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Posts posted by Breedwell

  1. At least you all see how good this OL coach hire is. WKU's RB's wouldn't be top 5 in the NCAA twice in two years without solid protection. Non 1-A or not, the guy has shown his ability to coach the talent he's been given to use. USF is higher up on the food chain than WKU, so he should be able to pick out better fruit that's closer to the sun.

    He can wave around the running game success they had at WKU just like Taggy can.


    About Sheridan, as long as he can teach Floyd, White, Woulard, DiNovo, O'Korn, or whomever actually ends up on the roster as a QB how to throw accurate passes and make good decisions, we're going to be fine. And half of that is mental.

    Sean Price has good hands and if we flip Travis Johnson that'll be two big targets to throw to as early as next season.

  2. Nah, its definitely something SBC does. James usually yells it or Stew.

    These guys are also big in the Goalmouths who, for those who are not aware, are the chant-callers during the soccer games (hence the name). Many of them seem to translate over to Basketball.

    General sports fans (such as myself) kinda follow their lead. I know a good amount of them actually.

    I'd argue the band toots their own horn for Football games (and the fans follow), but its not entirely this way at basketball games.

  3. Just pointing out that housing on campus is slap full because they now require incoming freshmen to live on campus. Its been full my three years of being here.

    USF is largely a commuter school, primarily because most students liveoff campus and go home on the weekends. Pretty sure living off campus makes students commuters, doesn't it?

    As someone who has lived on campus for 3 years (and finally moving out) I can tell you, conditions are terrible, rates are way too high (850/month for a single apartment room with one bathroom between 4 or 5 people, kitchens vary in size (usually too small), and laundry is 1 dollar per load per wash or dry.

    I'm moving into a place with better overall conditions for half the cost. And I'll become a commuter.

    So yes, USF is still a commuter school. Its getting a little better but overall.

  4. All but garunteed wins:

    McNeese State




    Toss Ups:




    Sure losses:

    Michigan State


    I think it all depends on what games we get from BE-West. If we get teams like Temple or Memphis, those are easy victories, but if we get teams as good as Boise we could be SOL. My guess is we end up with 7 wins. I think it's to early to guess though. Lets see what our BE-W games are, and what the recruiting class ends up looking like.

    Ucf is most likely a loss...I really think some of the expectations on here are to high for taggerts first year...

    I propose we implement a one day ban on anybody who doesn't know our new coach's name ....

    Two for suggesting we "most likely" will lose to UCiF.

    There shouldn't be anyone that suggests we win less than two. McNeese & UCiF. Sure, if you want to speculate that we could lay an egg against FAU (hey, maybe they have more gems there like Alfred Morris), and maybe Temple or Navy, hell, maybe Memphis, but as any sort of USF fan, you surely cannot believe we have a chance at losing to UCiF.

    Hell, I bet we put up so many points, they change their mascot to the Serfs.

  5. I'm okay with some time-tested pump-up songs, but i'd rather not use the generic ones.

    How about "swagga like us" after every opponent score? the last game against Pitt was depressing.

    We need general consistency. 3rd down, I'm fine with Welcome to the Jungle, but they should use it a little.. better than they do now.

    I agree with not using "All I do is win", but I will say in defense of the song that it has a good interactive portion (raising up hands and waiving them).

    If we're going to replace it, we should replace it with another song that can involve the fans.

  6. I felt an incredible amount of optimism coming into the football season. Lots of talent, lots to prove. Lots to make up for. I quickly found that we would be falling.. far short of our lofty expectations. And though it sucked, really sucked, its okay, largely in part because of the charisma Taggy brings that we did not seem to have in Holtz.

    At the very least, the first season will be built up and will be exciting as a direct result. Another expectation, given the small sample size we have of Taggy's tenure at USF, is that players, prospects, recruits, and high school coaches are excited for Taggart to be here. I am under the impression that the local impact of hiring Taggy will be monumental. Primarily in that his connection to the students and his own personal story with be able to be translated to the potential recruits. True, the majority of recruiting will be done by his staff, but the looks of it is that his staff will also be a lot of Florida-grown coaches who have a pedigree in selling themselves to FL recruits. In the ones he pulls from WKU alongside him (Blackwell, for example), they will all have the ability to share their desire to come home and be amongst their family and friends. They can sell that package to the kids in the Tampa area, largely because they themselves know what its like to be far away from home.

    Its a matter of time, sure, but we'll get a good idea about how our next season will be before the silent period begins. And from there? the future will be more or less in relatively plain view once the summer begins and recruiting fires up for 2014.

  7. looking at how much we put on cosh, we could potentially match them or offer him an additional 10-15k. I'd imagine that he'd be willing to hop over for the chance to take a bigger role and potentially showcase his abilities, should he want to pickup a head coaching job sometime.

    Taggy's seemingly attractive enough that people are saying they want to work for him. I think its fair and reasonable to bullieve Durkin would come over for that kind of opportunity.

  8. Durkin looks like he could be ready to step up to DC. If we somehow can't afford to pickup Shannon, we should still be able to afford him. Which would be more of a risk (lack of a pedigree/resume to support investment), but wouldn't be too bad.

    Another 24/7 guy thought out a legitimate staff for Taggart, with legitimate numbers and everything, but it wouldn't be fair to share it here! :P

  9. Haha 247 actually. I joined there about 6 months ago, I got really into recruiting over the summer and they had good stuff.

    Actually didn't hear about TBP until about a month ago. Had I known there was a free USF enthusiast board out there i'd have probably went here first.

    And no, I'm not Willie T. Haha.

  10. Dunno if it was really said above, but the rumors are its a done deal.

    So whether you weren't too sure about him or not, now's the time to have his back.

    e: By rumors I mean apparently HS coaches are talking about him already locked in.

  11. Hey, look at how we played Syracuse and Louisville late last season. We slowed them down a lot and grinded out the win.

    Judging the score of the Georgia game, we did a much better job enforcing our tempo.

    As long as the boys remember to take their time and develop clean looks, we should do okay. I'd argue that it becomes tough to maintain a high tempo if one team uses most of their shot clock.

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