own CCG IS the big game we have to win.  That game will be against the likes of c, Houston, Memphis, etc.  

    if we don’t win that..... well, failed season.  That should be our goal every year and the biggest game on the calendar.  

  6. I mean, we are a better draw than c.  While I want an OCS, the fact that we play in 65k seat stadium allows us to schedule games like these.  Visiting teams know that at a minimum it will be a 50/50 crowd.  If we had our own 45k place there would barely be room for the visiting teams fans.  No way would Bama travel to a stadium with only a 3-4K guaranteed allotment.  I guess that it a silver lining in the OCS debate. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, DELdaBull said:

    Scheduling philosophy doesn't matter if you don't win at least 50% of those games. One year (like 2024) you want to win 100% of ALL games. 

    Agree, scheduling and losing most of these games is worse than not scheduling them at all.  The conference and access bowl is the only thing truly in reach.  If we can’t get through Memphis, Houston, or c, it does not really matter. 

  8. On 5/20/2019 at 11:32 PM, Triple B said:

    Actually, no "we" wouldn't. If I'm resorting to killing somebody, it's going to be to get into a P5, not become the tallest midget ....

    When the expansion announcement comes, the time for “killing” will have well past.  When exactly do you plan on starting? 

  9. Good lord, we sound pathetic.  Like losing a game and blaming the refs x1000 pathetic.  Sugarcoat it however you like, they are bad people, took shortcuts, nobody likes them, blah blah blah.  We would kill for that record and their success right about now.  That is all that matters.  The moral high horse some are taking when discussing the absolutely dirty business of college sports is laughable.  

    • Like 1
  10. 30 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    Winning the AAC will surely bring in the fans, that is once we teach the possible consumer wtf the AAC is and then dupe them into believing it matters because of a made up designation of P6 ( which pretty much means we are the first ones to get peed on by the actual power 5).

    Winning the AAC (most years) will give us the opportunity to play a high level P5 in a game that matters.  That is what we need.. and to win those games.  

  11. 26 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    We are one misssed kick returned assignment from them continuing their decades long withering in obscurity and now we think they should be a blueprint for success? If aiming for UCF is our greatest hope for the program I honestly wish we would consider shutting the whole thing down. We used to have aspirations, we had hopes and dreams this is what rock bottom must feel like and for the first time in my life I know what it feels like to have a dream deferred. 

    Pretty much the result of what happens when you waste an opportunity like we had with the BE.  We had every opportunity to "Do Something" and separate ourselves, but we could never put it all together.  Like it or not, c is now at the top of the G5 mountain and seem to have taken advantage of every opportunity presented.  

  12. 12 hours ago, USFRaider said:

    The clock is ticking.  If ucf beats us to the P5, that is all she wrote for USF football.

    Same old conversation.  c. florida has done just about everything right and the timing, which is really out of their control, has been perfect.  They look like a program that is a number one pick for P5 conference looking to expand.  I used to think it was just about winning, but that is over simplistic.  It is about winning the right games, not the P5 games, but the CC games that lead to the access bowl games, that is what gets attention.  No one really cares that G5 programs occasionally beat P5 programs, it happens every year.  

    They have had a combination of good coaching hires that have utilized their talent to maximum efficiency.  They sell out their stadium (yes the OCS is a big deal, always has been, always will be), fan support is off the charts, the city supports them, College Gameday going there was a gut punch.  CCS was right, they are the blueprint.  We can learn from them and hopefully do it better.             

    • Upvote 4
  13. On 12/21/2018 at 8:28 AM, Bausfkid said:

    You picked a university based on the football team?  Wow.  Best of luck in life.  You'll need it.

    I think your comment is off here.  I hire people all of the time and University Perception is a thing.  Most people have “heard” of a University based on athletics, i.e. does your university show up on ESPN?  Unless you are attending an Ivy League or a very specific field where a university is known for a particular program of study, no hiring manager cares about the difference between academics of say USF or Florida.  So yes, attending a university that has a positive athletic program is very marketable, especially if that program has a national following.  It is smart to consider such things and quality athletics adds to the value of your degree, period. 

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