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Posts posted by Raetus

  1. I think I found the hypotenuse. No, wait, that was acid reflux. My bad.

    I don't think I full understand the stats. For example, let's take Drew Eckels:

    Under Individual Passing Stats he has 1 completion and 1 attempt for a 100% completion ratio and 10 yards, yet his yards per attempt are 2.5 -- so did he have 1 attempt or 4 attempts (10/2.5)?

    I'm confused.

    Also, he was sacked once for a Sack Rate of 50%. I can understand if maybe they're counting all snaps within this ratio, but unfortunately, there is no other information about this young man within these stats. If I look on ESPN, it looks like Eckels only played for one game and they have him listed as having 1 passing attempt and 2 rushing attempts... so 3 attempts and 1 sack? That's not 50%. 

    I don't understand. Someone with a brain explain this madness to me before I hurt myself.

    [Edit] If I count the sack and attempt as two plays, then I can understand the 50% sack rate, but then I don't understand the yards per attempt. If I throw in the rushing stats then I can create four downs (attempt, sack, rush, rush), which would account for the amount of attempts needed for a 2.5 yards per attempt, but his rushing numbers are a total of -1, so that wouldn't make sense with the 10.



  2. I just have no idea what to expect after our last two games.  UCF was epically awful, so while we mopped them there's not much to take away from that.  But Cincy was stunning.  WKU fans, check out film on that game if you want to get nervous.  We were firing on all cylinders in a way that was downright scary.  If THAT team shows up, it would be tough to see how we don't win this.  If our Maryland team shows up...well, it would be tough to see how we don't lose this.  I'm trusting CWT for the former.  Bulls by two scores.

    I agree. WKU will be a nice litmus test to see if the Bulls have finally turned the corner or if we're still as bipolar as ever.

  3. Some WKU fans are putting down some serious cash to go to this game. The Hilltopper Athletic Foundation had a travel package which included a private chartered 737 leaving from Bowling Green, shuttle bus, and one night stay in Eden Roc for ONE THOUSAND BUCKS A PERSON. It sold out in less than a day and they're working on another. But that being said, I'd be very surprised if we sell out our allotment. Students get in free, however, so there should be a few of them.

    I saw an advertisement saying WKU students get in for free, and I thought that was a real nice touch. With the distance involved for those students, anything helps -- smart move for WKU athletics.


    USF Football in primetime STARTS with the Auburn and WVU wins and War Flamingo was birthed and visible in both of those contests!  


    Although not birthed there, my ex-girlfriend (despite being a raging *****) was also visible in both of these contests. Therefore, I hereby pronounce my ex-girlfriend as an official USF tradition. 

    She might as well be... I mean, depending on which fraternity you ask, she already was a tradition -- at least an oral one.

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  5. I don't see how.  It's made its way through the depths of USF Football mediocrity and now will rise up with the rejuvenated USF Football movement!!


    BULLS are BACK BABY!!!




    A random survey of 100 USF alumni who had been to 25 or more games in the past decade would find, at most, that two of them had heard of the War Flamingo -- less than one of respondents would subsequently classify it as a tradition.

    It's super forced and more a kin to an inside joke amongst an extremely small group of people than a tradition; there's nothing wrong with it existing, but it has very little to do with the greater USF populous.

  6. I dated a girl from Campbellsville -- visiting her family was always... an interesting trip.

    Fun fact: Despite what the Campbellsville phonebook says, there are no taxi companies that serve Campbellsville, nor any means of public transportation, so don't put the keys of your rental car into the overnight return slot without checking the car first to make sure that you do, indeed, have your cellphone.

  7. Are you comfortable with Big Red using the restroom of the gender it most closely identifies with?

    As long as he/she/it is willing to commit to one or the other, yeah, I think I'm ok with this. What I don't want is creeper Big Red having unrestricted access to all bathrooms and a fallback excuse involving gender equality and LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM rights.


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  8. ESPN is the honey badger of media, that's why. The honey badger doesn't care about you, it only cares about ad revenue.

    ESPN would rather buy the company you work for, fire you, and say "There, now you can make the game... stop complaining" before they would change their time for the game -- they genuinely don't give a ****.

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