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Posts posted by wjdiamantas

  1. Be glad people are angry - it shows they are emotionally invested and paying attention.

    Agreed. Football is the product. The coaches are the managers. The alumni and fans are the customers. In any business, the customers have the right to voice their opinions regarding the product they are paying for.

  2. This is what a coach that has a passion for winning looks like. (I couldn't care less about the folks up I75. Just happens to be a good example)

    They were up 21-6 at this point.

    This is awesome. I love it! Not a gator fan either, but I just got totally pumped up by watching this 8 seconds of video.

    Muschamp is intense, almost makes Leavitt look tame. We need this kind of defensive mind. Find a promising SEC Defensive position coach or DC to replace Cosh.

    A good Defense can make up for a mediocre offense, but not vice versa as evidenced in this whole season.

    Poor to mediocre Defense is the reason for the OP's alarming stat.

    Couldn't agree more. Let's get back to the JL years when we turned average defensive recruits into NFL talent. There was a time not too long ago when you could ask a Big East fan what USF is known for and their answer would be DEFENSE.

  3. USF 2012 Stats as of 10/22/12. Make with it as you will.

    Offensive Stat FBS Rank

    Third down conversions % (47.5%) 21

    Third down concersions made (48) t36

    Fourth down conversion attempts (8) t86

    Penalties (99) t35

    Penalty yards (902) 38

    Total yards (2794) 77

    Yards per game (399.1) 65

    Points per game (25.1) 84

    Receiving yards (1712) 60

    Receptions (132) 76

    Receiving- longest reception (58) 87

    Defensive Stat FBS Rank

    Sacks (12) 78

    Pass Deflections (17) 101

    Interceptions (0) 120


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