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Posts posted by NCBull

  1. At this point it is clear what the next move is...you go for basketball supremecy! Football is done with and will be an after thought in the new Big East. VCU (Richmond VA. market) should be asked to join in all sports but football to replace Notre Dame, and Ohio U should be asked to join in all sports because they have good B-ball and have the funds to build up a football team. This is on top of adding BYU (a great hoops school with a ton of fans) and Air Force which has fans if nothing else.

    Huh?! The Big East has been going for basketball supremacy for over a decade...which is the major factor that lead to the mess we're all currently in. And those teams you list don't make up for the losses by a long shot. Football has always been an afterthought in the Big East, and that's what needs to change if the league wants to keep any relevancy at all...and it's why we invited Boise State and San Diego. Not sure if you were being sarcastic...?

  2. blaming Jim Leavitt is a joke, right?

    wtf did that man ever do that wasn't getting this team further along somehow?

    Really tired of people pissing and moaning about how bad USF has it when the fact that we didn't even have a team very long ago gets conveniently forgotten. NO--- we can't be happy to be where we are-- which let me tell you is probably further along than we deserve. Especially frustrating is listening to those fans who decide it is better to give up on a team the minute they start losing.



  3. I've waited a few days for my blood to stop boiling before posting about this, but now my pressure's back up. I've simply never seen a clearer evidence of incompetence anywhere in any field or area of industry. And certainly not from someone who's making $2,000,000 a year. As GaUSFBull said, any high school or even peewee coach knows how to call timeouts in a clock management situation...for Skip to not know how to or just freeze up in the clutch is just inexcusable for a BCS program. This guy needs to go last week and then find another field of work--he sucks at this one.

  4. Fat chance, 10m would be a huge win

    Either way, we're back in a minor conference, with or without a TV deal

    Are you really following what is going on or is your sky just falling ? After all is said and done we are in about the same place in regards to Bowl access and looking at a huge increase in our TV revenue.

    We'd have been ecstatic if we were told in 2002 we'd be in this position in 10 years. Some have heir green and gold goggle strapped on way too tight.

    That help u sleep at night? If we were told wed be here in 2006 wed hate it

    Not to mention, this league pretty much is the league we were in in 2003

    It sucks

    Agree with Trip. Maybe you're up all night tossing over being in the Big East, but in the big picture we're lucky to be even here (especially considering we've never really competed to win any conference we've ever been in). I sleep fine about where we are in the BCS/playoff picture...it's ****** coaching I lose sleep over...

  5. Who's paying that $50 million exit fee? I'm thinking nobody. ACC is locked up tight, unfortunately. Would love to see FSU or Miami dip out and us scoot in...otherwise we are stuck in the JUCO league.

    Maryland and FSU voted against fee, so expect a court case, also when FSU and Maryland to Big 12 was being discussed $20 million for Maryland was going to be hard (they are in financial ruins right now) but UA was proposing to pay at least $5million. UA wants to turn Maryland into Oregon (Nike) of the East.

    Well I hope you're right. Otherwise we are stuck in this trash conference forever.

    Trash conference ? Really ? With the new setup we will almost always get access to one of the major bowls - guarentee lost - yes - but probability of 95 % still there and I will take that. Throw in the fact that under the perfect scenario a BE team could get into the play-offs. New TV contract worth alot more. Maybe it is just me but with Aresco out front I see great upside for the BE. Now USF with Skip - not so much but I hope I am wrong.

    Yes. Trash Conference. We get the same "access" C-USA and all the other sub-par conference's get, awesome.

    These type posts always remind me of a blogger's assessment ...

    "They are a 15 year old program who has lived a pretty easy life so far. Like a sheltered, upper-middle class teenager, USF has benefited immensely by geographic and demographic circumstances, and has grown up in a world where they went from literally nothing to a competitive BCS program in 8 short years. In a football sense, their fanbase is pretty **** spoiled. And as we know, kids who are spoiled tend to be short on patience, and don't often know how to deal with adversity when it finally and inevitably hits them in the face."


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  6. We were "Kragthorped" with Stewart and his coaches on recruiting, There is talk that we may end up with 30 recruits this year (10 being Jucos), if you look at the recruiting its leaps and bounds over the last 4 years also. And is USF is not careful Holtz is going to do the same thing at USF.

    Oh boo hoo hoo, jvwvu ... you guys never had a losing record with Stewart, you most certainly were not Kragthorped ... you never had a losing streak of more than 2 games, were ALWAYS bowl-eligible. Cry me a freakin' river, winning 9 games just wasn't good enough for your program who thought you should be on par with the Alabamas and USCs of the world.

    We would give anything to be where you guys were right now, get these lame ass excuses out of here ...


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