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Roaming Bull

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Everything posted by Roaming Bull

  1. Players aren't in position to make plays, play calling is trash not sure any of that will change. I hope we score some points in a hurry
  2. CCS has had sex twice and after both times he spend a week in the bath sobbing and scrubbing the shame away
  3. Something about him makes me think he might be OCD about order and cleanliness.
  4. I don't think he knows how to use the talent we have. Mack was out for a couple games last season and we were not this bad
  5. We are guaranteed a w when we play armorwood right? Cuz this is hot garbage rn
  6. This no emotion thing is kind of bs too. Our guys used to hype on the sideline and that energy carried onto the field
  7. This is an entirely different team. All expectations should be thrown out the window. We are slowly learning how good this team really is. Coaching and all
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