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Posts posted by USFbulls24

  1. CWT wants to build a winning attitude and he has Bronson starting at receiver after the mistakes he made in the Maryland game.He should be on the bench until he proves that he can be trusted.  Not holding people accountable to mental mistakes  and and lack of focus will only  make the situation worse. If he wants to create a winning attitude and environment he needs to set the standard for himself and his team and he needs to hold himself and the team them accountable to that standard when they don't live up to those standards. When leaders don't do that they foster and create weakness and downward spiral is almost unstoppable.

    In order to not be a hypocrite he would need to strip himself from play call duties as well.

  2. Can't come soon enough...

    our O will score over 30 on this awful defense(still not saying much) Hopefully our D holds up!

    I'll be shocked if our offense puts up 30 points. Maybe with a special teams TD and a defense that creates a turnover and puts us in the red zone or something, but can't see all the points coming from the offense.

  3. Taggart is 23-40 is 5+ seasons and has only had one winning season in conference. We needed a guy who knew how to win before he took the job.


    Like Skip .....

    Yup, like Skip. I don't know about you, but it's easier for me to swallow a failed coaching regime when we brought in a guy like Skip who had proven he could win and had conference championships at a decent level. Don't get me wrong, it eats at me what Skip did to our program and I would never want him back as our coach. However, we didn't exactly shoot for the stars with Taggart given his coaching resume at the time. 

    I will say if Taggart is gone at the end of this year he will have brought in a lot of talent and the new coach should have plenty to work with. Not that I see that as a success, but at least we have that to fall back on. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. He got 12 carries for 71 yards! He averaged 5.9 YPC. That's fantastic. He didn't touch the ball nearly enough. For us to have had 50 rushes and Mack to only have 12 of those 50 is inexcusable. 


    The only thing wrong is he's not touching the ball enough. If we are going to be basically a run team 80% of the time, Marlon Mack needs to have 25 carries per game. The ball needs to be in our best player's hands as much as possible. Another thing to scratch your head with on Taggart.

    • Upvote 1





    Defense needs to play well, but as the article said Memphis is 5th in the country nationally in offense and are scoring over 50 ppg. If our defense plays fantastic they can easily give up 28. What is Taggart doing to ensure HIS offense will put enough points on the board to give us a chance to come out with a W?

    This is a game we will want the offense to move slow.
    Maybe. Doesn't take away from the almost certainty that Memphis will put up 28+ points and that we are not going to be beating them 14-10 or something like that. We are going to have to score a good amount of points to come away with a win.
    Which is better for USF, each team has 6 possessions, or each team has 12 possessions?

    We are going to have to score to win, period.

    I finally have confirmation that you are indeed John Madden



    Guess I deserve that one. Should've been more specific. We are going to have to score a lot of points (what is a lot of points to USF fans) to win no matter how many possessions each team gets. 




    Defense needs to play well, but as the article said Memphis is 5th in the country nationally in offense and are scoring over 50 ppg. If our defense plays fantastic they can easily give up 28. What is Taggart doing to ensure HIS offense will put enough points on the board to give us a chance to come out with a W?

    This is a game we will want the offense to move slow.

    Maybe. Doesn't take away from the almost certainty that Memphis will put up 28+ points and that we are not going to be beating them 14-10 or something like that. We are going to have to score a good amount of points to come away with a win.

    Which is better for USF, each team has 6 possessions, or each team has 12 possessions?



    Not arguing with you dude...


    All I said is Memphis is going to put up points whether they have 20 possession or 6 in your example. We are going to have to score to win, period.


    Defense needs to play well, but as the article said Memphis is 5th in the country nationally in offense and are scoring over 50 ppg. If our defense plays fantastic they can easily give up 28. What is Taggart doing to ensure HIS offense will put enough points on the board to give us a chance to come out with a W?

    This is a game we will want the offense to move slow.



    Maybe. Doesn't take away from the almost certainty that Memphis will put up 28+ points and that we are not going to be beating them 14-10 or something like that. We are going to have to score a good amount of points to come away with a win.

  8. "These guys gotta understand what it takes to win"


    "These guys gotta know how to play winning football"


    Does Taggart know what it's like to coach winning football? Does he understand what it takes to win? His career record now sits at a comical 23-40 record. Would love to hear his response if someone in the media actually shot back with a question like that. He makes himself look horrible with answers like that when all he has done is lose.




    Games USF scored less than 22 points:

    3 - 19

    3 wins are

    2013 Uconn 13-10

    2014 uconn 17-14

    2014 SMU 14-13

    Games USF scores 22 or more points:

    4 - 1

    4 wins are:

    2013 Cincy 26-20

    2014 western Carolina 36-31

    2014 Tulsa 38-30

    2015 FAMU 51-3

    So you're saying, go with SB because he scores more points???

    wasn't the Cincy game in 2013 the game where we scored all of our points on defense or special teams?

    I can't remember, but I know it was part of "the great back-to-back win streak of 2013."



    Sure was! Cincy had a player on the team die days before the game too and their play showed it. 





