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Posts posted by usfsig





    When I see it on ESPN I'll believe it. Not a moment before. Neither should any of you.

    Memphis makes zero sense on this rumor. They don't bring enough to the table to ensure that the other programs keep the same TV revenue as they are getting now.
    Memphis creates and bridge to Cincinnati and West Virginia and they have a big financial backer in FedEx. There is alot to like about Memphis. They are no worse that Iowa State and Texas Tech.

    That and having Pickens go to bat for you doesn't hurt either. For everyone bringing up FSU not going to the Big XII... that was going to be a done deal. So much in fact, that the ACC made FSU sign that grant of rights. That's what killed them to the Bog XII. Without it, FSU is most likely outta there.



    That "Done deal" scenario was about a year before the grant in rights and not immediately because of an imminent threat.  FSU had plenty of time to move but the rumors didn't have legs so they didn't.  But you can keep on revising that history....



    Jan 29, 2013: Article identifying Big XII expansion candidates http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2013/1/29/3930698/big-12-expansion-fsu-clemson-louisville-conference-realignment


    April 23, 2013: Article announcing the ACC grant of rights http://newsok.com/big-12-football-what-does-acc-grant-of-rights-mean/article/3796225


    Where's the 1 year before the grant of rights? The targeted candidates were identified around January and the GOR was signed a few months later. As we have seen in the past, it takes longer than 3 months for teams to switch leagues. There was a huge push by the ACC to get this thing signed before their teams could iron out the logistics and leave the league. 


    Who's revising history again?

  2. When I see it on ESPN I'll believe it. Not a moment before. Neither should any of you.

    Memphis makes zero sense on this rumor. They don't bring enough to the table to ensure that the other programs keep the same TV revenue as they are getting now.
    Memphis creates and bridge to Cincinnati and West Virginia and they have a big financial backer in FedEx. There is alot to like about Memphis. They are no worse that Iowa State and Texas Tech.

    That and having Pickens go to bat for you doesn't hurt either. For everyone bringing up FSU not going to the Big XII... that was going to be a done deal. So much in fact, that the ACC made FSU sign that grant of rights. That's what killed them to the Bog XII. Without it, FSU is most likely outta there.





    Taggart needs at least one, if not 2, more years. Bowl eligibility was a pipe dream this year, next year it should be the goal


    He may get one more year. I doubt he gets his 4th season if he does not improve on 4-8. 5-7 might get him his 4th if those losses are competitive. I know it does not seem fair to the coach to have just 3 seasons to correct the Holtz New Error, but this is a new AD and Harlan may not trust that CWT can get the job done. If it was the AD that hired CWT then he would have a better chance at getting a 4th season. 


    You people love to blame Holtz, mainly because he is the one who followed Leavitt, but he actually coached games where he beat major programs:

    • 2010
      • Cincinnati
      • Rutgers
      • Miami
      • Clemson - our last bowl game 
    • 2011
      • Notre Dame

    Ok, from that point the wheels fell of Holtz's bus.  However, many of those losses were close.  Taggart would not even sniff a win against any of those teams.  The excuse that "those were Leavitt's recruits" does not apply, because as far as I know, the players were not coaching themselves.  Also,several high profile high school coaches in the area publicly stated that they would recommend their players not sign with USF after USF fired Leavitt.  Holtz had a hard enough time following up after Leavitt, and that did not help at all.


    Sure firing Leavitt was the initial error, if you discount the premise that all he had to do was not try to cover up his actions and just say "I'm sorry" and he would have kept his job.  However, firing Holtz was the second major error.  It stank of DW desperate to save face.  Instead it backfired in our face.  CWT was what, 7-5 in his last season at WKU?  That is not an "up and coming" coach in my book.



    And to see that USF had bigger wins when Holtz was the coach then what CWT has had is very discouraging to all of us USF fans. Seems that we traded a coach that is better game day coach ( that can win some big games) for a coach with little experience but can recruit good. We have to get it right on the next hire if there is going to be one. 


    Holtz was a god awful gameday coach. I can't believe anybody that calls themselves a USF fan actually have anything but utter disdain for that guy. He was terrible with timeouts. Hell the guy sat on the ball in the first half against cincy when we were at their 2 with 2 timeouts and 15 seconds left on 2nd down to kick a field goal. we lost that game by 3. he was terrible and the only reason he ever won was because Leavitt left him several NFL players at key postions. notice how things fell apart once Leavitt's guys started leaving.


    ^ That and don't blame Holtz's lame recruiting on coaches publicly telling players not to sign with USF because they fired Leavitt. In fact it was coaches publicly telling players not to sign with USF because of what Holtz did. He pulled offers from players and pissed coaches off. Not to mention he was lazy and would rather golf than hit the recruiting trail. Holtz left this cupboard pretty bare and if you don't realize that, than you're insane. 


    Does the CBS sports app have a feature similar to the WatchESPN app to be able to watch this weekends game?


    no, only cable/ satellite


    firstrowsports.eu is a good option for streaming, but make sure you have your popup and adblockers up to date


    ^ THIS... using it right now to watch the Dolphins/Bills game since I don't get NFL Network. Great site.




    I am really trying to come up with a good answer why he isn't playing.  


