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I like GOOOOLD (and green)

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Posts posted by I like GOOOOLD (and green)

  1. 17 hours ago, Triple B said:

    Keep trying with your straw man arguments. Nowhere did I say "they didn't really want it". What I'm saying is that if you think Auburn went into that game with the same mental edge they would have in a playoff or did in either game they played against the two playoff teams, you're kidding yourself just like UCF guy ... UCF had a great year, but that's all it was was a great year. Hopefully we'll have one like that at some point ... maybe ECU will ....it's the national championship nonsensical justification that has them showing the exact opposite type class than the Auburn players and coaches did after the loss. 

    'You' may not have, but it doesn't take much reading comprehension to see that is the general crux of many USF-fan arguments here.  Awareness....

  2. 9 hours ago, BrassBulls12 said:

    All I need is my eyes to know which was the better team and an understanding that the score doesnt always project that. Auburn beat Alabama, so are you saying the UCF  was the best team in the nation last season? If so, don't bother responding because I do't think you quite understand this game. 

    I never said UCF was the best team last season.  I said they were better than Auburn.  Anyone that watched the game and didn't have an axe to grind would probably agree.  They controlled it start to finish.  Their success last season, regardless of whether a Bulls fan likes to admit it or not, is good for everyone in the AAC.  USF included.  

    • Upvote 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Triple B said:

    Keep believing everything you read on the Internet, Sparky ... The Auburn players and coaches reacted with class, giving all the props to UCF. I guarantee you hear different, off the record comments going into that game if they were asked how they felt watching 2 teams they'd beaten get ready for the real championship game in relationship with their game with you. It's only human nature.

    It's also human nature at high levels of competition to want to go out and beat your opponent.  It's also human nature to want to take down the unbeaten guy.  The whole 'they didn't really want it' argument is untenable.

  4. 10 hours ago, Mission9 said:

    That chart also is quite telling as far as the original discussion, attendance.  The first two games in Tampa had a lot more people attending than the last two against the same team. 

    In Tampa atleast.  2007 was quite a year.  


    10 hours ago, Apis Bull said:

    If you read his post, he says those four wins in a row don't count.

    Of course they count.  I think his rationale was that they were in a lesser conference at the time while the Bulls were rocking the recruiting at a higher level; less meaningful instead of 'not counting' in his eyes.


  5. 11 hours ago, Mission9 said:

    Apparently you have not been active on the conference boards, social media, or boneyardbanter, or even here in the past.  The ECU fans always have something negative to say and have been the worst I have encountered for 2 games there (will not go back now), the bowl game, and all but the last game here.  Far worse than UCF even.  Keep in mind we have had Miami, West Virginia, and FSU here and I have only had minor issues  with them. 

    Calling me an idiot basically means you have no argument against the fact that ECU has the most narcissistic and hateful (against anyone they perceive as having slighted them)  fanbase in college football. 

    I've been active here ever since I registered.  This is the only board I subscribe to aside from an Orlando Magic board.  You are an idiot because you lack logic and cast aspersions about me without knowing a thing...speaking of aspersions:

    11 hours ago, Mission9 said:

    Next time you choose to go about casting aspersions, remember I am not the one who is member of any other team's board.  If I ever chose to do so, I do not think I would start praising a team which is clearly disliked and might even be considered their dreaded "rival".

    I didn't praise anyone, I mentioned that if they can do something, so can we.  Maybe you aren't an idiot, that remains to be seen.  You are misguided however.  

  6. 3 hours ago, puc86 said:

    There is no way you are idiotic enough to believe the AAC is a better place to be for football than either the Big12 or the PAC10. There is a reason they are getting $30 million a year for their respective teams in TV money and we are getting $30 and a free subscription to ESPN 3. Any team in the AAC would do anything to get out of here and into one of those conferences and I only wish you were right and people were actually happy with the AAC because it would make it easier to get out. Sadly our entire conference did anything to Big 12 asked to try and get the heck up out of here so I unfortunately know that only you feel the AAC is anything to be proud of or to hold onto.

    Saying the the conference was better than PAC 12 and BIG 12 last year, indicating the American doesn't exactly suck is not the same as saying that someone believes the American is a better conference to be in.  It means that the American doesn't suck.  You are just being irrational now.

