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From the ESPN USF/UCF message boards:

Title: "Corruption in College Football"

"I have been watching corruption in college football for 20 years not. The reason is simple, money.

How this is accomplished is for the referees to be looking at one team, the team they want to lose. 90%of the time it is a non BCS team playing a BCS team. The motive for the BCS team is a better record and a bigger payday come bowl time.

Basically how it works is the refs make a few calls against the non BCS team at critical points of the game. A called back kick off returned for a TD. A interception returned for a TD. These are the obvious.

Less obvious to the casual fan are the calls against the non BCS school when they really start to get their offense going. The UCF/USF game 9/6/08 was a good exampl;e but the text book example was UCF/Auburn a few years ago,`1997, when UCF had Daunte Culpepper. Daunte marched the team time after time down the field and time after time the flags started to fly. The refs were having none of a UCF upset that game. For those of you who remember this was the first game with Auburn not the second. The second game was called fair.

Forward to the USF/UCF game. No calls on USF. Calls against UCF in the third quarter when the offense started to click. Called back TD interception.

Mark McAnaney was so blatantly PAID off the other refs tried to protect him by calling a few on USF.

I for one and sick of this. I will not support this corruption. I am throwing away my season tickets. I will not support college football financially until this corruption is cleaned up.

Money corrupts everything and college football is no different. I don't care what goes on outside the lines but when the teams take the field I want a fairly refereed game.

These are 18 to 23 year old kids. They don't need to be taught this crap on the field. They have their whole life to learn about corruption.

This behavior should not be tolerated on the field and until the NCAA puts their foot down on these homer referees I will not support the product."

posted by Droppuck9698

You got to admit, the guy has an imagination.

Go Bulls! 2004 grad here.

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He needs to proof read before posting.

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let them talk. Pay them no mind.

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Why are we still on this?

They are 0-4 and done.

Let's move on to Kansas and forget about these gnats.

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Let's move on to Kansas fans.  UCiF is in the past now and forever.

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Let's move on to Kansas fans.  UCiF is in the past now and forever.

so did ucf win the "second game" that was "called fair"?

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Let's move on to Kansas fans.  UCiF is in the past now and forever.

so did ucf win the "second game" that was "called fair"?

Being that they have NEVER beaten a ranked opponent, I would bet NO!  ;D

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so did ucf win the "second game" that was "called fair"?

I'm sure they've found a problem with all of our wins.

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Show me the bad calls too?

The late hit by Timmons on gregory?  Despite Rod Gilmore being bored that was a spot on call, even his own booth announcer said that was uncalled for.  The late hit on Marcus Edwards after the fair catch...spot on and it possibly cost us Edwards for this game coming up.  How about the late hit on Patrick Richardson on the fair catch.  Spot on!  How about the late hit my Bruce Miller that again was spot on when you see the replay.  The block in the back on Neals return, Gilmore saw it and completely agreed.  Rocky Ross' clear out pass interference, they showed it (I have the game recorded), Gilmore saw it, spot on.  Emery Allen's personal foul was DEFINITELY A LATE HIT.  They showed that one too, you know the one where he actually punched our receiver first.  The block in the back by their OT on Selvie late in the game- OBVIOUS!

So that's 8 of their 12 calls that were completely spot on.  The only two that even seemed remotely questionable was the pass interference on AJ Love, but they failed to show the grabbing of the jersey, and the supposed late hit out of bounds by Jerome Murphy, but the replay showed that Murphy just had his head down, and Weams spun into him and fell back.  It was inadvertent, and accidental.  If Murphy intended to do anything he could have not pulled up like he did and really cleaned his clock.

We had 8 penalties called against us, and I am still trying to see where Aaron Harris put any hands to the helmet on their 2nd to last TD drive.  Also the Huners illegal block was iffy, and so was the illegal man down field negating a PI call on them.

The fact is UCF was hitting nasty, and played very very dirty on Saturday night.  Even O'Leary was giving some of his players serious tongue lashings for some over-spirited hits.  The problem with that is they set the tone, they dictated to the refs that they're going to play dirty.  I mean, come on, Gregory jogs over and picks up the ball and was handing it to the ref after the block of Alvarado.  The whistle had already blown the play dead, and Timmons slams Gregory to the ground, almost knocking down the ref nearly 30 seconds after the whistle had blown?  I was absolutely shocked that he wasn't kicked out of the game for that BS act, and after that you can bet the refs were watching all the UCF extra-curricular activity.  

How about Reggie Weams' TWO, not one but TWO, late hits, dirty nasty late hits, on fair catches?

I am still scratching my head on why Reggie Weams, and Travis Timmons were allowed to stay in that game.  Both should have been booted.  It was like a conspiracy to me against USF.

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