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Posts posted by Ghostofbigworm

  1. I see alot of our fan base needs a lesson in sports. The post on this website indicates we have alot of NON SPORTS WATCHING/ KNOWING fans.

    U-17 is UNDER 17 US National TEAM.

    It is the post season. Remember just a week or so ago the Lady Bulls beat Ville to go to the BE Semi Finals.(which we lost BTW). I know this is about the men's team but they play their season the same time as each other.

    Maybe we offer some of the posters a Sports 101 course or something? Or better yet, maybe do a google search on the internet. Im sure you could find U17 National team in soccer.

    As soon as anyone mentions the word soccer, ears close and eyes roll. Not worth the effort.

    Your loss. Attend a major championship like the World Cup or the Euro and you'll change your mind.

    WOW, FYI.....I was the keeper on the first non BAYSL team to win the Brandon Cup (1982), I attended countless Rowdies matches in the 80's, 2 matches in Orlando 1994, just ended my second year with USF Soccer season tickets, follow The Tottenham Hotspurs very closely, even have the Hotspur symbol tattooed on my right calf. As you might be able to tell I have a slight Love of the sport.

    Sorry, I missed your sarcasm. Excited about the Man City match tomorrow? I track Tottenham a little closer now that Dempsey is there. I'm more a fan of the USMNT than any club, but I follow La Liga pretty close (wife is a Real Madrid fan).

  2. I see alot of our fan base needs a lesson in sports. The post on this website indicates we have alot of NON SPORTS WATCHING/ KNOWING fans.

    U-17 is UNDER 17 US National TEAM.

    It is the post season. Remember just a week or so ago the Lady Bulls beat Ville to go to the BE Semi Finals.(which we lost BTW). I know this is about the men's team but they play their season the same time as each other.

    Maybe we offer some of the posters a Sports 101 course or something? Or better yet, maybe do a google search on the internet. Im sure you could find U17 National team in soccer.

    As soon as anyone mentions the word soccer, ears close and eyes roll. Not worth the effort.

    Your loss. Attend a major championship like the World Cup or the Euro and you'll change your mind.

  3. Am I the only one that does like how some in the audience try to change the words of our National Anthem and substitute the word "Bulls" in for "Brave"? Am I'm too sensitive to the fact that we are trying to pay tribute to our country and can't hold off just one more second before making a USF cheer out of it? I've been to a couple away games where we've had a large enough contingency where it can be heard and have heard comments from the host fans that it is disrespectful and I honestly can't argue with that. Do fans of other teams do this?

    I know UCF fans do it on the "Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there." They yell "Knights!" instead of night.

    Too be honest I'm a big fan of, "... home of the Bulls!" I don't think of it as a slight to anyone. Ray Jay is the home of the Bulls, which I believe is included in what home of the Brave means. I understand some people may not like it, but it's not meant to offend. If you're offended, I'm sorry that you take it the wrong way, but I'm not stopping.

    Just because everyone else participates in asshattery doesn't make it right. We should just stop playing the anthem before every random sporting event. Should only be used at games involving a team representing the united states.

  4. I said it yesterday at the tailgait and I'm saying it right now. If they bring in bobby petrino, I will most likely 99.9% stop all support for USF athletics. Just a tiny drop in the bucket and no one will notice, but morals have to mean SOMETHING! Winning is important, but not enough to sell your soul.

    People have affairs all the time, and if you think guys hiring their mistresses as their secretary is the end of the world, don't look at Fortune 500 companies (or the govt). Last time I checked, Arkansas didn't have the NCAA breathing down their neck. He may be an opportunist and a womanizer, but he is a **** good college football coach.

    Yeah, well scumbags with no moral compass don't need to be coaching at the college level. Football is more than x's and o's and the lesson to players should be more than its OK to be scum as long as you win and don't get caught. .There are people that hate what he has done and you can bet that it would effect donors and alumni. Especially those with spouses that hate that kind of crap. Just because you are ok with it doesn't mean everyone will be.