    Because putting him in to fail miserably does not help the development.  






    Because never in the entire history of college football has a true freshman been plugged into an offense and ever done average or better. I don't think Flowers will be amazing this season, but none of us know what he can do. A few plays here and there doesn't tell us a whole lot. Doesn't allow him to get into a rhythm or into the flow of the game. He's gotta be somewhat comfortable with a decent amount of plays at this point seeing as he's had the playbook in front of him since he got onto campus 4+ months ago?


    If he doesn't have the option to red shirt anymore, there is no downside to me either for him to play. It will help the coaches figure out at least a little bit what they have to work with in him. If he doesn't have the option to red shirt anymore, and the coaches don't start using him more in the games or start him given our QB situation then shame on the coaching staff because that's an absolute complete waste of a year of eligibility. A few bad games will not ruin his development. If anything, it will let the coaches know or give them an idea of 1) if he has the natural ability to play QB at this level, 2) what needs to be worked on in the off-season going into next year or 3) if he does show something, they have an off-season to find some ways to utilize his legs in the playbook, etc..


    I agree with this. While I think some young players' confidence could take a serious hit and hurt them in the long run, the impression I get from seeing and speaking with Flowers a few times, is that he's a gamer. He wants to be on the field and he wants to help his team win. By starting him and giving him at least a half of playing time, the coaches will definitely get an idea of what they have, and there is no better time than against one of the worst teams in the NCAA. If he starts playing awful, put in White/Bench after halftime, but give the kid a shot... we have nothing to lose.


    Will florida offer taggart a job? :D

    Hopefully! And if they don't, hopefully someone else will. Then we won't have to put up with his excuses, which all of them seem to blame the players, but never the coaching staff, and won't have to pay him for not coaching, like we are paying Holtz. That is why our players play so poorly; they are injured by being thrown under the bus by Taggert and then run over by it.


    I don't see the coaching staff out there fumbling snaps and underthrowing passes... our players seem prepared, they just don't execute properly. We have a young team, with experience they will get better and these mistakes will work themselves out. 

  7. I agree completely in that comparison of Davis. If we can complete some throws out to our receivers early, it'll help Mack and the running game out immensely. I think it'll also allow Price and McFarland to have some opportunities of their own. Of course this is all dependent on the O-line giving our QB some time to throw!

  8. Could he redshirt?

    Medical redshirts are only available if a player hasn't participated in more than 30% of games, and they must not play anytime after the midpoint of the season. He qualifies as of now, but it's highly unlikely he sits out this year seeing as he's almost healed up. I think he plays this weekend, it's been 4 weeks and his type of injury is usually healed fully by now. 

  9. Per all our beat writers, Andre Davis was suited up and practicing today. I'm pretty pumped to see him and Rodney Adams line-up and play together this weekend. Especially with how well Adams has been playing so far. Should create some favorable match-ups for all of our players across the field.

    • Upvote 1




    His offense is only boring because it's not producing.  If half of those dropped passes are caught, it's a whole different ball game.


    Jesus, you were watching something else completely!



    We'll just have to disagree.  A ball control offense that can produce points and keep the defense fresh enough to cause havoc is not boring to me.  As I said, if it were producing, to me it wouldn't be boring.  there were several 10+ yard pass attempts, Mack broke off some good runs (of course not like last week) even though they were keying on him.


    Wasn't bored either. It was good to see Bench act like a leader and place the blame on himself. But like Taggart said, he needed some help. People complaining about him being under 50% passing, but McFarland dropped his first 2 or 3 targets, Welch dropped 5 passes, Duvall dropped one late, and there were a few others. If those are caught, Bench is probably 24/36 and 66% passing. Then nobody complains.


    wow. glad bench isn't making those excuses. sorry but he completed 40.6% of his passes last year. he is now at 40.5% this year.


    watch the replay. he does not throw accurately at all. he constantly throws behind receivers. the commentators said so themselves.


    I get what you're saying. It does make me mad as well that his accuracy is an issue and he throws a lot of wobbly passes, but he still threw about 10 passes that were right in the WR's wheel house and were blatantly dropped. Not having Davis out there hurt us a lot too.



    His offense is only boring because it's not producing.  If half of those dropped passes are caught, it's a whole different ball game.


    Jesus, you were watching something else completely!



    We'll just have to disagree.  A ball control offense that can produce points and keep the defense fresh enough to cause havoc is not boring to me.  As I said, if it were producing, to me it wouldn't be boring.  there were several 10+ yard pass attempts, Mack broke off some good runs (of course not like last week) even though they were keying on him.


    Wasn't bored either. It was good to see Bench act like a leader and place the blame on himself. But like Taggart said, he needed some help. People complaining about him being under 50% passing, but McFarland dropped his first 2 or 3 targets, Welch dropped 5 passes, Duvall dropped one late, and there were a few others. If those are caught, Bench is probably 24/36 and 66% passing. Then nobody complains.

  12. The D is the issue and Dunkley needs to play his heart out. It still may not be enough.

    Dunkley played fairly well for his 1st start ever at CB. WCU tested him numerous times. My only concern with him is that while he made all the tackles, he failed to get his head around and locate the ball to break up the pass quite a few times. This has to change this week, or we will be in trouble.

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