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Capital H

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Posts posted by Capital H

  1. On 1/16/2016 at 11:39 AM, slick1ru2 said:

    BJ Daniels has a 0 overall rating at QB in the latest weekly roster update. He's listed as a WR is most likely why, but his WR rating is 57 with slow for a wr 83 speed. His catch ratings aren't bad though. His arm strength is rated below average.


    For the uninitiated, Madden updates rosters weekly during the season, changing player ratings, position and injury status for the week based on the previous week's events. EA was too lazy to even change his position back to QB when he went to the Texans weeks ago. 57 would put him with the lowest rated players in the game, he is the lowest rated wr, the next lowest rated is Neal Sterling on the Jags rated 59. I didn't go through all the ratings, he may be the lowest in the game.


    Here's a letter the lowest rated player sent John Madden a few years back, lol.  Hilarious.



    I love BJ but we are talking about a 3rd string QB/ 7th string WR who spent most of the year on the practice squad. He is slow for a WR, with a 4.6 40 (Jordy Nelson runs a 4.5). The arm strength is silly but if they are basing it off NFL results there isnt much to go by unfortunately.

    As a guy who goes back and forth to the practice squad I would expect him to be one of the lowest rated players week in and week out.

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  2. 3 hours ago, JTrue said:

    You know the Earth was proven to be round AND measured with about 95% accuracy in the 3rd century BC. About 1700 years or so before Columbus. Also, Columbus was borderline illiterate, terrible at math, a below average navigator, and horribly ignorant of 15th century geography. So your analogy is a little off, unless you're saying Bench should pursue his dream like a person destined to drown in the Atlantic unless he accidentally discovers a new continent. Feel free to take my Spring AMH2010 class at HCC starting in two weeks to find out more!

    But, but what cliche can I use in my online science/religion/philosophy debates?!?!?!

  3. Nice read. Has decent size and is clearly above average between the ears, he is going to continue to pursue his dream and best of luck.

    Loved his response to the keyboard warrior. I cringe every time I hear an analyst compare football to war, and would imagine no one who was really in a position to catch a bullet would do the same.

    There is trolling other anonymous users and then there is "confronting" real people.

  4. 1 hour ago, bullsfan27 said:

    I can see one of two things happening between the P5 and G5. The P5 decides to break off and form a 4th division which kills march madness and all olympic sports as they would be forced to have only P5 teams or to keep the peace they allow the best G5 champion to keep playing in the playoffs since the P5 couldn't just take football and make it a split for one sport and not include the others

    Why not? The current championship is already not sanctioned by the NC2A.

  5. Not sure what is going on with quote feature but:

    BBB and the other guys riding my nuts - I never said start Woulard from day 1. Flowers had a magical 8-5 season. He should be the #1 going into September. That being said...there are plenty of QB's who lost jobs in the first few weeks (which is what I am saying should be on the table) after great seasons. Todd Boechman led OSU to the NC game and lost his job a year later to Pryor.

    Would you say a Miami Beach Bowl loss is equivalent to a BCS NC game loss? I would say that in our current situation the best we can hope for is a NY6 bowl, and even that would put us as "maybe best of rest".

    Not sure why everyone is so defensive of Flowers here. Dude put up great stats against a bunch of nobodies. Again quality wins against Temple (seriously the school that got kicked out of the Big East for us) and....anyone else on the record? A 7-5 Cincy team? He should be able to do the same again next year now that we are in the little pond, but if Woulard can do better why not give him a look?

    Realistically Woulards potential skill set translates to more next level success, and more program recognition. This is a program that is known for having a potential super star blow half his hand off, and a place kicker tear his ACL celebrating a 40 yard FG. We could use a Teddy Bridgewater to boast about.


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  6. 36 minutes ago, Bull94 said:

    what we really need is Tom Brady. Not college Tom Brady but pro Tom Brady. College Tom brady never had as good a passer rating or TD to INT ratio


    you do realize that there has never been a QB in the history of the game that hasn't been without flaws? they all have strengths and weaknesses.


    He just had the best statistical season in the history of our program.

    How does that help us next year?

    I agree some people saying today he needs to be benched are silly. Saying he was good this year so he HAS to be the option next year is just as silly.

    But what do you expect from a fan base that has never won a meaningful game in mens sports. :)

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  7. 1 hour ago, emrober5 said:


    Flowers hits a bomb like every game (some are dropped)


    Yeah and even more are over thrown by 20  yards. So what?

