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I like GOOOOLD (and green)

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Posts posted by I like GOOOOLD (and green)

  1. 40 minutes ago, Brad said:

    That is part of the Google wrap on mobile sites.  I don’t have a way to turn that off at this time.

    When a lot of white space is left in a post, Google attempts to plant an advertisement.

    I don’t mind the feedback.

    At the beginning we were completely ad-free.  As we grew, especially 2005-2009, we were growing rapidly and blowing up servers.  Costs were much higher, hundreds per month.  What advertisements do for us these days is pay for some custom coding, prizes, ticket purchases and distribution, customer acquisition (TBP ads, sponsorships) etc.  It provides for us to pay third parties for other services.  So, we’ll be staying with ads, but using revenue to help us grow an online communicty.

    I appreciate the information, thanks for the transparency! It is a clever use of space, I just wish I could pick the post(er)s that it covers.  JUST KIDDING BB12!

  2. 17 hours ago, BrassBulls12 said:

    the site is great, any complaining about the ads is ridiculous.  

    I understand the need for ads, would never had said anything if it was just normal ads.  The recent addition of ads that cover content is just bad though.  Perhaps I don't go to that many sites, but this is the only place that I've seen those.  Complaining about someone who says they love the site but hate the ads but understand their purpose is what's ridiculous.  Get over yourself.  

    20 hours ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    If you want free go to that 1988 board controlled by ECU fans...

    Why are you so miserable in your comments all the time?

  3. 8 hours ago, USFBulls727 said:

    How about a third undefeated team (FAU)? They are ahead of us in the preseason poll, and have Oklahoma(#7) & UCF(#21) on the road. Highly unlikely they beat Oklahoma, but that could be a tricky game, especially being in week 1. FAU looked awfully good in their last 6 or 7 games last year, and finished just outside the Top 25. If they get by Oklahoma somehow, which I doubt, but if it happens, they could  be a team to watch.

    Of course, but its highly unlikely anyone will be undefeated, not the least of which FAU.  

  4. 1 hour ago, USFBulls727 said:

    Hmmm.....Boise does have OK State on the road this year, and they are beginning the season ranked. Who knows what the SOS will look like at the end of the season, but Boise has 4 opponents receiving votes from the AP in the pre-season poll (Troy, OK State, Fresno, & SDSU), so the gap in SOS might not be that gigantic, and they have a head start.  Hope you're right, but if we both run the table, I don't think it's a guarantee that we pass them in the rankings. I guess we should probably worry about Elon first though....

    I get what you're saying, especially the last sentence.  I wasn't focusing on preseason rankings as they rarely tell the story, last year being the perfect example.  When it comes to bowl season, it is more likely that teams like Houston, Memphis, Temple (and the Fl schools) will be getting more AP/Coaches votes than Fresno and SDSU.  OK State might be good, or they might be OK State.  If Boise runs the table they should be in the conversation for sure, but the parity in their league just isn't there.  Fresno, SDSU, etc get their fair share of press due to the comparative markets they serve, but don't contribute to any real depth in the conference year to year imo.  I like Troy, but that is like saying Tulane should be a nod on your SOS because they could be the 'sneaky' team in FBS this season.  It's meaningless until later, like you said. 

    48 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    Based on our win over the defending national champs .... Boise can't touch that.

    You're being facetious but a win over UCF this year, especially if they're undefeated at the time, would be bigger than anything Boise can claim.  

  5. 10 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    So if we go undefeated and Boise goes undefeated we jump them in your mind? Based on what the AAC street cred?

    In the extremely unlikely situation that there are two undefeated teams we can parse that.  But, aside from maybe some west coast writers/etc the American winner will likely get the nod due to the conference having a much higher rate of success on the field.  Despite what you think the American rates much higher than the other conferences, it's not really close.

  6. 3 hours ago, USFBULL_08 said:

    When has there been a team move to the P5?

    We were probably the last going to the Big East (I'm assuming BCS auto bid = P5).

    I didn't really  think to include BE because of its quick dissolution and existence before 'P5'

    3 hours ago, USF Bulls Football said:


    Their stadium has been around since the 30's. 

  7. Is there a (somewhat) recent example of a team graduating to P5 status that didn't already have a stadium? I don't think there is any realistic way that an invite comes this day and age without a preexisting stadium.  I know its just my opinion, but its on the side of precedent.  Besides, there are foundational measures that come with a stadium that you don't want to delay if you're interested in long term growth of a program.   

  8. On 8/14/2018 at 7:02 PM, BrassBulls12 said:



    Don’t call me dumb if you don’t get it. 

    I never came close to calling you dumb, nor even insinuated it.  No need to bring attention to that.

    You're basically saying a spread option is both one decision AND win win? If it's that simple and foolproof one must wonder why it isn't everywhere.  I mean, its so straight forward why would a coaching change even register? The coach isn't telling the kid what to do in the one decision option, and its all aces anyway.....well, you said it, not me.

    I think you realized the err of your statement and filled in the blank for yourself on that one.  

  9. 2 hours ago, chapelbull said:

    You didn't make any points to counter and you brought the term "myopic" into the discussion.  My points are above, read them again if you like

    Yes, we lack "objectivity" ..... 

    Actually, he did, and you deflected.

    7 hours ago, Triple B said:

    It's been awhile since we've had a pet Kanigit around here. Forgotten how much fun they can be. 

    He's holding his own, need reinforcements.

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