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Posts posted by USFbulls24

  1. It's extremely likely that card has to do with what formation to line up in, what the snap count will be or something along those lines and not the actual play we run.


    Taggart still holds the plays in his hands and gets them into the QB. Agree with Skingraft though, thus far the amount of plays we run could fit onto a 3x5 index card.

  2. It is tough beating the drum of optimism. The season will have to play out. That game against MD did not go how i thought it would at all and our youth showed. We need the team that went toe to toe with FSU to be back on point for Memphis. I am hoping the bye week gives our guys time to gel and maybe some time to tweak the starting lineup for those that are hungry to make plays on game day.

    I know CWT is on the field calling the plays but the input from the OC (who I assume is in the booth and on the headset) is the one feeding him the info. Let's stop with the conspiracy theories. The plays are being called the way they are because we know our passing game is a risk right now with either QB. Oh and the QB debate, they are both on roughly the same playing level with slightly different attributes. The margin is not enough to warrant 50 threads but hey.. it's TBP. 

    I think this staff has made the right moves to get the right personnel in here but hey there is no free agency and the NCAA sees fit to take it's own sweet time. We have some real talent developing. Short of tanking the entire season we will see CWT put that personnel to use. 

    That said, this youth, and the talent eligible right now will make games exciting. Hell we are finally putting points on the board! Remember that touchdown drought CWT year 1?

    It is going to be tough to wait, but hang in there bulls. I really don't think paying another coach to not coach is in the best interest of athletics. 


    Taggart is a horrendous play caller. You really have nothing to back up otherwise. I will say his play calling has gotten better this year, but when you're talking going from the bottom to a little better it doesn't add up to much of anything. 


    Our offense is WAY too predictable right now. The defense doesn't have to prep for anything other than stopping the run. I'm not saying he needs to air it out because it's painfully obvious Quinton is just not a good passer, but for crying out loud you cannot end a game you lose by 3 possessions with 50 rushes to 22 passes. I would guess that 10-12 of those passes were pass attempts of 7 yards or less too (Swing passes, bubble screens, etc). I don't even think we need to be 50/50 on the rush to pass ratio, but at least make the defense think about the idea that it's possible you could throw the football on any down. We are just playing into exactly what the defense wants us to do and expects us to do over and over..


    By the way, Mack touched the ball 12 times on Saturday. That low of a number for our best player is absurd. No one to blame but Taggart for that one too. 

    We have plenty of talent on this roster. Take away the FAMU game and we have 2 TDs per game and if it weren't for our defensive INT run back inside the 5 we'd probably be looking at 3 TDs vs FBS opponents. I don't think he needs to be fired right now and can appreciate the optimistic angle on some things, but the bottom line is through the first 3 games of this season he has not made enough improvement period. 


    I don't know if people brought this up or not, but honestly... We should of had 31 points in that game... 


    7 from the dropped pass from Adams

    7 from that pathetic holding penalty that reverted the nice run from Mack. We are improved... It's just going to take more games to convince you guys... 


    Willie is doing fine. The man can't catch a break.  

    +1, still would have been a loss as-is, but who knows how the momentum might have shifted in our favor. I'm with you on CWT not catching a break, but **** he didn't help himself with those incredibly numbskull screen calls or putting Bench in at the time he did.



    Fair to bring up the dropped pass and penalties in the game. Penalties have been an issue with Taggart as head coach with Holtz recruits and now his recruits though.


    Willie is not doing fine though. Is our team improved? Yes, it is. However, through 27 games he is now 7-20 with his 7 wins coming against. Uconn twice, SMU, Tulsa, FAMU, Western Carolina, and Cincinnati. 


    UCONN's record 5-19 between the last 2 years, SMU 1-11, Tulsa 2-10, Cincy 9-4. Not going to even count what FAMU/WC records were because it is irrelevant. 

    So his 7 Wins have come against 2 FCS teams, and 4 other teams that combined for a 17-44 record.


    Up until this 27th game, there hasn't been enough improvement for me. Hope we see enough the rest of the way, but I'm not holding my breath.

  4. Playing a below average P5 team 2 years in a row. 


    In 2014: at home, 6 turnovers created and a defensive TD. L - 24-17.


    In 2015: on the road, 3 turnovers created and 95% of a TD from the defense (the INT returned inside the 5). L - 35-17.


    9 Turnovers in 2 games, basically 2 TDs by the defense leads to an 0-2 record while being outscored 59-34.


    Willie can't come up with a game plan or in game adjustments to beat a team with any kind of talent to save his job.

    • Upvote 2

    Don't need to fire him. People were way too optimistic coming into the season so seeing a few losses in a row makes it seem worse than it really is. Our team is better, but with Willie running the show on offense we're gonna be in dog fights for our wins if we have any the rest of the year. 


    Reminds me of Raheem Morris and the Bucs. He was more the players friend than a coach. Sad to see so much talent wasted because we have someone incapable of coming up with a good game plan and good play calling. 


    Still think we finish 5-7.