    You (and the other guy) must have shaken your heads to hard and did not comprehend my post.

    Flowers is the starter. IF IF IF Woulard is better why should Flowers start? Why is it hard to comprehend that there may be a better option, that makes the team better? With your logic Blake Bortles doesn't start because they had starting QB that produced decent stats, and went 11-3 (including a win over Georgia). Flowers had a great run, for sure. Still finished 8-5 with a signature win being against Temple. TEMPLE.

    This message board makes it impossible to hate on UCF fans. For how ignorant they are this board comes within a fraction of the ignorance. At least they have 1 great season to point to.

    PS go dig up my thread backing Flowers, comparing him to false idol Matt Grothe.

  8. 27 minutes ago, BullsFanInTX said:


    And again, how do you determine he is better?  He throws a prettier ball in shorts?  He looks better in spring camp?  With Flowers you already have a GUARANTEED 1,000 yards rushing, 34 total TD's, and the top passer in USF history (statistically).  Meanwhile, Woulard has never played a snap of college ball.  And your willing to throw all that away.  Are you guaranteeing Woulard will rush for more than 1,000 yards, have more than 3,500 total yards and have 40 total TD's?  Because that's what it would take to be "better" than Flowers.  And you will never know that throwing around a bunch of balls in shorts that may have tighter spirals than Flowers.

    Woulard will never, nor should he, step foot on a field as long as Flowers is around.



    This statement is even more silly than Woulard will win the job in Spring. He will get a look in the "cupcake" games. He wont rush for 1,000 yards, but if he is as advertised he will throw for 3,000+ and open up the ground game more. Mack was running with 7 and 8 in the box. Imagine if safeties had to respect a deep ball. Yes Flowers hit on some, but his deep ball was ugly.

    Maybe Flowers improves, and that would be great. He made a huge leap in 2015 I hope he can make another in 16 and put this conversation to bed.

    Not a bad problem to have.

  9. I wish I was better at statistics, but according to Wikipedia there has been 80 Heismans given to just 39 schools. So roughly a quarter of all DI schools have had the "best" player in a given year. I would place the odds at microscopic for USF to have a winner.

    You have to go back 26 years to find a "non P5" school with a Heisman, BYU in 1990 and this thread already talked about Detmer. Andre Ware did it at Houston the year before when he set every record that would get demolished a year later.

    If you want to find a non QB, non P5, Heisman winner you only have to go back to 1960 when Joe Bellino won it for Navy. And lets be honest that Navy team in that era was P5 so.

    There are some lower tier P5s or less traditional universities thrown in there from time to time, but even that is rare. RGIII at Baylor was already 5 years ago. Ron Dayne won one at Wisconsin, which was basically a lifetime achievement award, back in 1999. Can I buy a vowel Rashaan Salaam got Colorado on the board in 1994

    I guess I am saying it would take a pipe dream sequence of events for a USF QB to get it, and times that by...1,000? for Mack or any other RB from our squad. A good comparison is Kevin Smith. No not the famous one but the RB from UCF. He set the NC2A record for carries and ran for 2k yards (granted with like 4 extra games) and came in 8th nationally.

  10. Both twigs on the same branch. How much influence do those groups have?  What have they ever accomplished? Lol at the other side if the same coin, the kkk... political office, attempted genocide, local office, media influence, cultural influence... You really don't want to have this conversation. Either way I'm done with it. All because I wanted to see a variance on pictures of half naked women...

    I do want to have this conversation. Conversation is what spurs change. You saying black people cannot be racist is an ignorant statement and should be called on it.

    Are you telling me the black panthers did not have media or cultural influence? What power does the KKK have in TODAYS world?

    This isn't because you wanted to see some dark meat. Its because you made a dumb statement that minorities cannot be racist.

    What happens in 30 years when whites are in the minority? Does the whole slate get wiped clean? Who are you going to blame for not being able to get a job then?

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  11. Depends on whether you view racism as a societal construct. What does it benefit a minority to be racist? And one example of a man in office with no real power changes nothing but we can agree to disagree. In the end none of it matters anyways. We're all of African descent anyways. 

    You do not understand the difference between racism and oppression. Look at some of the Black Terror organizations running around that say all white people should be killed and tell me they are not racist.

    Where we descended from does not matter in this sense, as it is clearly a matter of skin color.


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