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Posts posted by NovaBull

  1. 1 minute ago, BullyPulpit said:

    The proposal calls for the 6th highest conference champions to be included, plus the six highest ranked non-conference champs. They are reserving a spot for the G5 every year now. This is a major development and about as good as we could have asked for without getting into a P5 conference. 

    Ill Be Back Jim Carrey GIF

    • Haha 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    I'm thinking the board's goals are a lot less superficial than "name recognition". If that's all they're after, they need to take a serious look at beefing up our Twitter presence ...

    Idk, I’d kill for someone to not confuse USF with our brethren to the east in the swampland of central Florida.

    On the bright-side, most of the clients I deal with out of the Northeast, Midwest or West Coast don’t differentiate between USF and UF/FSU/UM, so we got that going for us…which is nice.

  3. 14 hours ago, puc86 said:

    Sounds better than a conference made up of the most violent cities in America and who’s “destination” city is one that can best be described as America’s largest outside toilet. You had me at no UCF.


    The violent crime rate in the U.S. declined 0.2 percent from 2016 to 2017, the first decline...


    That’s just big city living...the more people around, the more chances there are for homicides - it’s simple statistics.

    Besides, have you been to Clemson, SC or College Station, TX on a non-game day weekend?! I’ll take Tampa, Philly, NoLa, Houston, Orlando and Cincy every day of the week.

  4. 11 minutes ago, slowdown said:

    its hard to win them all even when you are the better team.  I don't see them having another undefeated season, but that wasn't your question so,

     IMO even if Cinci wins them all, they will be excluded.  the CFP committee is 70% P5 interests and when it comes down to it they're gonna protect each other, knowing next time their conference could have the bubble team.   there is a lot of money and publicity at stake in any given year but the real threat is that the G5 team would win a game and blow up the system altogether

    maybe a couple/few committee members would vote a great G5 team 4th, but several others will place them artificially low and it will never average out.

    To even have a remote chance, Cincy would have to go undefeated and absolutely blow the doors off of Indiana and Notre Dame in back to back weekends on the road - and then pray that both of those schools go on to dominate the rest of the way (max two losses, but maybe not even). Plus have the SEC and ACC beat each other senseless with a one or two-loss school coming from both.

    Then and only then, would the committee even think of including Cincy in the playoffs and quite frankly, there’s just too much money at stake to let a non-P5 school participate, so I’m guessing they’d still be left out.

  5. With the Rays and its treatment of young talent, it’s financial repercussions mixed with in-depth analytics.

    The organization is certainly going to do everything in its power to keep Shane and other young studs (looking at you Wander) under team control for as long as allowable by keeping them in the minors - even when they should/could be getting those same innings in the majors. 

    That said, you can certainly see the advanced analytics coming into play as well with the young pitchers (SM, Glasnow, etc.) being limited to 60-70 pitches in the beginning and then lengthening then to 80-90 as they progress. My guess is they’ve discovered that once a guy gets over 60 pitches then he’s not as effective (makes sense, as the third time through the lineup you can usually see a spike in batting avg, runs allowed, etc.) and then they go to the pen.

    This allows the young guys to put up artificially skewed better numbers, thus driving up their value to the rest of the league once they become trade bait. Only within the last year or two prior to free agency/trade time do you see the pitchers get stretched to 90+ pitches per game and 150+ innings for the year, to prove these guys aren’t a fluke - which usually happens (look at Snell and Archer) and results in big contracts for the guys leaving and good young talent in return for the trade.

    TL; DR...the Rays know exactly what they’re doing, but as a fan, I’d like to see the young guys develop in the majors rather than the minors, as it’s more exciting and better for the players careers financially.

  6. On 3/25/2021 at 11:27 AM, CousinRicky said:

    I had no kidney stones but still keeping most of the weight off. My wife made the mistake of telling me a few months ago that I was looking too thin. Put about 7 pounds on since then.  Told her to never tell me that again and working on shedding those pounds.

    talking eric cartman GIF by South Park

  7. On 3/18/2021 at 12:45 PM, Dave_Glaser said:

    So, is this contract-related like the crap the Mariners admitted?

    100% contract related. MLB needs to lower the free agency requirement as guys who should be playing in the pros aren’t - which SHOULDN’T be the case ever. Just one other way that owners are ruining the game based on protecting their own profits and turning new generations away from the game itself. 

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