    Sorry, this isn't peewee league sports where no one keeps score and everyone gets a participation trophy. If it was, RJS would be sold out and Holtz would be sitting on multiple coach of the year awards. USF football is a multi-million dollar business and should be treated as such.

    The positive effect winning would have on donors and alumni (not to mention recruits) would far outweigh the folks that can't see past an indiscretion and want a coach to give 21 year old "children" an orange slice and a pat on the back every time they screw up. The front runners that make up 90% of the Tampa fan base just want to see a winning product.

    USF is a public higher education institution whose purpose is education, not appeasing fans. The football program is a small part of a much bigger entity. The public expects the university to hire people whose moral standards will be an example for students. Some may think that the world at USF revolves around the football program, but no, it doesn't.

    Because no faculty or staff at USF has ever had an affair. If it wasn't for Leavitt and the football program, whenever anyone outside the state of Florida mentioned USF the only thing they would think of is terrorists.

  5. I said it yesterday at the tailgait and I'm saying it right now. If they bring in bobby petrino, I will most likely 99.9% stop all support for USF athletics. Just a tiny drop in the bucket and no one will notice, but morals have to mean SOMETHING! Winning is important, but not enough to sell your soul.

    People have affairs all the time, and if you think guys hiring their mistresses as their secretary is the end of the world, don't look at Fortune 500 companies (or the govt). Last time I checked, Arkansas didn't have the NCAA breathing down their neck. He may be an opportunist and a womanizer, but he is a **** good college football coach.

    Yeah, well scumbags with no moral compass don't need to be coaching at the college level. Football is more than x's and o's and the lesson to players should be more than its OK to be scum as long as you win and don't get caught. .There are people that hate what he has done and you can bet that it would effect donors and alumni. Especially those with spouses that hate that kind of crap. Just because you are ok with it doesn't mean everyone will be.

    Sorry, this isn't peewee league sports where no one keeps score and everyone gets a participation trophy. If it was, RJS would be sold out and Holtz would be sitting on multiple coach of the year awards. USF football is a multi-million dollar business and should be treated as such.

    The positive effect winning would have on donors and alumni (not to mention recruits) would far outweigh the folks that can't see past an indiscretion and want a coach to give 21 year old "children" an orange slice and a pat on the back every time they screw up. The front runners that make up 90% of the Tampa fan base just want to see a winning product.

  6. I said it yesterday at the tailgait and I'm saying it right now. If they bring in bobby petrino, I will most likely 99.9% stop all support for USF athletics. Just a tiny drop in the bucket and no one will notice, but morals have to mean SOMETHING! Winning is important, but not enough to sell your soul.

    People have affairs all the time, and if you think guys hiring their mistresses as their secretary is the end of the world, don't look at Fortune 500 companies (or the govt). Last time I checked, Arkansas didn't have the NCAA breathing down their neck. He may be an opportunist and a womanizer, but he is a **** good college football coach.

  7. He is very close to the football program. Travels with team, IS at practices, is in the locker rooms after the games (this is from a conversation with him).

    I believe he genuinely believes we are one last piece of the puzzle away from being a winning team. He is right... look at the other thread stating what our record WOULD be had we been able to get our **** together in the fourth quarter. The difference between his view and ours is that we don't believe Skip knows were to look for that last piece and even if he found it, he wouldn't utilize it properly, while Bill believes we CAN find it and it WILL work.

    He has an excellent view of the football team but from my conversation with him, he is too optimistic for my taste and too far from the reality that this team needs major help. That being said, I trust him. I believe he genuinely has a passion for USF football and wants to see a winning team.

    EDIT: I would also like to say I am a bit bothered that 2.5 seasons into having Skip here, after a foundation of a winning team, NOW we are ALMOST there. We should have been there in 2011 after beating Clemson in the bowl game.

    Holtz can't find the missing piece because he's the problem. A functional coach is the missing piece.

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