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Posts posted by ScienceBull

  1. Not worried about our chances...


    I am with you... I am not predicting us to win the conference or anything but after watching the UCF and Houston game I definitely like our chances to go bowling. Imagine if we have 5 wins going into that game against UCF with a bowl game on the line. I know our guys will show up and play balls to the wall for that game and it should make for an awesome game! 

  2. Their pass defense hasn't looked that spectacular in this first half against SMU. I think if our defense gets some pressure on their QB and if our offense can get something going in the air and keep the time of possession close to even if not possibly slightly in our favor, I think this could be a good game for us. Of course, it all depends on which USF team shows up for this game. 


    That interception hit him RIGHT in the numbers! It was pretty much a perfect pass! He's gotta catch that ball! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he the one responsible for the pick six against UConn last week?

    That was Adams.



    That's right, I forgot who it was. Still, two weeks in a row when a nice pass has turned into an interception. Our receivers have to help White out a little more. It will be nice to get Andre back! 

  4. I definitely saw some positives, but the penalties and the two costly turnovers really killed us! Especially the fumble which would have had us in the redzone. I was getting pissed with all the penalties but I also had to remind myself that for a lot of these guys it was not only their first college road game in that kind of environment but for quite a few it was their first college road game period! Our receivers have really got to help White out a little more. 

  5. I'm going because I have tickets and I'm a USF fan


    This. I am definitely not happy with how we played on Saturday and I was extremely pissed off after the game. Once I had time to cool off, I'm still upset with the performance but I am trying my best to continue to be patient. I think we can and will win this game Friday. UConn is the only conference game we have won in BOTH of the last two horrific seasons and they certainly don't look as if they have improved any. That puts us back at 2-2 and still on track to somehow show some improvement this season. Our O-line has got to improve drastically though, but I will still be there no matter what to support my Bulls. 

  6. I told my wife it will get to the point where money is being lost just for the cost of electricity to open RJS for Bulls games if things don't turn around soon. On our way out tonight we heard a beer vendor saying there was no way in hell he was ever working another Bulls game. 




    Apparently the cost of the electricity is already not being covered by the number of fans showing up. Looks like Friday nights game will be played in the dark. 

  7. I told my wife it will get to the point where money is being lost just for the cost of electricity to open RJS for Bulls games if things don't turn around soon. On our way out tonight we heard a beer vendor saying there was no way in hell he was ever working another Bulls game. 

  8. I will always love my Bulls and support them but it's getting more and more miserable as the games go by. I am a donor, a season ticket holder, me and my wife tailgate... we spend a lot of money to keep watching this garbage every week. Something has to change soon! I was feeling confident after the game last week even though the offense and special teams was bad but this week we went right back to where we were at last season. I'm so pissed at the performance today! 

  9. I always bought the cheap parking pass when I was a student and never took the Bullrunner. I always walked a ton to get to and from classes. Since I was so busy with work and school it was the only exercise I could get a lot of the time. I don't have a problem with a parking situation that would make me have to walk a bit to get to an OCS. With that said, my wife is pregnant so I would hope that maybe they would have closer parking available for expectant mothers coming to the games. 


    I've been considering increasing my donation next year... if they presented me with an opportunity to increase my donation with the assurance that a portion of that was going towards building an OCS I would jump at that. 

  10. What about for the Uconn game? It's a night game where most people will be getting off work. Could meet up for a publix sub platter and some cold ones. That is the one game I don't think I will be cooking for.



    The only problem with the UConn game is that I work in Sarasota and I'll be in the field that day. By the time I get home to Tampa, take a quick shower and head to the game I would likely only have time to say "Hi, nice to meet you" before heading in for kickoff. It kind of defeats the purpose for me because I would like to have the time to throw a few cold ones back and socialize with some fellow Bulls. So, with all that said, Saturday games work better for me. 

  11. Me and my wife have been at every game for several years now and we've sat there and cheered our Green and Gold hearts out even during these last few losing seasons. We've watched the attendance dwindle and dwindle and it's been upsetting but we can see and feel that things are changing. I've had friends in the past who would come to games with me when we were winning and they don't seem to have much interest now as hard as I try at times.


    But for as small as the crowd was last Saturday the feeling in the stands was different than it has been at some of the games of the past few years, even when slightly more people were still showing up. You could feel that the fans that were there were really starting to believe in our football team again and that will be contagious. It won't happen overnight, but as the wins get more frequent that belief in the team will grow, and then it will spread. First it will be a few extra fans here and there, and then they will start believing again and they will spread that to a few more fans, then a few more. Things are starting to change and if you were at that last game you would know what I'm talking about.


    We got extra tickets to the season opener and brought some extra family and friends. I just bought extra tickets for the UConn game for some family coming into town. My sister, who graduated from Florida Southern, she said after going to the season opener it made her wish she had gone to USF instead. People are starting to take notice, and they will come. 


    Harlan has the right idea with putting a lot of focus on the students. They will be alumni at some point. It's not just about getting back the bandwagon crowd we lost when the team starting losing, it's also about inspiring new fans to get excited for us to start winning again. We have to win back the old fans, but we have to focus on creating the new fans too. Who knows, the new fans might be more likely to stick with us. 

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