    He's not like Raheem, he's not a friend of the players and they don't respect him.  You seem to be confused or you're making stuff up.



    I said it reminds me of the Raheem Morris/Bucs marriage. I didn't say they're the exact same...

  6. It's painfully obvious. Our issue since Taggart took over has been offense. Who runs the offense? Taggart. He is a piss poor game planner and an even worse play caller. I don't care who you have at QB unless your GT how do you lose by 3 possessions and finish the game with 50 rushes and 22 passes? Our best player Marlon Mack touched the ball 12 times.....


    There is no making sense of it all. Should've had 7 more points if Bronson doesn't run into Johnson in the endzone, but still doesn't take away from the glaring weaknesses Taggart has shown time and time again.

  7. Don't need to fire him. People were way too optimistic coming into the season so seeing a few losses in a row makes it seem worse than it really is. Our team is better, but with Willie running the show on offense we're gonna be in dog fights for our wins if we have any the rest of the year. 


    Reminds me of Raheem Morris and the Bucs. He was more the players friend than a coach. Sad to see so much talent wasted because we have someone incapable of coming up with a good game plan and good play calling. 


    Still think we finish 5-7.


    Wait until next year.

    Wait until Maryland then we'll know what we are.

    Wait until conference play.


    I've waited. Taggart has shown he won't change his philosophy. Can the athletes on the team squeeze some AAC wins out despite his coaching, probably, but that isn't a ringing endorsement.


    Let's be fair.  Taggart DID change his philosophy.  It was a philosophy of line up a bunch of tight ends and fullbacks, take every possible second between  plays to mull things over and change things at the line, then run the ball until desperation time and then start passing


    Now we do all of this with WRs instead of TEs doing the blocking, and without a huddle but taking just as long to get a play call in.


    Very different philosophy.



    The only thing that didn't change is him calling the plays, his inability to game plan and being beyond predictable.

    1. 0:00 - 9 FSU defenders within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage
    2. 0:03 - 10 FSU defenders within 6 yards of the LOS
    3. 0:09 - 9 FSU defenders within 5 yards of the LOS
    4. 0:30 - 9 FSU defenders within 4 yards of the LOS
    5. 0:41 - 9 FSU defenders within 4 yards of the LOS
    6. 1:12 - 9 FSU defenders within 5 yards of the LOS
    7. 1:32 - 9 FSU defenders within 5 yards of LOS
    8. 2:07 - 9 FSU defenders within 5 yards of LOS
    9. 2:16 - 9 FSU defenders within 5 yards of LOS
    10. 2:20 - 10 FSU defenders within 5 yards of LOS
    11. 3:56 - 9 FSU defenders within 6 yards of LOS
    12. 4:01 - 10 FSU defenders within 6 yards of LOS

    I'll stop there. It was like that all game. And countless more where 9-10 were within 7-8 yards, all different downs, all different distances. I am actually surprised that we were able to move the ball as much as we did (Not that we really moved it that well, take away our long passing TD in the 2nd half and we only had 200 yards of total offense) with this being the case.


    You've gotta throw the ball down the field 10, 15, 20+ yards and back the safeties/corners up a little bit so that your run game and intermediate passing has a chance. If Taggart doesn't trust Flowers or believe he's incapable of doing this then Bench needs to play. In no way would I expect us to out athlete or outplay FSU @ FSU, but that's just one of those play call/coaching things that I can't understand. Not saying throw the ball downfield constantly, but you have to attempt passes downfield more than 4 times in the first half. When you're throwing swing passes with 10 guys up against the LOS you're not exactly giving anyone a chance. 


    Not saying had we done this it would've been a different story at the end of the game, but feel like it would've given our offense a better chance to put a few drives together. 

    • Upvote 1





    Okay, lots of people lied...like several that said they wouldn't learn anything from the first two games. The score wasn't 51-3, and the noles were pretty darn lucky the score wasn't a lot closer IMO. We had momentum, we had Golson rattled, just couldn't get Cook under control and seal the deal. In the game of momentum, I feel like we were only 3-4 great opportunities away from breaking their will. So to me, if QF continues to improve, we will be very respectable in conference play...and Maryland should be worried.

    There were a couple of times that their d looked gassed and we should have pressed. i was surprised by all the hands on the hips, especially right before the half. Our depth was much better than must on here were giving us credit for. Even without Harrie and Whitehurst.
    We played most of the 4th quarter with Holman (R.fr.) and Danny Thomas (Fr.) at LB. Our depth isn't good enough to play the 3rd string.

    Sure did. Thomas looked fantastic against the run too. Attacks the hole.

    Shocked that Holman and Thomas were given a shot before Bayes. Not that I know anything about any of the 3's skills at this point, but to me it's not a good sign that he was not put in there over one of those guys..

    Bayes doesn't play that position, does he?