    Last week we were in that game and let it get away.


    I will agree that the play calling was more than questionable at times in the game.


    Two bad plays on offense and it was like a cannon ball hit our sail.


    The dropped pass on the deep ball and the collision of two players in the endzone breaking up another td proved to kill us.


    It was a very ugly game that we just didn't take advantage of and allowed a broken play to give up a late first half score.


    All and all I don't think we will be in bad shape when it comes to conference games.


    Three games in and most of us will admit that it's a better team and performance that last year.


    Hell, we played FSU on the road tough which makes me feel like we have the potential to compete and win.


    No we just have to rid those mental mistakes and we will be fine.


    Sorry, not buying just yet.  The only game we may win is UCONN, maybe UCF, and that is a maybe.  It is now entirely possible that we may not win another game this year.  That is not "sky is falling mentality"  it is looking at how every other team we play has performed so far this year vs. how we have looked.  






    I'm sorry but how can you base your thoughts of possible wins or I guess losses in your case on how everyone else has played up to this point?

    Um, that is how Vegas does it, that is how the playoff committee does it.  That is how everyone in America does it.  


    So, you say we "maybe" beat UCF how gave up nearly 500 yards at home to Furman?

    Yes, I think that may be our most winnable game.  


    The logic seems to be faulty in MHO.



    Defense was playing great up until that last game, and I think we are all still wondering what happened.

    We are 1-2, with that win coming to maybe the worst team in college football. 


    FSU wore us down, Maryland kept our line out of the backfield(which was our staple to start), and we were getting scoring chances.

    We will continue to make excuses like this every time we lose.


    Some bad play calls and a few dumb plays on the payers parts and we lost worse than what the scoreboard reflected.

    It is what it is, scoreboard.  


    We will be fine and everyone just needs to relax and get behind this team.

    Been saying/hearing that for five years now.  Getting behind a team does not help with W/L column.  


    I see more fight in this team than all of the last five years. 

    Does fight come with Ws?




    Some bad play calls and a few dumb plays on the payers parts and we lost worse than what the scoreboard reflected.

    It is what it is, scoreboard.  "


    When I see this I want to understand why the missed plays we have count as potential points for us but the 3 picks for MD don't count as potential for an even more enormous blow out. If we play what if equally MD has another potential 21 points or so.



    ^ Exactly. And there are some on here that speak of missed opportunities like we are the only team in the country that has them. Every team even Alabama, even Oregon, even the best of the best have missed opportunities and mistakes every week. 

  11. As a Dolphins fan this may not be a great example. He was a monumental NFL failure.


    I don't think anyone is saying Taggart is the only problem. Dropping the football is a problem. Bonehead penalties 30 yards away from the play is a problem. Taggart can't make plays like when Adams dropped the ball so he doesn't take any of that blame. He made a good play call and the WR has to make that play. Penalties though, have been an issue ever since he got here with his recruits and Skip's recruits.


    Marlon Mack, our best player, touched the ball 12 times on Saturday. Is that not Taggart's fault? And you can't even say "well we were down a bunch so we didn't run the ball after getting down big", we ran the ball 50 times and threw 22 times. 


    But you're acting as if Taggart should shoulder very little of the blame and is right to point to a few plays?? He'll run out of excuses eventually especially when we are in conference play.

    • Upvote 1
  12. "Ladies and gentlemen I want to first take full responsibility for the loss at Maryland". "We called a go route and Adams did a great job running the pattern , had two steps on the CB, Q threw a perfect ball and Rod dropped it". "That's on me".

    "Right before the half Abraham had great coverage on their WR, he failed to get his head around and locate the ball". "Again, my fault and I"ll continue to work with him until he understands how to play corner".

    "Our D gave up a ton of yards today and yet again I own it". They were in the right D and failed to make the plays". I"ll continue to work with them until they learn to tackle".

    At some point a kid needs to make a play. I know when I'm accountable at my job as my leader lets me know. My direct reports know when they make mistakes and we coach in the moment when/where possible.


    Still would've lost had all those things gone the way Taggart and we wanted. 



    The playcalling was ****.  Bottom line.  Multiple times QF was asked to throw a screen toward the sidelines, 20-25 yards away and behind the line of scrimmage, with no blockers.  Not to mention that he's rarely allowed to throw it that distance UPFIELD.  


    There is no imagination, no deception in the playcalling.  It's predictable, it doesn't work most of the time and it doesn't set us up for success in 4 quarters.  


    It's going to be REALLY hard to overcome that when it starts with the head coach.  


    OK that 40 yard screen pass was horrible .. beyond that though I thought it was OK.



    That was just one example.  Run, run, pass (when obviously we struggle at that), punt just gets a bit old after a while.  It's the predictability that's the worst part.


    Opposing defensive coordinators don't have a problem with our offense, either, so there's that.  



    Ga is right. it's completely predictable. Not only does the defense know we are going to run the ball 75+% of the time, they want us to because the defensive coordinator can call run blitzes 75% of the time and make life completely miserable without having to worry about the pass. 

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