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Posts posted by usfvictor

  1. @Mgrothe8: Tomorrow will be a big day for me! Go bulls!

    He sent that last night. I'd think he'd come on as a GA and Blackwell would be promoted to QB coach. I know Blackwell did lots of work with Team Tampa and the kids love him, I'm sure he will be the better recruiter. Two of USF's best QB's in history, not bad.


    that would acutally be pretty cool.




    Yea ugh. Im with you,that travel would be horrible, like having to go up to TX one week then another state the next. Might as well just wait it out in the AAC until that SEC invite comes and the travel will be easier. </sarcasm>



    It's not the states, it's the cities. And the distances from major airports and metropolitan areas. In terms of travel, the AAC is 1,000 x better than the B12.


    But I'm still holding out hope for the ACC


    I get what you were going for, but USF charters flights so it wouldn't be hectic, somehow the rest of the Big12 manages to fly in and out of those cities just fine.  



    Unless they decide to start chartering flights for fans too, I can't figure out how your point is relevant to the comment you quoted.


    Its relevant because i'm assuming charsibb's point is related to team travel, not fans. The amount of fans that would travel to away games(other than bowls) are minute.


    Yea ugh. Im with you,that travel would be horrible, like having to go up to TX one week then another state the next. Might as well just wait it out in the AAC until that SEC invite comes and the travel will be easier. </sarcasm>



    It's not the states, it's the cities. And the distances from major airports and metropolitan areas. In terms of travel, the AAC is 1,000 x better than the B12.


    But I'm still holding out hope for the ACC


    I get what you were going for, but USF charters flights so it wouldn't be hectic, somehow the rest of the Big12 manages to fly in and out of those cities just fine.  




    #Bulls land big local commitment. Highlights added. Talk about it here: 


    Nick Gryniewicz

    Largo RB Jarvis Stewart has committed to play for #USF.




    So are we still considering Jarvis a commit? He's still on our 2014 list as #2, but i figure we would have disassociated ourselves. 



    I would imagine we will let the legal system play itself out first, but I doubt that the coaching staff is counting on him right now.  


    I wouldn't imagine that though and agree with Hem. 


    If it was one thing, then maybe, and a BIG maybe depending on how the coaches feel he could mature under their guidance.


    But the combination of everything, is a no-go for me and I would think the coaches as well. Even though they could not comment on it, you'd think one of the recruiting websites or word of mouth would say that USF pulled its offer. But i haven't heard that.



     verb \blas-ˈfÄ“m, Ëˆblas-ËŒ\

    : to talk about God or religion in a way that does not show respect

    In this respect , to speak disrespectfully against God,s Holy Spirit........If we speak out against the drawing of God (God,s spirit witnessing to us are need ) The spirit of God will with-draw himself ( No Longer speak to us ) Are only hope to be saved is then cut off.  When one does this they will Never feel the need to be saved .

    "No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:44).........







    #Bulls land big local commitment. Highlights added. Talk about it here: 


    Nick Gryniewicz

    Largo RB Jarvis Stewart has committed to play for #USF.




    So are we still considering Jarvis a commit? He's still on our 2014 list as #2, but i figure we would have disassociated ourselves. 



    huh? what does that have to do with my question 

  6. Underwhelming. Anyone know if any feelers were put out to Rob Higgins?

    sarcasm? I mean Rob Higgins is in charge of TBSC, why would he (in my view) go down in status.

    Not sure what we expected in terms of this hiring and im surprised people aren't happy since we hired from within, ive seen a bunch of posts of how USF needs to do that more.

    Would that be because they have been steeped in winning traditions here at USF? Just a question as to why you would see an inside hire as beneficial to USF Athletics.

    I dont necessarily see inside hires as beneficial, just pointing out that when there have been openings within USF Athletics, this board mentions hiring from within

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