    Yeah, he plays Stinger not Mike



    Thomas/Holman were on the field together. Honestly don't know the defense that well but thought LB wise one is considered the Mike (strong side) and the other the stinger or weak side LB. Whoever was playing the Stinger over him was a lesser recruit in Holman or a true freshman. Not that I have an issue at all with this, loved what I saw from Thomas and Holman didn't look horrible. Just wondering if that's a bad sign moving forward for Bayes if he wasn't next in line being arguably our top recruit a few seasons ago.


    If I am wrong can you please explain what the "Stinger" position in our 4-2-5 is? 



    Okay, lots of people lied...like several that said they wouldn't learn anything from the first two games. The score wasn't 51-3, and the noles were pretty darn lucky the score wasn't a lot closer IMO. We had momentum, we had Golson rattled, just couldn't get Cook under control and seal the deal. In the game of momentum, I feel like we were only 3-4 great opportunities away from breaking their will. So to me, if QF continues to improve, we will be very respectable in conference play...and Maryland should be worried.

    There were a couple of times that their d looked gassed and we should have pressed. i was surprised by all the hands on the hips, especially right before the half. Our depth was much better than must on here were giving us credit for. Even without Harrie and Whitehurst.

    We played most of the 4th quarter with Holman (R.fr.) and Danny Thomas (Fr.) at LB. Our depth isn't good enough to play the 3rd string.



    Sure did. Thomas looked fantastic against the run too. Attacks the hole.


    Shocked that Holman and Thomas were given a shot before Bayes. Not that I know anything about any of the 3's skills at this point, but to me it's not a good sign that he was not put in there over one of those guys..


    The FSU defender was all over Dillon on that fade.  If he could make the catch, so could Dillon.  It's just too bad Dillon didn't give it any effort, most importantly because it could have been a timely touchdown, but because it has given Flowers/CWT haters like DataBull more ammo for their arguments.  


    Not a hater.  Just not wearing the CWT holiday goggles.



    Was a poorly thrown ball by Flowers, but I put 95% of the blame on that play to Dillon. I don't think Dillon catches that ball unless he turns into Jimmy Graham or Rob Gronkowski in the moment, but he didn't even make an attempt. He saw it was poorly thrown and basically gave up. A young mistake.


    You want to play and be counted on in critical situations like that? You better be ready to get after it even in scenarios you're not used to or on the wrong side of things like on that play Saturday where you have to do what you can to protect your QB on a bad throw. That's an easy fix for Taggart and the coaching staff though. 

  12. Ugly was wrapping up and tackling.


    Also hate that Taggart didn't attempt to throw the ball down field enough early in the game. I would say 90+% of the time FSU had 10 or all 11 defenders within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage. When that's the case and you're running or throwing shallow routes you're playing right into their hands. Regardless of who you have at QB you have to try and back the safeties up a little bit. We didn't until it was too late. 

  13. notice the talent that was on the field.  drastically different from where we have been last few years with Holtz recruiting classes.


    Really has nothing to do with recruiting classes.


    Has everything to do with coaches having an eye for talent and developing players.


    1. Tyrone Mckenzie - 2 Star Recruit
    2. Nate Allen - 2 Star Recruit (Was a QB in high school)
    3. George Selvie - 2 Star Recruit (Was an O-Lineman in high school)
    4. Jerome Murphy - 2 Star Recruit
    5. Mistral Raymond - Not even rated coming out of high school
    6. Kion Wilson - 2 Star Recruit

    Were all apart of that defense and played in the NFL or still do. Pierre-Paul and Jacquian Williams were Juco players that came in. Webster and Barrington were highly rated recruits though. 




    which is shocking to me since he was a QB himself.  It was amazing to see how quick BJ Daniels was before he battled injuries here.  



    Great point. What stuck out to me watching that video was how much faster BJ looked then than he did toward the end of his run here.



    He was a 19-23 year old college athlete haha. If he lost any speed at all it may be a tenth of a second on his 40 time. I think many forget Holtz didn't want him to play the way he did with Leavitt. Holtz wanted him to be a pocket passer QB which still to this day makes no sense. Holtz came in with his offense and did it his way instead of customizing the offense to play to our best player's strengths at the time. Had Holtz been okay with BJ running and using an offense similar to what we had during that FSU game we would've seen a lot more of that in my opinion.



    Certainly it wasn't due to age, but as Matt noted he had injury problems his last couple years that I assume slowed him down.



    It's possible it slowed him a bit, but I don't think it was as big as it's made out to be. He was forced to be a different player with Holtz.


    which is shocking to me since he was a QB himself.  It was amazing to see how quick BJ Daniels was before he battled injuries here.  



    Great point. What stuck out to me watching that video was how much faster BJ looked then than he did toward the end of his run here.



    He was a 19-23 year old college athlete haha. If he lost any speed at all it may be a tenth of a second on his 40 time. I think many forget Holtz didn't want him to play the way he did with Leavitt. Holtz wanted him to be a pocket passer QB which still to this day makes no sense. Holtz came in with his offense and did it his way instead of customizing the offense to play to our best player's strengths at the time. Had Holtz been okay with BJ running and using an offense similar to what we had during that FSU game we would've seen a lot more of that in my opinion.

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