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Posts posted by gibbsak

  1. 1 minute ago, usfgrad84 said:

    Maybe. I'm not seeing a foundation being set. They seem clueless so far

    I think that's the part you could blame on COVID...  Scott is at least saying the right things and taking responsibility. He certainly seems to have the locker room.  All of those are things Strong never had.  He's got the right vision and seems to have the locker room.  There was no way he was going to be able to turn things around this year as far as the W-L column.  

    It's disappointing as things are turning out, I can still see enough good things to be hopeful for the future.

  2. 2 minutes ago, usfgrad84 said:

    I agree, but I don't see much from this staff yet that shows they actually know what they are doing yet. 

    I was excited about Scott, but I am seeing Sterling Gilbrt playcalling and worse than Woodie's defensive playcalling. 


    Just in the attitude of the team, I am seeing a 180 over CS.  This team at least has emotion, and drive. I believe Scott will get us there, but this is not year 1, even without COVID.  More like year -2.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 2 hours ago, lotsofbull99 said:

    Step 1: Hire CJL as head Coach

    Step 2: Win!

    Step 1.5:. Have patience.  Strong did not have a winner's competitive mindset.  Scott has already changed the mentality... team was not giving up in thee ND loss, which was the #1 positive take away for me.

    Edit: ND highlighted how low Strong brought the team.  Can't change it overnight, but looks like Scott is building in the right direction.

    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Cornada said:

    Hopefully most of them are quarantining but don't have it.

    HIPAA could prevent them saying it was COVID.  School systems are having a nightmare in dealing with that and being able to give out info.

    USF have continually stressed they are doing everything they can to do this safely.  It may be that one of them had "contact" (less than 6ft w/o a mask) with someone who had symptoms and so, in an abundance of caution they sit those guys out.


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