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Posts posted by wjdiamantas

  1. @ Temple

    Situation: Bulls go up 14-9 after Lamar tops off the opening drive of the 2nd half with a 19 yard TD run.

    On the ensuing kickoff, a Temple holding penalty would have had them pinned inside their own 10. Momentum is clearly swinging our way. But wait...

    A USF player shoves an already-down Temple player into the ground after the play was over. 15 yard penalty on USF. Time to get fired up right!

    Check out the gentle guidance of good ol' Skip after that 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty


    I know the pacifists will argue against yelling and screaming but hear me out. Here is my breakdown of the 3 types of football coaches:

    1) hard a** who yells and screams consistently

    2) a calm, passive coach, often quoted as saying "we have opportunities for improvement" or "we've had inconsistencies"

    3) level-headed coach who gets fired up at appropriate times

    Players don't react to the yelling and screaming of coach type 1 because they're effectively immune to it.

    Players don't react to the softy, because there's no fear of upsetting him.

    But when coach type 3 gets fired up, you bust your a** because you know he doesn't get angry often and if he's fired up, you will feed off his bursts of passion.

  2. Not just Davis. Team looked like they didnt care yesterday. So many dropped balls and no real reactions from it. They would just sulk all the way back to the LoS. Landi and BJ were the only ones who seemed to care.

    At least that is how I saw it from my TV at home.

    I feel bad for the players; especially the ones who might have had a shot at the NFL with better coaching.

    Anybody who has played any type of organized team sport knows how hard it is to rally for a cause when you lose faith in your coaching staff. The staff loses authority and morale suffers greatly.

  3. No one ever is in their seats for the opening kickoff anyway...you'll need another idea for it to be understood.

    Unfortunately, this is true. I tailgate before every game with about 7-10 other alumni. My wife and I always leave the tailgate with at least enough time to catch the opening kickoff. The rest of my group continues getting hammered and usually make it into the stadium late in the first or in the second.

    It's a similar situation with many bandwagon fan, which comprises a large majority of our fan base.

  4. "We had an inside play called initially," Holtz said. "We had some success running up the middle, we just didn't execute it. It wasn't the play call at all. It was the execution. We played a great game and we're all hurting a little bit. But I've yet to see anyone throw their arms up and put their heads in the sand. I think there's a lot left to play


    It's never the coaching, always the players right?

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