    Again, cheer up and try not to take yourself so seriously. It's not working for you.  

  7. 22 hours ago, Gat-Rat Bull said:

    I have been to several USF games at ECU and have never gotten any hate from the locals even though I was decked out in USF gear. They did, however, wave a red pirate flag a lot and promise to give us no quarter. 😎

    In my three years there I never once heard anyone even mention USF.  There was one prof that had a Bulls flag in her office though.  In my short time there USF didn't register at all except normal gameday stuff.  Now...the HAIL PERRIMAN incident was brought up nonstop.  

  8. On 8/1/2018 at 2:14 PM, Mission9 said:

    Which "we" are you speaking of?


    On 8/1/2018 at 2:28 PM, Mission9 said:

    ECU fans never fail to disappoint do they?  While I think this guy is somewhat lacking the vitriol of the typical Pirate fan which likes to berate our program (and university) as inferior to their's , he is using a new tactic.  He has decided to praise another team we do not care for.  

    You're REALLY missing the boat here.  I grew up in TT and have always been a proponent of USF.  I just happened to get into dental school at ECU when I registered here.  I don't have vitriol because I am logical and objective, and root for the right team.  

    Basically, you are an idiot.  

  9. 21 hours ago, puc86 said:

    And just in case anyone wondered if anyone that’s even a die hard Usf fan cares about the AAC at all just look around this board, this is where threads go to die. Any post that was started in the AAC waste land is lucky to have one response, anything with several responses was started on the main board, got moved here and was never heard from again. UCF sucks, the AAC sucks and ECU sucks, now stay off our board and stop trying to convince us otherwise because it’s just sad.

    The AAC was probably better than the Big 12 and Pac 12 in football last season.  I wouldn't say it sucks.  It has really good basketball and baseball too.  You're either an idiot or so stuck on your opinion that reality is passing you by.  You talk like someone who feels impending doom around what they love (I assume football, but considering your dismissal of football things I'm not so sure).  Cheer up and try not to take yourself so seriously.  

    The reason why the AAC thread is dead is because the entire forum is quiet.  It's just not a busy place.

    Yes, ECU sucks right now.  Does that bother you? Why else are you proclaiming it? It doesn't bother me one bit.  You seem obsessed with the wrong things.  

  10. 20 hours ago, Triple B said:


    Considering you've provided no evidence yet to contradict it, myopic or not, it's the truth ..

    The evidence has been presented by others and referenced in other threads as well as this one, its right in front of your face.  You choose to not acknowledge it, I choose to not be redundant and give credit to the guys to the east just to point out how wrong you are if you think its just 1 year of fb success.  It's a lose-lose situation for me.  

  11. 18 hours ago, Sellular1 said:

    I just read the whole report and can summarize what wasn't said but is the only thing that matters.

    Get out of the AAC and into a P5 conference. 

    Start every season with a chance to play for a Natty.  (any P5 team that wins all their games makes the playoffs).  Play against teams that matter, no offense to Tulsa/Tulane's of the world.  That's how you draw 60k+ to a game, because it means something... 

    A 35k seat stadium is a bad idea.  If we are stuck in the minors then we stay at RayJay.  If we get called up to the show, go with 60k.

    How many situations can you think of where a school went from no OCS to their own 60k seat stadium? How many of those weren't already in a 'power' situation? 

    I get your perspective but it seems resigned to never making it to the power conferences.  You gotta think big to get big.  

    • Upvote 1
  12. 13 hours ago, Triple B said:

    Because of their recent success on the football field ..... You think that SEC radio show is talking about Milton if they weren't coming off a natty? The only rational reasoning one can come up with having them over us right now is their recent gridiron success, and the exposure that comes because of it. Everything you're saying is based on that ....

    And their marketing, whether its staying out in front of the media or its branding, which is far more noticeable-as evidenced by the article written by the school and posted a few pages ago. To think their only advantage is base on their season last year is myopic, but I'm sick of discussing them.  It was supposed to be about what we can do to elevate notoriety, since if they can do it, we should be able to as well.  

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