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Posts posted by Ghostofbigworm

  1. At halftime Lou Holtz said that Skip did a great job at UConn & ECU & that he will do well where ever he is. What is interesting is that he didn't mention USF. Anyone else pick up on that?

    He was at those programs for longer than he was at USF.

    On another note. Wasn't Price supposed to be the next Kellen Winslow?

    Hopefully not, Winslow never lived up to expectations at Miami and Price is a truefrsh

    He went to Missouri, consensus All American and is in the CF HoF.

    Jr was pretty good at Miami, too.

  2. Its early to be giving the other team field position. Let the defense pin them and then get the ball back on their side of the 50.

    Skip is such a bad coach because he's too busy posting here during games.

    I if were making $2 mil a season, this is the last place I'd be posting.

    What does $ have to do with TBP?

    I'd be online with my broker trying to make this last 2 mil into 15 before I got fired.

    $2m goes a long way.

  3. If USF gets left out with ,UL, Cincy and UConn to ACC and Big East votes to dissolve does UCF/USF work together to get back in ConfUSA or go with MWC but have travel costs? Or does USF goes at it in one of the conferences alone.

    I really don't want a demotion to C-USA. :(

    We could make some good money doing payday games as an independent. No one is going to worry about scheduling us over the next five years.

  4. Our elected representatives should be pressuring FSU to get us in - the same way USF was pressured to get UCF in. Ok maybe not the same way as I am not a fan of that backwoods slime mentality, but the same general principle. It should be made clear by Tampa's delegation that future increases in funding for FSU will not be viewed favorably unless they assist another public state school in this transition!

    Exactly. Elected officials should be active in this realignment because it involves public schools and millions of dollars. Threats of government involvement was the reason behind the playoffs, but that seems to have kind of backfired.

    How about a list of who to start contacting to get them involved? Not living in the area though, I am not sure how those of us living out of the area are going to be received by Tampa representatives though.

    I'm from the government and I'm here to help. LOL.

    They are smooth talking blow hards with no skills other than being able to spout endless streams of BS. That's who we need to involve.

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