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The Great 8

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Posts posted by The Great 8

  1. Also, a 9 to 1 TD:INT rate is just a BS stat when you just played Ball State, FAMU, and UTEP.  If we played five conference games right now, BJ wouldnt be looking so hot.

    You cannot assume that. He has had no INT's against ND or Pitt and only a few came close in both games combined.

    If "closeness" mattered then the defense was "close" to recovering 4 TO's against Pitt. We only got one of em.

    Throw out those three junk games and he is 36/66 with 1 passing TD and 0 INTs.

    See my reply to the other thread. K, thx.

    BTW - I didn't realize rushing TD's didn't count for 6 points as well?

  2. Also, a 9 to 1 TD:INT rate is just a BS stat when you just played Ball State, FAMU, and UTEP.  If we played five conference games right now, BJ wouldnt be looking so hot.

    You cannot assume that. He has had no INT's against ND or Pitt and only a few came close in both games combined.

    If "closeness" mattered then the defense was "close" to recovering 4 TO's against Pitt. We only got one of em.

  3. People are really overblowing Daniels being bad last night.

    He didn't hit many guys in stride last night, fine.

    Half the offense was easily QB/RB run or bubble screens. The rest were routes where the OL was not protecting BJ.

    I've been as critical as anyone of BJ before this season. The fact that he has a 9:1 TD:INT ratio and we're mad is saying a lot imo. We have higher expectations from him.

    Let's get some ******* diversity on play calling Fitch, and bench #80 for God sakes. WTF?

  4. Sorry but I like BJ I dont love him as a QB. Look for Pitt to play us five yards off the ball on the line and play our receivers tight to the short game. They will stack the box for the run and short pass game. BJ CANNOT throw the ball with any accuracy 10-15 yards past the line of scrimmage. When he drops back 8 yards he has about 20-21 yards of ball control veritcally (consider the ball travels further heading out to the sideline).

    I have seen 1-2 balls thrown long and accurate to a receiver in stride over the last 4 games. And three of those games were against sub-level competition. If Pitt tightens up in the box and makes BJ beat them with the long ball, we better be able to run the ball over them.

    BJ's long balls are mostly spot passes, that one interception where the receiver broke off the route looked more like a punt than a pass.

    I hope I a proven wrong....

    We will be able to run the ball over them if they do what you suggested above. Heck, I think we run the ball over them almost no matter what they throw at us, short of 8 guys in the box.

  5. BJ is going to utterly gash Pitt with his feet. Or, he's gonna kill them with his arm. I don't care which really.

    Graham likes to dial up blitzes, BJ will have to make quick reads. If he does, he'll have people wide open in space against bad linebackers and average defensive backs. Should work out well for USF unless we implode.

  6. As bad as ND may be this year, it's not even close to the level of BC you idiot.... Armwood HS could have beat BC yesterday. Get comfy being 2-2... you'll lose to FIU this week and in Provo the week following.

    Umm, yah, I hate UCF drivel as much as the next guy but they're not gonna lose to FIU.

    BYU will smash them though.

    They better enjoy their week of being ranked (after they beat FIU and before they lose to BYU).

  7. Doesn't like cold weather?  Someone better tell him half our BE games are in cold weather.

    Sigh. He doesn't like cold weather. He's not allergic to it.

    In all, he probably plays under 50 degrees...oh, 2-3 games a year in the Big East. If the kid really doesn't like cold weather that much he should probably stick to the sunbelt conference.

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