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Posts posted by NovaBull

  1. 2 minutes ago, Rex Havoc said:

    I get he feels bad about it, but a grown man should have known better. I’m more pissed about how little punishment the Astros got, as well as all the coaches affiliated with it. They won a World Series by cheating and the reward way out weighed the punishment. 

    I’m with ya. The Trash-stros (see what I did there?) should have never gotten off so easy. You’re talking about other players careers and livelihoods on the other side of the cheating. I’m certain more than at least one pitcher had their career completely derailed (especially if they played in the AL West and faced them more than a dozen times) due to the cheating. If you’re the best, prove it the right way: work harder, be better naturally and don’t cheat. 

    And like I said before, if you do cheat any get caught, throw the book at them as the integrity of the game is on the line.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Rex Havoc said:

    Still hate Alex Cora. Can’t stand cheaters. Both him and the Astros should have gotten stronger punishments, but the MLB commish is useless. 

    Agree 100%. Everyone involved should have  received at least a 1-year suspension with no pay and Hinch and Cora should receive a 5-year suspension. Make it so cheating is so onerous of a punishment that nobody would dare do it again.

    -From a former ballplayer that had half of his college team on ‘roids (along with many major leaguers who did it too) that feels they all should be punished severely and not given accolades by Selig just because it was fun to watch Sosa and McGwire hit dingers.

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  3. 5 hours ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    Most if not all did…the kool aid had a tropical taste to it but it also had a tart, medicine taste at the bottom of the cup. I should have known better. 

    Q, junkyard dog and Adams hid a lot of deficiencies, but you could tell we were trending in the wrong direction almost immediately. The writing on the wall should have been the, “we’re going to come in and slow it down,” quote from XCCS. He should have been fired at that exact moment as who in their right mind wants to mess with a top-10 offense that’s clicking on all cylinders?!

    Also, I’m 99.9999% sure that ol’ Sterlin Gilbert had never seen us play before coming along for the ride. How else do you explain his inside handoffs on first and second down of literally EVERY series before having to throw for it on 3rd and long?!

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  4. 1 hour ago, CousinRicky said:

    The D still worries me. I read the in game thread and it made it sound like the D was lights out. Didn't check the stats but they probably gave up 300 yds in the 2nd. The 2 picks were nice though.  Offense had a little more life today. Still 2 seasons without seeing a 2nd half at Ray Jay.  


    57 minutes ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    Florida had something like the 4th most yards in program history

    666 yards and they only put up 42. Could have easily been 60+ points. Our D is small and lacks depth. This is going to be our Achilles heel all year.

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